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auto edited this page May 1, 2012 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Pyjamas Wiki

The main pyjamas site is at:

Installing pyjamas

Getting Started

on Windows (and Pyjamas Desktop)
on Ubuntu
Pyjamas Desktop on Ubuntu with WebKit
Pyjamas Desktop on Mac OS X with WebKitGTK+(work in progress)
Use Eclipse with Pyjamas: guide 1, guide 2

Use this wiki

How to create a new page

Using this wiki
Create your own blog on the pyjamas wiki
read blogs on this wiki

If you create a new page, please place the link in this table of contents.

Learn how to use pyjamas

Event Handling

Adjust your python code to work in pyjamas

Good ideas when using Pyjamas

Build your UI with a Model-View-Controller structure

How to reset CSS values to sane defaults
Handle Cross-site XMLHttpRequest with CORS

Pyjamas Cookbook (Use pyjamas with)

bobo (web app framework)

cherryPy (minimalist OO framework)
cherryPy (alternative approach)
django and django forms
flask (or other pocoo projects)
Google app engine
Kay python framework
Mongrel 2 (app-oriented webserver)
python services using apache mod_python
twisted (networking app engine) or Google App Engine
webob (WSGI wrapper)


printing from pyjamas

mouseHandler bug on firefox
using pyjamas in an existing project

Pyjamas Development

git how-to (for any and all users)

Interested in setting up a bounty?
Pyjama's Relation to Pyjama's desktop

Special Projects

Google Summer of Code


gsoc 2011 ideas
gsoc 2011 interpreter
gsoc application template

Below is a list of all articles in this wiki. If anyone added a page (listed below) and forgot to add it to the table of contents (above), please put a link to it above so people know it's there.

!map pages="./* and ! ./*/* and ! style.css and ! smileys and ! favicon.ico and ! local.css and ! sandbox and ! shortcuts and ! templates and ! recentchanges and ! index"


For additional help, see the [Pyjamas project on Google Code](

For test edits, please use the SandBox. You may find the hints on editing helpful.

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