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A customizable calendar component written in swift.


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  • A customizable calander component written in Swift 3.


HYCalendar is a custom calendar library. It includes following features:

  • Can select date range
  • Can select single date
  • Left to Right and Right to left support
  • Fully customizable UI
  • Simple collection view to render dates
  • No Xib


Using pods

pod 'HYCalendar', :git => ''


Simply drag and drop the CalenderView folder into your project.


Xcode 8.3
Swift 3.0


Basic configuration

let calendar = CalendarView.init(frame: view.bounds)
calendar.calendarUIOptions = [.selectedDateCircleColor(]
  • Available options
  public enum CalenderUIOptions {
    case collectionViewBackgroundColor(UIColor)
    case selectedDateCircleColor(UIColor)
    case selectedDateColor(UIColor)
    case headerBackgroundColor(UIColor)
    case headerCellTextColor(UIColor)
    case disabledDateColor(UIColor)
    case dateDefaultColor(UIColor)
    case headerViewTitleColor(UIColor)
    case headerCellTextFont(UIFont)
    case dateFont(UIFont)
    case headerViewTitleFont(UIFont)

For RTL and LTR support

calendar.isRTL = false // default is false

Enable the specific date range

calendar.dateRange = (startDate:Date,endDate:Date)?

Single date selection

calendar.canCheckSingleDate = true/false // to select the single date. Default value is false

Render data

let fromMonth = Date.init().getMonthFromDateForCalendar()
let fromYear = Date.init().getYearFromDateForCalendar()
let toMonth = Date.init().addDateComponentsInDate(0, monthsToAdd:40).getMonthFromDateForCalendar()
let toYear = Date.init().addDateComponentsInDate(0, monthsToAdd:40).getYearFromDateForCalendar()
start = Date().addDateComponentsInDate(1)
end = Date().addDateComponentsInDate(4)
calendar.renderData(fromMonth, fromYear: fromYear, toMonth:toMonth , toYear: toYear, startDate: start, endDate:end)

For more usages check out the attached sample.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license