This repository contains the code required to reproduce the data visualizations and analyses reported in Reward-Motivated Memories Influence New Learning Across Development.
In order to examine the influence of prior reward associations on new learning, participants first completed a Motivated Encoding Task. Twenty-four hours later, they completed Memory Retrieval Tests followed by a Learning Task with three types of stimulus pairs (previously high-reward, previously low-reward, and novel), and a Test Phase with all possible combinations of stimuli from the Learning Task.
Data for N = 89 children, adolescent, and adult participants are stored in the data directory:
Participants' information contained across multiple .csv files.
subID - participant ID numbers, as strings
subid - participant ID numbers, as integers
ExactAge - age in years
AgeGroup - age in bins (1 = adults ages 18-25 years, 2 = adolescents ages 13-17 years, 3 = children ages 8-12 years)
ProcessedDemographicData.csv contains participants' demographic information.
Gender - sex-assigned-at-birth (0 = males, 1 = females)
Race - self-identified race
Ethnicity - self-identified ethnicity
ProcessedLearningData.csv contains participants' choices during the Learning Task.
block - numbered block of 30 trials (1 = first 30 trials, 2 = second 30 trials, 3 = third 30 trials, 4 = fourth 30 trials, 5 = fifth 30 trials, 6 = last 30 trials)
rt - reaction time in ms
RewardCat - whether faces or places were the high-reward category for the participant (e = faces, o = places); corresponds to the parity of subid
correctresponses - accuracy of the trial-wise response (0 = incorrect, 1 = correct); defined as choosing the relatively higher reinforced card deck in each pair
StimRewardType - trial type (high = trial with a pair of previously high-reward stimuli, low = trial with a pair of previously low-reward stimuli, new = trial with novel stimuli)
Instance - presentation order of each trial type (e.g., "the second time a low trial type was seen by the participant")
ProcessedMemoryData.csv contains participants' memory performance from the Memory Retrieval Tests.
- HighRewSourceMemBenefitDay2 - index of high-reward memory prioritization
ProcessedTestData.csv contains participants' choices during the Test Phase.
trialtype - paired combination of the 6 card decks
RewardCat - whether faces or places were the high-reward category for the participant (face = faces, scene = places); corresponds to the parity of subid
choice - trial-wise card deck choice from the 2 possible options
HH - card deck corresponding to the participant's previously high-reward stimulus that was relatively higher reinforced during learning
HL - card deck corresponding to the participant's previously high-reward stimulus that was relatively lower reinforced during learning
LH - card deck corresponding to the participant's previously low-reward stimulus that was relatively higher reinforced during learning
LL - card deck corresponding to the participant's previously low-reward stimulus that was relatively lower reinforced during learning
NH - card deck corresponding to the participant's novel stimulus that was relatively higher reinforced during learning
NL - card deck corresponding to the participant's novel stimulus that was relatively lower reinforced during learning
The analysis code is stored in the scripts directory:
MotER_Learning_PlotFormatting.R includes common plotting variables; this script gets called by the .Rmd file below.
MotER_Learning.Rmd reproduces the data visualizations and analyses; this script relies on the .R file above, creates the .html file below, and calls .rda objects from their subdirectory.
MotER_Learning.html presents the data visualization and analysis outputs, as specified in the .Rmd file above.
rda_files stores fitted linear mixed-effects model outputs as .rda objects, corresponding to the R and package versions the authors used in their analyses.
The data visualizations and analyses, summarized in .png plots and .html tables, are stored in the figures directory.
Data processing and analyses were conducted in R version 3.6.2 (R Core Team, 2019). Linear mixed-effects models were run using the “glmer” function in the “lme4” package (version 1.1-23; (Bates et al. 2014)).
Bates D, Maechler M, Bolker B, Walker S, Others. 2014. lme4: Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4. R package version 1.1-7.
R Core Team (2019). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
If you have any questions about the data visualizations or analyses, please contact Camille Phaneuf ( or Alexandra Cohen ( This study was conducted in the Hartley Lab at New York University.