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Imitation Game

This is a simple demo that puts together people detection, ASR, TTS routines and projector capabilities of the robot. Haru does 3 different routines and following them asks the user to replicate. Note there is no monitoring whether user follows Haru or not. Use the haru_interactions_ws for this demo.


How to run the demo

Run the simulation environment:

roslaunch haru_unity unity_app_launcher.launch

Select the projector and Haru scene, ensure it is New Projector.

Run the perception modules and behavior tree, also from the workspace where we have the new BT nodes (catkin_ws for now):

roslaunch imitation_game haru_imitation_game_demo.launch

Execute the behavior tree:

rosservice call /behavior_tree/load_tree "tree_file: '/home/haru/haru_interactions_ws/src/imitation_game/trees/imitating_game.xml'"

For a newer version we use the NLP for Yes/No recognition (from haru-nlp package inside haru_interactions_ws). To run with this before executing the BT:

cd to haru-nlp (right now, inside catkin_ws)
poetry shell
cd scripts

This runs script done by Sara that follows the example/script of Yes/No detection that is in the same package. ROS actions server: /NlpClassifyYesNoFromText Type of message: haru_nlp_msgs/ClassifyYesNoFromText (this srvs has been added by Sara as well) It also includes feedback of the kinect camera when the person is imitating the gesture, and the joy style tags during speech.

Then execute the tree:

rosservice call /behavior_tree/load_tree "tree_file: '/home/haru/haru_interactions_ws/src/imitation_game/trees/imitation_game_v10_yesno_camera.xml'"

Updates of 24th May

Run the demo with the real Haru with the following steps.

roslaunch haru_unity unity_app_launcher.launch

Select the projector and Haru scene, ensure it is New Projector

In a new terminal:

cd to haru-nlp (right now, inside catkin_ws)
poetry shell
cd back to workspace and source devel
cd scripts
roslaunch imitation_game haru_imitation_game_demo_real.launch

And the following BT:

rosservice call /behavior_tree/load_tree "tree_file: '/home/haru/haru_interactions_ws/src/imitation_game/trees/imitation_game_demo4_v4.xml'"