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This is my solution to Model Predictive Controller Project in which the challenge is to drive a car around the track in simulator. The full video of my solution can be found here.

  • Tested on Windows 10, Lenovo Ideapad 320
  • NVIDIA GeForce 940 MX
  • I used 800 x 600 screen resolution with graphic quality fantastic

The Model

State Variables

  • px: current location in x axis of global map coordinate system
  • py: current location in y axis of global map coordinate system
  • psi: current heading of the vehicle
  • v: current velocity of the vehicle
  • cte: cross track error, which is difference between our desired position and actual position
  • epsi: difference between our desired heading and actual heading


  • delta: this represents the steering angle by which we will turn our vehicle. The angle is restricted to be between -25 and 25 degrees.
  • a: this is the throttle or brake value which represents the acceleration or deacceleration of vehicle. The simulator expects values between -1 and 1. Negative values represents brake while positive values represent throttle.

Kinematic Model

px` = px + v * cos(psi) * dt

py` = py + v * sin(psi) ( dt)

psi` = psi + v / Lf * (-delta) * dt

v` = v + a * dt

cte` = cte - v * sin(epsi) * dt

epsi` = epsi +  v / Lf * (-delta) * dt

where Lf - Distance between center of mass and axle


cte = py_desired - py

epsi = psi - psi_desired

py_desired = f(px)

psi_desired = atan(f`(px))

where f is the third degree road curve function and f` is the derivative of f

Timestep Length and Elapsed Duration (N & dt)

  • N: This represents how many states we look into future.
  • dt: This represents in how much time we expect changes in the environment

If N is too small, we cannot predict the future well. If N is too large then we may plan for a long future which not be what we are expecting. The values for N and dt are 10 and 0.1 respectively. These values were just a part of hit and trial process. I tested with 6/0.5 ; 8,0.25 ; 15,0.05 also in order to fix 10 and 0.1.

Polynomial Fitting and MPC Preprocessing

  • Transformation to Vehicle Coordinates: the waypoints provided to us are in global coordinate system so we have to convert them to vehicle coordinates. This simplifies the process as vehicle's x and y coordinates are now at the origin (0, 0) and the orientation angle is also 0.
  • I used a 3rd order polynomial because it is known to fit most of the roads. Using a smaller order can result in underfitting while using a higher order can result in overfitting.

Model Predictive Control with Latency

  • We have to take in account 100ms latency delay as one of the challenges in the project.
  • In actual life, there is usually a latency bewteen the commmand issue time and execution time.
  • To compensate the latency, I updated the vehicle state by an latency time before feeding it into the MPC solver.
  • As a result the solution from the solver - steering and throttle better account for the current state of the vehicle.
  • See lines 132-144 in the main.cpp


Term 2, Project 10 - Udacity Self Driving Car Nanodegre








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