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Closed Jun 4, 2019 100% complete

Closing this milestone and moved issues to TBD milestone.

This milestone is currently labelled "v0.12.1" for notational convenience, but it really means "in a point release after the initial v0.12 release has stabilized". The items in this milestone will be broken out into specific release milestones after v0.12.0 final is out and after any bugfix point r…

Closing this milestone and moved issues to TBD milestone.

This milestone is currently labelled "v0.12.1" for notational convenience, but it really means "in a point release after the initial v0.12 release has stabilized". The items in this milestone will be broken out into specific release milestones after v0.12.0 final is out and after any bugfix point releases that might follow it.

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.