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Merge pull request #3082 from grayjay/setup-configure-backtracking
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Improve algorithm for choosing flags with './Setup configure'
  • Loading branch information
23Skidoo committed Jan 28, 2016
2 parents e207ecf + 6d42e6e commit 1a01c92
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Showing 3 changed files with 112 additions and 78 deletions.
147 changes: 109 additions & 38 deletions Cabal/src/Distribution/PackageDescription/Configuration.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (
-- Utils
Expand All @@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ import Data.Char ( isAlphaNum )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe, maybeToList )
import Data.Map ( Map, fromListWith, toList )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Tree ( Tree(Node) )


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,8 +185,9 @@ instance Semigroup d => Semigroup (DepTestRslt d) where
-- resulting data, the associated dependencies, and the chosen flag
-- assignments.
-- In case of failure, the _smallest_ number of of missing dependencies is
-- returned. [TODO: Could also be specified with a function argument.]
-- In case of failure, the union of the dependencies that led to backtracking
-- on all branches is returned.
-- [TODO: Could also be specified with a function argument.]
-- TODO: The current algorithm is rather naive. A better approach would be to:
Expand All @@ -209,64 +212,129 @@ resolveWithFlags ::
-> Either [Dependency] (TargetSet PDTagged, FlagAssignment)
-- ^ Either the missing dependencies (error case), or a pair of
-- (set of build targets with dependencies, chosen flag assignments)
resolveWithFlags dom os arch impl constrs trees checkDeps = try dom []
resolveWithFlags dom os arch impl constrs trees checkDeps =
either (Left . fromDepMapUnion) Right $ explore (build [] dom)
extraConstrs = toDepMap constrs

-- simplify trees by (partially) evaluating all conditions and converting
-- dependencies to dependency maps.
simplifiedTrees :: [CondTree FlagName DependencyMap PDTagged]
simplifiedTrees = map ( mapTreeConstrs toDepMap -- convert to maps
. addBuildableCondition pdTaggedBuildInfo
. mapTreeConds (fst . simplifyWithSysParams os arch impl))

-- @try@ recursively tries all possible flag assignments in the domain and
-- either succeeds or returns the shortest list of missing dependencies.
try :: [(FlagName, [Bool])]
-> [(FlagName, Bool)]
-> Either [Dependency] (TargetSet PDTagged, FlagAssignment)
try [] flags =
-- @explore@ searches a tree of assignments, backtracking whenever a flag
-- introduces a dependency that cannot be satisfied. If there is no
-- solution, @explore@ returns the union of all dependencies that caused
-- it to backtrack. Since the tree is constructed lazily, we avoid some
-- computation overhead in the successful case.
explore :: Tree FlagAssignment
-> Either DepMapUnion (TargetSet PDTagged, FlagAssignment)
explore (Node flags ts) =
let targetSet = TargetSet $ flip map simplifiedTrees $
-- apply additional constraints to all dependencies
first (`constrainBy` extraConstrs) .
simplifyCondTree (env flags)
deps = overallDependencies targetSet
in case checkDeps (fromDepMap deps) of
DepOk -> Right (targetSet, flags)
MissingDeps mds -> Left mds

try ((n, vals):rest) flags =
tryAll $ map (\v -> try rest ((n, v):flags)) vals

tryAll :: [Either [a] b] -> Either [a] b
DepOk | null ts -> Right (targetSet, flags)
| otherwise -> tryAll $ map explore ts
MissingDeps mds -> Left (toDepMapUnion mds)

-- Builds a tree of all possible flag assignments. Internal nodes
-- have only partial assignments.
build :: FlagAssignment -> [(FlagName, [Bool])] -> Tree FlagAssignment
build assigned [] = Node assigned []
build assigned ((fn, vals) : unassigned) =
Node assigned $ map (\v -> build ((fn, v) : assigned) unassigned) vals

tryAll :: [Either DepMapUnion a] -> Either DepMapUnion a
tryAll = foldr mp mz

-- special version of `mplus' for our local purposes
mp :: Either [a] b -> Either [a] b -> Either [a] b
mp (Left xs) (Left ys) = xs `seq` ys `seq` Left (findShortest xs ys)
mp (Left _) m@(Right _) = m
mp :: Either DepMapUnion a -> Either DepMapUnion a -> Either DepMapUnion a
mp m@(Right _) _ = m
mp _ m@(Right _) = m
mp (Left xs) (Left ys) =
let union = Map.foldrWithKey (Map.insertWith' combine)
(unDepMapUnion xs) (unDepMapUnion ys)
combine x y = simplifyVersionRange $ unionVersionRanges x y
in union `seq` Left (DepMapUnion union)

-- `mzero'
mz :: Either [a] b
mz = Left []
mz :: Either DepMapUnion a
mz = Left (DepMapUnion Map.empty)

env :: FlagAssignment -> FlagName -> Either FlagName Bool
env flags flag = (maybe (Left flag) Right . lookup flag) flags

-- we pick the shortest list of missing dependencies
findShortest :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
findShortest [] xs = xs -- [] is too short
findShortest xs [] = xs
findShortest [x] _ = [x] -- single elem is optimum
findShortest _ [x] = [x]
findShortest xs ys = if lazyLengthCmp xs ys
then xs else ys
-- lazy variant of @\xs ys -> length xs <= length ys@
lazyLengthCmp :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool
lazyLengthCmp [] _ = True
lazyLengthCmp _ [] = False
lazyLengthCmp (_:xs) (_:ys) = lazyLengthCmp xs ys
pdTaggedBuildInfo :: PDTagged -> BuildInfo
pdTaggedBuildInfo (Lib l) = libBuildInfo l
pdTaggedBuildInfo (Exe _ e) = buildInfo e
pdTaggedBuildInfo (Test _ t) = testBuildInfo t
pdTaggedBuildInfo (Bench _ b) = benchmarkBuildInfo b
pdTaggedBuildInfo PDNull = mempty

-- | Tries to determine under which condition the condition tree
-- is buildable, and will add an additional condition on top accordingly.
addBuildableCondition :: (Eq v, Monoid a, Monoid c) => (a -> BuildInfo)
-> CondTree v c a
-> CondTree v c a
addBuildableCondition getInfo t =
case extractCondition (buildable . getInfo) t of
Lit True -> t
Lit False -> CondNode mempty mempty []
c -> CondNode mempty mempty [(c, t, Nothing)]

-- | Extract buildable condition from a cond tree.
-- Background: If the conditions in a cond tree lead to Buildable being set to False,
-- then none of the dependencies for this cond tree should actually be taken into
-- account. On the other hand, some of the flags may only be decided in the solver,
-- so we cannot necessarily make the decision whether a component is Buildable or not
-- prior to solving.
-- What we are doing here is to partially evaluate a condition tree in order to extract
-- the condition under which Buildable is True.
extractCondition :: Eq v => (a -> Bool) -> CondTree v c a -> Condition v
extractCondition p = go
go (CondNode x _ cs) | not (p x) = Lit False
| otherwise = goList cs

goList [] = Lit True
goList ((c, t, e) : cs) =
ct = go t
ce = maybe (Lit True) go e
((c `cand` ct) `cor` (CNot c `cand` ce)) `cand` goList cs

cand (Lit False) _ = Lit False
cand _ (Lit False) = Lit False
cand (Lit True) x = x
cand x (Lit True) = x
cand x y = CAnd x y

cor (Lit True) _ = Lit True
cor _ (Lit True) = Lit True
cor (Lit False) x = x
cor x (Lit False) = x
cor c (CNot d)
| c == d = Lit True
cor x y = COr x y

-- | A map of dependencies that combines version ranges using 'unionVersionRanges'.
newtype DepMapUnion = DepMapUnion { unDepMapUnion :: Map PackageName VersionRange }

toDepMapUnion :: [Dependency] -> DepMapUnion
toDepMapUnion ds =
DepMapUnion $ fromListWith unionVersionRanges [ (p,vr) | Dependency p vr <- ds ]

fromDepMapUnion :: DepMapUnion -> [Dependency]
fromDepMapUnion m = [ Dependency p vr | (p,vr) <- toList (unDepMapUnion m) ]

-- | A map of dependencies. Newtyped since the default monoid instance is not
-- appropriate. The monoid instance uses 'intersectVersionRanges'.
Expand All @@ -288,6 +356,8 @@ toDepMap ds =
fromDepMap :: DependencyMap -> [Dependency]
fromDepMap m = [ Dependency p vr | (p,vr) <- toList (unDependencyMap m) ]

-- | Flattens a CondTree using a partial flag assignment. When a condition
-- cannot be evaluated, both branches are ignored.
simplifyCondTree :: (Monoid a, Monoid d) =>
(v -> Either v Bool)
-> CondTree v d a
Expand All @@ -299,7 +369,7 @@ simplifyCondTree env (CondNode a d ifs) =
case simplifyCondition cnd env of
(Lit True, _) -> Just $ simplifyCondTree env t
(Lit False, _) -> fmap (simplifyCondTree env) me
_ -> error $ "Environment not defined for all free vars"
_ -> Nothing

-- | Flatten a CondTree. This will resolve the CondTree by taking all
-- possible paths into account. Note that since branches represent exclusive
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,9 +522,10 @@ instance Semigroup PDTagged where
-- This function will fail if it cannot find a flag assignment that leads to
-- satisfiable dependencies. (It will not try alternative assignments for
-- explicitly specified flags.) In case of failure it will return a /minimum/
-- number of dependencies that could not be satisfied. On success, it will
-- return the package description and the full flag assignment chosen.
-- explicitly specified flags.) In case of failure it will return the missing
-- dependencies that it encountered when trying different flag assignments.
-- On success, it will return the package description and the full flag
-- assignment chosen.
finalizePackageDescription ::
FlagAssignment -- ^ Explicitly specified flag assignments
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Configure.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ configureFinalizedPackage verbosity cfg
of Right r -> return r
Left missing ->
die $ "At least the following dependencies are missing:\n"
die $ "Encountered missing dependencies:\n"
++ (render . nest 4 . sep . punctuate comma
. map (disp . simplifyDependency)
$ missing)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Distribution.Compiler
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as IPI
import Distribution.Package -- from Cabal
import Distribution.PackageDescription as PD -- from Cabal
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration as PDC
import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as SI
import Distribution.System

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,44 +129,6 @@ prefix f fds = [f (concat fds)]
flagInfo :: Bool -> [PD.Flag] -> FlagInfo
flagInfo strfl = M.fromList . (\ (MkFlag fn _ b m) -> (fn, FInfo b m (not (strfl || m))))

-- | Extract buildable condition from a cond tree.
-- Background: If the conditions in a cond tree lead to Buildable being set to False,
-- then none of the dependencies for this cond tree should actually be taken into
-- account. On the other hand, some of the flags may only be decided in the solver,
-- so we cannot necessarily make the decision whether a component is Buildable or not
-- prior to solving.
-- What we are doing here is to partially evaluate a condition tree in order to extract
-- the condition under which Buildable is True.
extractCondition :: Eq v => (a -> Bool) -> CondTree v [c] a -> Condition v
extractCondition p = go
go (CondNode x _ cs) | not (p x) = Lit False
| otherwise = goList cs

goList [] = Lit True
goList ((c, t, e) : cs) =
ct = go t
ce = maybe (Lit True) go e
((c `cand` ct) `cor` (CNot c `cand` ce)) `cand` goList cs

cand (Lit False) _ = Lit False
cand _ (Lit False) = Lit False
cand (Lit True) x = x
cand x (Lit True) = x
cand x y = CAnd x y

cor (Lit True) _ = Lit True
cor _ (Lit True) = Lit True
cor (Lit False) x = x
cor x (Lit False) = x
cor c (CNot d)
| c == d = Lit True
cor x y = COr x y

-- | Convert a condition tree to flagged dependencies.
-- In addition, tries to determine under which condition the condition tree
Expand All @@ -175,7 +138,7 @@ convBuildableCondTree :: OS -> Arch -> CompilerInfo -> PI PN -> FlagInfo ->
(a -> BuildInfo) ->
CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a -> FlaggedDeps Component PN
convBuildableCondTree os arch cinfo pi fds comp getInfo t =
case extractCondition (buildable . getInfo) t of
case PDC.extractCondition (buildable . getInfo) t of
Lit True -> convCondTree os arch cinfo pi fds comp getInfo t
Lit False -> []
c -> convBranch os arch cinfo pi fds comp getInfo (c, t, Nothing)
Expand Down

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