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Change country names for personal project

Harsh B. Bhakta edited this page Jun 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Want to change country names?

  • If it is typo error, please create a new issue with details so that we can update it as soon as possible that can help Android Dev Community.
  • We understand our responsibility to provide most accurate phone codes and country names. But sometimes due to some reasons like unclear or changing political status, country names may vary from your expectation. If that is the case, we sincerely apologize for that. Being devoted to opensource work, we never want to hurt anyone's sentiments. If you feel like you want to change the country name kindly follow the steps:

How to change country names in the local project.

  1. If it does not exist, create raw folder under res folder of your app. src/main/res/raw.
  2. Download country name resource files from here.
    • If your project does not use CCP's autoDetectLanguage feature it means you won't need all the files from that folder. Download files which represent language(s) of your concern.
  3. Copy this/these file(s) and paste in the folder created in step 1.
  4. Go to all these files and modify country names as per your wish.
  5. Run the project to verify changes.

Important Note

Above changes will override CCP's resource file to use your modified files. So when you update CCP version that adds new countries in future you will not get updated list as your project will be using your local resource file at the run time. You will have to update it manually in your local files.

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