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Update Guide for v2.0.0

Harsh Bhakta edited this page Jul 15, 2017 · 1 revision

Version 2.0.0 is a big update which brings many features especially for full number.

If you are using any lower version, you need to change few small things to get v2.0.0 working.

1. Add 'ccp_' / 'ccpDialog_' to attribute

  • To avoid name clashes with other packages and such issues now attributes has ccp_ / ccp_dialog_ attributes.

    For example, "textSize", "contentColor" are now "ccp_textSize", "ccp_contentColor".

    This applies to every attribute, so you need to change them in your XML file.

2. Attribute changes

Along with prefix to attributes, there are few changes in attribute name itself to follow naming conventions.

Attribute name before v2.0.0 => From v2.0.0

  • defaultCode => ccp_defaultPhoneCode
  • hideNameCode => ccp_showNameCode
  • ccpClickable => ccp_clickable
  • ccpLanguage => ccp_defaultLanguage (Used as fallback language if autoDetectLanguage is enabled)
  • keyboardAutoPopOnSearch => ccpDialog_keyboardAutoPopup
  • selectionDialogShowSearch => ccpDialog_allowSearch
  • ccpSearchBox_showPhoneCode => ccpDialog_showPhoneCode
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