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Michael van der Kamp edited this page Apr 28, 2023 · 6 revisions

This is the old report I made back when working on this as my undergrad honours project at the University of Saskatchewan in 2018/2019.


  • title: Software Architectures for Web-Based Multi-Display Environments
  • author:
    • Michael van der Kamp, mjv761, 11190459
    • Supervisor: Carl Gutwin
    • Additional supervision and input by Scott Bateman
  • date: April 16, 2019
  • keywords: [multi-touch, multi-display, workspace, gestures, interaction, HCI]


Interactive devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches are becoming increasing ubiquitous. Collaborative applications remain relatively few, however, owing to the inherent difficulty of coordinating activities between devices. This project presents Workspaces Across Multiple Surfaces (WAMS), an API for creating web-based multi-display applications that can be aimed at multiple users collaborating or a single user seeking to increase their available screen space. WAMS significantly reduces the difficulty of creating such applications by handling coordination and networking challenges, allowing programmers to write a multi-device application in much the same way as they would write a traditional single-device application.


Interactive surfaces, be they smartphones, tablets, traditional desktops, smartwatches, or other innovative surfaces have become increasingly ubiquitous. A Multi-Display Environment (MDE) aims to coordinate these devices into a single shared workspace. Such environments are useful, opening up possible applications ranging from multiplayer games to assisting hospitalized children.[^hospitalized] Development of such environments is difficult, however, owing to challenges relating to design, technical capabilities, and social aspects.[^challenge1] This project presents Workspaces Across Multiple Surfaces (WAMS), which aims to reduce the technical difficulty of creating multi-display applications by providing an API for web-based MDEs.

The technical challenges encountered in the development of an MDE include:

  1. Deployment of a server.
  2. Connection establishment and maintenance.
  3. Representation of connected devices within the workspace.
  4. Alignment of the workspace for each device such that the workspace can be accurately rendered.
  5. Maintenance of a model of workspace objects.
  6. Rendering of workspace objects.
  7. Coordination between devices during interaction. This includes synchronization and the locking of objects while they being interacted with.
  8. Ensuring that the system is responsive to user interaction.

These general challenges must be overcome in order for an MDE application to be successfully written, and it is these challenges that WAMS aims to address.

Additionally, the use of multiple devices raises the possibility of taking traditional multitouch gestures such as pinching or rotating and applying them across multiple devices. That is, combining pointers moving on the surface of different devices into a single coordinated multitouch gesture. WAMS provides an experimental implementation of such gestures that is accessible via the API.

Throughout this document, the phrase "the programmer" is used to refer to a programmer making use of the WAMS API.

[^challenge1]: Grubert, Jens, Matthias Kranz, and Aaron Quigley. "Challenges in Mobile Multi-Device Ecosystems." 5, no. 1 (2016): 1-22.

[^hospitalized]: Garcia-Sanjuan, Fernando, Javier Jaen, and Alejandro Catala. "Multi-Display Environments to Foster Emotional Intelligence in Hospitalized Children." Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction 07-09 (2015): 1-2.

Basic Design

There have been numerous other projects exploring the concept of Multi-Device Environments. Some of them, such as Conductor, have each device running discrete tasks, with the system controlling communication and synchronization between them.[^conductor] Others used a series of large displays to create digital rooms.[^rooms] Mobile multi-display environments have also been explored,[^mobile1]$^,$[^mobile2] as well as the possibility of combining mobile and tabletop surfaces.[^combo] The approach taken with WAMS is to leverage the technology of the web, allowing any device capable of running a modern browser to connect to a WAMS application, and to allow the programmer to control the digital layout of the devices as they connect to a single, shared workspace.

The project is written in JavaScript and powered by node.js. WAMS applications are run from the command line on a computer that acts as the server. Clients, on the same local network as the server, use a browser to connect to the IP address of the server. The connection establishment process hooks up the client, and they can begin interacting with the application.

Generally, all programmer code will only be run on the server, as the bundle of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS that is delivered to clients is static and is not exposed by the API. This allows programmers to forego concerns such as bundling and transpiling that otherwise crop up when delivering JavaScript code to browsers. There are some limitations to this technique, but a workaround may exist through the use of HTML elements as workspace items, which could include <script> tags. This feature has yet to be tested though.

Primarily, WAMS applications are rendered in immediate mode on an HTML5 canvas that fills the client's browser viewport. Objects in the shared workspace are, for the most part, rendered by sequences of canvas context instructions that are defined and delivered using the canvas-sequencer package. It is also possible to load and render images onto the canvas. As mentioned above, an experimental feature that has not yet been fully developed allows the use of arbitrary HTML elements as part of a WAMS application. These sit on top of the canvas and operate in the retained mode graphics context of normal webpages, while still being consistently presented across devices, with appropriate transformations in the same vein as the canvas rendered objects.

For detailed information about individual modules, classes, mixins, and routines see the documentation^mydocs as well as the design document on the github page.^design

[^conductor]: Hamilton, Peter, and Daniel Wigdor. "Conductor: Enabling and Understanding Cross-device Interaction." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014, 2773-782.

[^rooms]: Johanson, B., A. Fox, and T. Winograd. "The Interactive Workspaces Project: Experiences with Ubiquitous Computing Rooms." IEEE Pervasive Computing 1, no. 2 (2002): 67-74.

[^mobile1]: Cauchard, Jessica. "Mobile Multi-display Environments." Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium Adjunct on User Interface Software and Technology, 2011, 39-42.

[^mobile2]: Grubert, Jens, and Matthias Kranz. "HeadPhones: Ad Hoc Mobile Multi-Display Environments through Head Tracking." Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2017 (2017): 3966-971.

[^combo]: Döring, Tanja, Alireza Shirazi, and Albrecht Schmidt. "Exploring Gesture-based Interaction Techniques in Multi-display Environments with Mobile Phones and a Multi-touch Table." Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2010, 419.

Core Concepts

This section discusses some of the key ideas and solutions demonstrated in the implementation of the project, detailing the architecture as well as some specific routines.


Proper synchronization and object locking is critical to the successful operation of a WAMS application. These activities are achieved by taking advantage of the single-threaded nature of node.js. The client code is completely independent of any synchronization and locking tasks, instead simply forwarding user interaction events to the server and maintaining an up-to-date renderable model of the application. This approach ensures that all user interactions are funnelled through a single thread on the server, vastly simplifying coordination tasks.

Locking and unlocking is handled by the Locker and Lockable mixins. When a user begins interacting with the system, the server controller performs hit detection, looking for a free item at the centroid of the first contact points. If such an item is found, it is locked to the client. No other client can interact with the item while this lock is held. The lock is released when the client has removed all pointers from the interactive surface. In the case of multi-device gestures, a single lock is shared by all clients belonging to a ServerViewGroup. If hit detection fails to locate a free item, the client instead locks onto their own view.

The successful operation of this approach is contingent on the single-threaded nature of JavaScript and node.js to ensure that race conditions do not occur for the locks.

Message / Reporter protocol

One of the early challenges encountered was to ensure that only the correct data is transferred over the network, and that when a message is received through a socket, it would have the expected data. The Message / Reporter protocol was developed to solve this issue, providing a funnel through which to pass all data.

The first step was to ensure that only the correct data gets transmitted. This is where the ReporterFactory comes in. By calling this factory with an object consisting of key-value pairs describing a set of core properties and their default values, the factory will return a class which extends the Reporter class. An instance object of this class has a method, report(), which returns an object consisting only of the core properties and their current values. This ensures that even though arbitrary additional properties may exist on the object (either through further class extensions or direct additions by a user) only the core properties will be sent if whatever routine sends the data calls this report() method.

Also available on all Reporter classes is an assign(data) method. All properties immediately on the data object will be assigned to the Reporter instance, allowing arbitrary data to be stored. A deeper search is done for the core properties of the Reporter instance, checking the entire prototype chain of the data object. For information on the prototype chain, see Kyle Simpson's book series, You Don't Know JavaScript[^ydkjs].

[^ydkjs]: See

The second step was to create a Message class with a static list of acceptable message types. A Message is constructed with one of these message types and an instance of a Reporter. It can then emit a report() of the instance.

If this protocol is followed strictly then only the critical pieces of data will get transmitted, and they will be associated with the expected Message type when they get there. This requires discipline- it is obviously still possible to directly emit messages over socket connections. Of course, programmer discipline is also required to make sure that the Message type selected is appropriate for the occasion and associated Reporter instance, though it may be possible to enforce this restriction if this proves difficult.

There is a work-around for cases where lots of different types of little pieces of data need to be transmitted. See the DataReporter class in the documentation.

Unique Identification

In a large system like this, where it is important to keep track of and uniquely identify lots of different kinds of objects correctly on both the client and the server, it is very useful to centralize the identification technique. This is where the IdStamper class comes in. It provides a common structure by which unique IDs can be assigned and copied. Each IdStamper instance will only generate each numerical ID once, so the scope of the uniqueness of IDs is determined by the scope of the IdStamper instance.

Graph of the client module

Mixin Pattern

The complexity of the code, particularly on the server, would be significantly higher were it not for the mixin pattern. The short and simple version for those more accustomed to software engineering with Java is that a mixin is an interface whose methods are already implemented.

More precisely, a mixin "mixes" functionality into an already existing class to form a new subclass. This allows the programmer to bundle related pieces of functionality together into a mixin, and then attach those bundles to classes as they see fit.

This pattern fits neatly on top of the Message / Reporter protocol. This protocol requires that Views and Items and their related classes need to be distinct, yet functionally these two distinct types of classes ultimately need to perform a lot of similar actions. Mixins solves this problem beautifully, making the whole system more succinct and easier to maintain in the process.[^mixins]

[^mixins]: A more in-depth discussion of mixins and the inspiration for the specific implementation approach used can be found at


Both the client and the server implement their own version of the MVC pattern, ultimately operating together as a larger MVC pattern.

Graph of the client module

Client MVC

The client side version is the most straightforward, and looks a lot like classical MVC. The catch of course is that the ClientController sends user events to the server, and only interacts with the model or view when it receives instructions from the server. The other catch is that, as the only thing objects in the model need to do is draw themselves, they each implement a draw() method for the ClientView to use.

Server MVC

The server side is more complicated. The most obvious reason for this is that, being an API, programmers need to be able to attach their own controller code. The one big simplification is that there's no view, as nothing needs to be rendered.

The approach taken is to split the model in two. One of these is the WorkSpace, which holds all the actual objects in the model that will need to be rendered. Specifically, these are the objects which are explicitly spawned into the model by the programmer.

The other is the ServerViewGroup, which holds the server's representations of the client's views (that is, what the clients can see). The programmer does not have control over spawning and removing the views, they are spawned when a user connects and removed when a user disconnects.

The ServerController instances are spawned and maintained by the Switchboard, and these controllers maintain a link to their associated ServerView and its physical Device.

Graph of the server module

One other wrinkle is that, in order to support multi-device gestures, the ServerViewGroup has a single GestureController which is responsible only for maintaining the state of active pointers and calculating whether gestures have occurred. It does this by hooking up the gesture classes provided by the westures package with the custom gesture engine found in the gestures module of this project. Storing the gesture controller in the view group opens up the possibility of creating multiple groups of devices, with each group capable of recognizing its own multi-device gestures, although this extension is not yet implemented.

Regardless of whether the gestures are processed by a client or on the server, either the ServerController or the GestureController will ultimately funnel the event through the MessageHandler, which calls any listeners the programmer has attached, as appropriate.

Client and Server MVC Together

Taken together, the client and the server form a larger MVC pattern, with the client representing the view and part of the controller, and the server representing the other part of the controller as well as the model.

Smooth and Responsive Interaction

In order to ensure a smooth and responsive experience for the user, several issues must be taken into consideration.

Network traffic:

The overall amount of traffic over the network must be kept to a minimum. Similarly, the size of packets sent over the network must also be kept down. The Message / Reporter protocol handles most of this work, by stripping out all but the core properties of any object transmitted, but care must still be taken to ensure that these core properties really are only those that are needed at every update, or at least are small enough to be negligible.

Therefore properties such as attribute lists for HTML elements, which could contain huge strings representing entire webpages, should only be sent occasionally as a special event, and not included in the core properties. Additionally, the only data sent during an update should be the data pertaining to the specific object that has been updated. This is as opposed to sending a full state packet representing all objects in the model.

Consistency with server:

The approach taken to maintain consistency with the server is for every update to consist of state packets, rather than sending transformation commands. The client therefore simply copies the new state information for each updated object.

Bundling transformations:

The three core transformations are translation, scale, and rotation. Each of these is likely to happen every time that a user moves any of the active pointers. If the updates for each are not bundled together into the next state packet, the user will experience a discomforting jitter effect. Solving this issue requires careful attention on both the client and the server.

For the client side, the updates from the gestures corresponding to all three transformations need to be bundled together into a single event before being sent to the server. This way, the server can perform all the necessary transformations before publishing any new state packets that arise.

For the server side, the question becomes when to publish updates for model objects. Programmers should be allowed to update model objects whenever they like (i.e. not necessarily in response to a user event), but still have confidence that their changes will be published. In either this case or the case of responding to user gestures, if transformations are split across publications the jitter issue will surface.

To solve this issue, the Publishable mixin is used for all model objects. It uses the node.js setImmediate() callback timer to schedule a single publication to occur once all code arising from the current event in the event loop has executed. Therefore all transformations responding to a user gesture or some other programmer defined event will get bundled together into a single update.

For server-side gestures, another issue along these lines arises. With user input events being sent to the server from each device at rates of up to 60 updates per second, it only takes a few devices for the update rate to regularly balloon into the hundreds. Therefore user input updates are bundled together. This is done by simply updating the input state in response to user input events, then only evaluating gestures at a rate of up to 60 times per second by using a callback interval that checks whether input updates have occurred since the last evaluation.

Gesture smoothing:

Example of jitter and smoothing when panning[^graphnote]{height=70%}

[^graphnote]: All of the data for the figures in this section was captured simulatenouesly, using two fingers.

A subtle issue with modern touch interfaces is that contact points, and fingers in particular, typically are not points but rather areas that are resolved down to points. These points tend to shift around relative to the area while a user is interacting with the surface, as the area itself fluctuates in shape and size. This can be due to slight adjustments in the distribution of pressure onto the contact surface, or else because humans are in constant motion, especially on the miniature scales measured by touch surfaces.

Although not immediately obvious, this effect can cause gestures to behave in a jumpy way, characterized by alternating between relatively large and small updates, or else updates in alternating directions. This is perceived by the user as jitter, or at least as a less than smooth interaction experience. The solution applied by this project is to use a cascading average for the update values.[^westures]

[^westures]: The implementation of these details exists inside the westures gesture recognition library that was written as a part of this project.

Example of jitter and smoothing while scaling{height=70%}

This cascading average is defined, generally, by replacing each update with the average of the update and the cascade. The cascade is likewise updated to this average:

$$ average := \frac{update + cascade}{2} $$ $$ update := average $$ $$ cascade := average $$

The result is a practical application of Zeno's Dichotomy, as half of the remaining value from each original update is theoretically applied at each subsequent update until the user ends the gesture. If the gesture where to continue indefinitely, theoretically the full value from each update would get applied.

Practically, this means that the emitted values have some inertia and thus are significantly less prone to the jumpiness that is otherwise observed. Additionally each update is only effectively included in a few dozen or so subsequent updates before the finite precision of 64-bit floating point numbers wipes out any remaining value from the update. There also appears to be a limited amount of drift, owing perhaps to floating point errors incurred by the division operation.

Example of jitter and smoothing while rotating{height=70%}

The graphs suggest that further smoothing might be possible, perhaps by the application of another layer of the same algorithm, or some other technique. The graphs also reveal, however, that the smoothed updates tend to lag slightly behind the original values, which is to be expected given the inertia that is introduced. This latency is negligible currently, but further smoothing could exacerbate the issue and result in lag that is perceptible to the user. Given the significant improvement already obtained and the efficiency of the simple calculations, the current algorithm should therefore be sufficient.

Support Environment

This section details the tools used in the implementation of this project.

Runtime Dependencies

This project has four runtime dependencies, as listed under the "dependencies" tag in package.json:

  1. canvas-sequencer[^self]

    This package allows end users to define custom rendering sequences for the canvas. These sequences can be transmitted over the network and executed on the client without having to use the eval() function and all its incumbent issues. The downside to this approach is that the sequences must be declarative- there is no way to retrieve the return value from a call to a canvas context method or conditionally execute parts of the sequence.

[^self]: This package was written and published as part of this project.

  1. westures[^iwroteit]$^,$[^inamedit]

    This package is an n-pointer gesture library that provides a normalization of interaction across browsers and devices. This means that each gesture works with any amount of pointers beyond its minimum, with each pointer contributing to the gesture. It makes the following kinds of gestures possible:

    Name # of Inputs Description
    Tap 1+ a.k.a. 'click', a quick touch and release.
    Pinch 2+ Inputs moving together or apart.
    Rotate 2+ Inputs rotating around each other.
    Pan 1+ Inputs sliding around the screen.
    Swipe 1+ Inputs swiping the screen.
    Swivel 1+ Inputs rotating around a fixed pivot point.

    Additionally it provides tracking abilities (i.e. simple updates of input state at every change) and gesture customization options, including the ability to plug in entire custom gestures. This ability was used to package together the Pan, Pinch, and Rotate gestures into a single Transform gesture, so that all three updates can be transmitted over the network simultaneously, reducing the volume of traffic and eliminating jitter in the render which was caused by the updates to these three gestures being split across render frames.

[^iwroteit]: This package was also written and published as part of this project. Note that it is a fork of ZingTouch. ZingTouch and other existing gesture recognition libraries for JavaScript were found to be insufficient for the demands of this project, hence the creation of this package.

[^inamedit]: The name "westures" is a mash-up of "WAMS" and "gestures".

  1. express

    The express package provides a simple way of establishing routes for the node.js server. The express router used by a WAMS app can be exposed to the end user, allowing them to define custom routes.


    The package is used on both client and server side behind the scenes to maintain an open, real-time connection between the server and client. Each client is on its own socket connection, but all clients share a namespace.

    Therefore messages are emitted as follows:

    • To a single client: on the client's socket.
    • To everyone except a single client: on the client's socket's broadcast channel.
    • To everyone: on the namespace.

Build Tools

The build tools are mostly listed under devDependencies in package.json. The key exception is make, which is used for running tasks.

The tools used and their rationale are as follows:

  1. arkit

    The arkit package builds dependency graphs out of JavaScript source code. These graphs are not full UML, but rather simply show which files are connected via explicit require() statements. Although somewhat limited, this is still very useful, and helps a great deal in terms of keeping the code organized. All the architecture graphs present in this design document were generated using arkit.

  2. babel

    The babel suite of packages provides transpilation, allowing the use of convenient new features of the JavaScript language without breaking browser support. Note however that only relatively recent browswers are supported in the current configuration. Babel is used via the babelify transform for browserify.

  3. browserify

    The browserify package bundles JavaScript code together for delivery to clients. It may not be the most feature-rich bundler, but the basic functionality just simply works, and works well.

  4. eslint

    eslint is akin to an early-warning system. It parses the code and checks for style and formatting errors, so that these can be fixed before trying to run the code. It works very well and is fully customizable in terms of which of its style and format rules to apply. It can also fix some simple style errors on its own.

  5. jest

    jest is a testing framework for JavaScript. The tests are all written to be run using the command npx jest.[^npx] See the [Testing] section below for more information.

[^npx]: npx is a command included when node.js is installed. It runs scripts and/or binaries from project dependencies in the node_modules package.

  1. jsdoc

    jsdoc generates documentation from internal comments, akin to javadocs.

  2. terser

    terser is a JavaScript code minifier that supports newer JavaScript syntax. This allows the size of the source code bundle sent when a client connects to be shrunk.

  3. tui-jsdoc-template

    This package is a template for the HTML pages produced by jsdoc.

  4. make

    make is wonderfully flexible, so here it is used as a simple task runner, at which it is quite adept. It also interfaces nicely with vim, even if other JavaScript build tools do not. Simply running make from the main directory of the project will run [ eslint ], [ browserify ], and [ jsdoc ] on the code, keeping everything up to date at once. See the Makefile to see the targets.

  5. exuberant-ctags

    This package should be available from standard Linux repositories with the common package managers (e.g. apt). Parses source code and generates a map of important names in the code (for example, functions and classes) to their definition location. Works excellently with vim and can really make navigating the source code a lot easier.

  6. ctags-patterns-for-javascript

    This package provides the necessary plugins to enable exuberant-ctags for JavaScript.


Testing is done with the jest framework. The test suites can be found in tests/.

To run all the tests:

npx test

To test, for example, only the client-side code:

npx test client

To test, for example, only the WorkSpace class from the server-side code:

npx test WorkSpace

Extra configuration can be found and placed in the jest field of package.json. The tests are incomplete, owing to the rapid pace of development and refactors since January.


This section offers a subjective evaluation of the degree to which the goals of the project were achieved.


The challenges described in the introduction, and their solution as implemented in WAMS, are discussed as follows:

  1. Deployment of a server.

    The use of node.js along with the express package allows WAMS to vastly simplify this step. If images or other static assets are not used, the programmer simply needs to call the listen() method of the Application. If stuch assets are required, for example to load images, the express router is exposed in such a way as to give priority to the WAMS assets while still allowing the programmer to define custom routes to the location of their assets.

  2. Connection establishment and maintenance.

    All interactions with the package are entirely self-contained within the WAMS API. The programmer therefore does not need to think about connection maintenance at all. The only thing that the programmer may need to do is define a layout handler to define how to orient client views as they connect.

    One limitation of the encapsulation of is that the programmer cannot define define custom messages to send between client and server. This is in line with the limitation that custom client-side JavaScript is not easily added to a WAMS application. This may preclude certain types of applications, and might be something to consider adding for future work. The caveat is that if such a feature is added, any programmer who makes use of it may have to contend with coordination tasks relating to such messages on their own.

  3. Representation of connected devices within the workspace.

    This task is handled automatically within a WAMS app by the ShadowView class. One potential limitation is that the shadow cannot currently be turned off.

  4. Alignment of the workspace for each device such that the workspace can be accurately rendered.

    This challenge is handled accurately by the ClientView class.

  5. Maintenance of a model of workspace objects.

    This task is handled by a WAMS app only insofar as synchronization between client and server is concerned. The model itself is not currently exposed by the API, so programmers may find it necessary to build their own model. This is not necessarily a limitation, however. Encapsulating the WAMS model prevents it from being accidentally corrupted by the programmer. This also allows the WAMS model to be optimized for the purpose of synchronization, a task which may not align with the intents of the programmer. The programmer is thus free to design their own model as they see fit, as spawned objects are available to the programmer for manipulation and storage.

  6. Rendering of workspace objects.

    This task is handled by the ClientElement, ClientImage, and ClientItem classes, along with the use of the canvas-sequencer package and the use of CSS transformation functions for the ClientElement class.

  7. Coordination between devices during interaction. This includes synchronization and the locking of objects while they being interacted with.

    Locking is handled by the Lockable and Locker mixins. Synchronization is handled through the publication of updates at a rate of up to 60 publications per second by the Publishable mixin.

  8. Ensuring that the system is responsive to user interaction.

    This issue has been effectively solved using the approaches discussed in the [Smooth and Responsive Interaction] section. Of course it is always possible for the programmer to overload any given event handler and as such wreck the responsiveness of the system, but the only solution for that is for the programmer to be disciplined.


Overhead has been reduced as much as possible, such that the gains experienced by a multi-display application written from the ground-up would likely be negligible. They may even be negative, as not all of the provided solutions for ensuring efficiency and responsiveness are necessarily obvious or intuitive.

The API itself is lacking some features, which could increase the amount of programmer effort required. The most obvious example is z-ordering, but other examples such as the use of single callbacks instead of lists of listeners for events could also increase the difficulty of writing WAMS applications.


Any application focused around the manipulation of graphical objects via pointer interaction should be feasible using the WAMS API. Specifically, any application that uses immediate mode graphics should be feasible. Given that the popular Android operating system for mobile devices is solely rendered using immediate mode graphics, theoretically any application that can run on an Android device could be ported to the WAMS system. The practical difficulties of achieving this would be significant, however, owing to the nascent and unproven nature of the API. The examples provided are all toy examples, so it is impossible to say with any certainty whether a larger application is truly possible.

There are major caveats of course, to do with hardware capabilities and input methods. Currently only pointer input is recognized, and only graphical output is produced. Sound or tactile outputs such as rumble are not supported by WAMS. It is possible that sound output and keyboard input could be added to the WAMS API without too much difficulty.

One exciting experimental feature is the availability of HTML elements for use as workspace objects. As demonstrated by the examples, this enables the inclusion of such things as embedded video players in a WAMS application, or even the inclusion of entire webpages. These elements are even transformable in the same way as the immediate mode objects, with the caveat that certain elements may either not render or else capture input events and prevent their forwarding to the WAMS application. Additionally, the layout capabilities of the browser must be foregone in order to accurately represent the workspace model. HTML elements are therefore positioned absolutely. The layout of nested elements can still take advantage of browser capabilities though, including CSS.


The inability of the programmer to customize the client-side bundle is probably the greatest limitation to extensibility, albeit one that greatly simplified the complexity of writing WAMS applications. For the server-side code, the amount of code that is truly private is limited, so it is entirely possible that the programmer could reach in and add their own functionality.

From a long-term maintenance perspective, the API should be relatively easy to continue working on and extending. A great deal of effort was put into organizing the code and structuring it in a way that makes sense. In particular the use of mixins greatly simplified the extensibility of the API in the last month of the project, and should continue to do so. Time will tell whether this assessment holds any merit, though.

WAMS application code should be able to use any server-side JavaScript code, including packages provided by node.js and those found in package repositories such as npm. This includes packages for interacting with the file system (i.e. for saving files), connecting to other remote servers, accessing system calls, and much more.


The biggest limitations currently are:

  • Lack of customizability of the client-side code by the programmer.
  • Inability to play sounds. Or at least it is not easy. The availability of HTML elements may enable this with some difficulty.
  • Lack of support for non-pointer-based input devices.
  • Lack of z-ordering.
    • This was deliberately left out, so that it could be used as an implementation task for the next maintainer of the API to familiarize themselves with the architecture.
  • Lack of support for existing applications.
    • WAMS defines its own API, rather than sitting on top of an existing API. Therefore existing applications would need to be ported to WAMS, and are not automatically supported.
    • Using <iframe> elements, it is possible to include entire webpages inside a WAMS application, but they exist within their own window inside the WAMS application. The webpage is not able to make use of WAMS functionality.

Further testing, including the construction of larger scale applications using the API, may reveal additional limitations.

Multi-Device Gestures

The implementation of multi-device gestures was a success. They are demonstrated by the shared-polygons example, accessible via the github repo for the api.^api The gestures feel as smooth and responsive as gestures on a single device.

There are two major limitations to these gestures, however, which could possibly be addressed in the future:

  1. They do not allow users to reorient their devices. Currently, the programmer has to predefine the layout of the devices as they connect. In the shared-polygons example, this takes the form of a line, with additional devices laid out to the right of the previous device.[^support]
  2. The resolution of the devices is not taken into consideration- they are all assumed to be the same resolution. This may prove to be an intractable problem to solve automatically, as devices do not seem to report accurate dpi information.

[^support]: Any number of devices with any number of active pointers are theoretically supported, although the application has only been tested with three concurrent devices.


The full API source code is available on github at

Detailed documentation of the complete architecture is available at

The canvas-sequencer package is available at

The westures package is available at:

Note that the implementation of this package was split in two, with the core engine (which is closely mirrored by the gestures module of WAMS) found at:

User documentation for westures and westures-core is found at:

Included in the github repo for the API is a set of examples. They are all runnable by entering the examples directory and using node [EXAMPLE], with EXAMPLE replaced by the filename of the example.[^scaffold]

[^scaffold]: The exception is the "scaffold" example, which is simply meant as a placeholder for a programmer to fill in when starting to build a WAMS application.


Listed here are references to all external sources, be they code, books, algorithms, tutorials, or other articles.

Papers and Articles

  • Cauchard, Jessica. "Mobile Multi-display Environments." Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium Adjunct on User Interface Software and Technology, 2011, 39-42.
  • Döring, Tanja, Alireza Shirazi, and Albrecht Schmidt. "Exploring Gesture-based Interaction Techniques in Multi-display Environments with Mobile Phones and a Multi-touch Table." Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2010, 419.
  • Forlines, Clifton, Alan Esenther, Chia Shen, Daniel Wigdor, and Kathy Ryall. "Multi-user, Multi-display Interaction with a Single-user, Single-display Geospatial Application." Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2006, 273-76.
  • Garcia-Sanjuan, Fernando, Javier Jaen, and Alejandro Catala. "Multi-Display Environments to Foster Emotional Intelligence in Hospitalized Children." Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction 07-09 (2015): 1-2.
  • Grubert, Jens, Matthias Kranz, and Aaron Quigley. "Challenges in Mobile Multi-Device Ecosystems." 5, no. 1 (2016): 1-22.
  • Grubert, Jens, and Matthias Kranz. "HeadPhones: Ad Hoc Mobile Multi-Display Environments through Head Tracking." Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2017 (2017): 3966-971.
  • Hamilton, Peter, and Daniel Wigdor. "Conductor: Enabling and Understanding Cross-device Interaction." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014, 2773-782.
  • Johanson, B., A. Fox, and T. Winograd. "The Interactive Workspaces Project: Experiences with Ubiquitous Computing Rooms." IEEE Pervasive Computing 1, no. 2 (2002): 67-74.

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