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🛗 Rx Elevators

#elevators #react #rx

Open in CodeSandbox Develop on localhost

Virtual elevators, powered by Rx streams, and React components.

This project is a follow-up to solid-calendar, with the goal of achieving a SOLID architecture with React, while isolating logic functions from view components, being able to run these functions with other view frameworks, or even with physical devices. This project is a sibling to virtual-elevators, which aims at the same goals while using controller classes, not only function composition.

MobX was my preferred option for managing state in front-end applications, but while working on virtual-elevators I decided to experiment with RxJS for handling data observability, a decision I greatly appreciate. In this project I deep dive into RxJS, coding the logic to virtual elevators entirely with observable streams, and function composition

elevators screenshot elevator movement screenshot