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Supplementary material related to an association study investigating the genetic background underlying RHD survival.

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This repository describes the analysis pipeline used in (Schwensow et al., 2017), an association study of an Australian wild rabbit population.

This repository is structured as follows:

|- meta         - meta information about the population studied
|- results      - output files generated by the analysis steps
|- scripts      - analysis scripts used


In this study, DNA from 81 individual rabbits was extracted and processed using the Genotyping-by-Sequencing (Elshire2011) protocol. Subsequently, individuals were pooled and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq2000 (5 Lanes, 100bp paired-end).

A genome-wide association study was carried out to determine potential genetic factors associated with the survival of infection with rabbit heamorrhagic disease (RHD) virus.

Quality Control and De-multiplexing

Sequencing reads were trimmed to 90 base pairs (bp) length by removing the last 10 bp using fastx-trimmer. This QC approach was chosen because the downstream tool for processing of the loci (Stacks) did accept only reads of uniform length at the time of the analyis.

cat ./raw/120808_I162_FCC10KDACXX_L3_1.fq | \
    fastx_trimmer -l 90 > ./raw/120808_I162_FCC10KDACXX_L${PBS_ARRAYID}_1.trimmed.fq
cat ./raw/120808_I162_FCC10KDACXX_L$3_2.fq | \
    fastx_trimmer -l 90 > ./raw/120808_I162_FCC10KDACXX_L${PBS_ARRAYID}_2.trimmed.fq

Since individuals were pooled for sequencing after tagging them with custom barcodes, sequencing reads were de-multiplexed using the process_radtags script of the Stacks suite.

# Quality filter (checking barcodes and restriction sites as well)
# Since we use barcodes of variable length which STACKS does not support
# we need to run a filtering step for each barcode length.
# options:
#  -r : rescue barcodes and RAD-tags.
#  -c : clean data, remove any read with an uncalled base.
#  -q : discard reads with low quality scores.
#  -t : truncate final read length to this value.
#  -w : size of the sliding window (fraction of read length).
#  -s : quality score limit. If the average score within the sliding window drops below this value, the read is discarded.
for l in 4 5 6 7 8 9
  $HOME/tools/stacks/bin/process_radtags \
    -1 ./raw/120808_I162_FCC10KDACXX_L3_1.trimmed.fq \
    -2 ./raw/120808_I162_FCC10KDACXX_L3_2.trimmed.fq \
    -o ./samples/ -b ./barcodes.$l.txt -e pstI -r -c -q -t 81 -w 0.15 -s 20

Read Mapping

Reads were aligned to the reference genome OryCun2.0 using BWA MEM. Subsequently, read alignments with quality score below 40 were filtered out.

# 1. Align paired-end reads for each sample.
# 2. Sort alignments
# 3. Filter by mapping quality (MAQ>=40)
while read sample group; do
  bwa mem ref/ensembl/oryCun2 fastq/${sample}.1.fq.gz fastq/${sample}.2.fq.gz \
  | samtools view -bS - > bam/${sample}.bam
  samtools sort -T ${sample} -O bam bam/${sample}.bam > bam/${sample}.s.bam
  samtools view -b -q 40T bam/${sample}.s.bam > bam/${sample}.s.f.bam
  samtools index bam/${sample}.s.f.bam
done < popmap.txt

Inspection of mapping results revealed that three samples (Y2510, pt1125, TF_pt448) had significantly lower mapping rates than the rest of the samples. Those three samples were excluded from further analysis, leaving 78 samples (36: died from RHD, 42: survivors of RHD).

The resulting BAM files have been uploaded to ENA under accession PRJEB20958.

SNP Calling

Single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified using the Stacks pipeline.

# calculate SNPs from mapped reads
# -T: number of threads
# -m: minimum coverage for each stack
# -B: database name
# -b: batch ID
# -a: batch run date
# -D: batch description
# -S: disable recording SQL data in database
# -O: population map
$HOME/bin/ -T 24 -m 10 \
  -B begendiv_rabbit_radtags -b 1 -a 2016-01-11 -D "78 samples reference-aligned using BWA MEM" \
  -S \
  -O ./popmap.txt \
  -X "populations:--vcf" \
  -X "populations:--plink" \
  -X "populations:--structure" \
  -o ./stacks \
  -s ./stacks/bam/pt1954.s.f.bam \
# [77 more samples...]


283602 SNPs were be identified across 78 individuals.

Association Test

Tests for association with survival of RHD were carried out using PLINK. SNPs were required to be located on autosomes and to be genotyped in at least 50% of samples.

# create phenotype file
awk -v "OFS=\t" '!/^#/{print $1,$2,$1}' batch_1.plink.ped > pheno.txt
# create a list of loci on X chromosome (will be blacklisted in later steps)
awk '$1=="X"{print $2}' > snps_chrX.txt

# calculate association scores for SNPs
# --geno 0.5: filter out SNPs with >50% of individuals having a missing genotype
# --exclude snps_chrX.txt: filter out all SNPs on X chromosome
# --fisher:   perform association test using Fisher's exact test
# --model:    tests for association using all available models
plink --noweb --file batch_1.plink --missing-genotype 0 \
      --pheno pheno.txt \
      --geno 0.5 --exclude snps_chrX.txt \
      --fisher --model


154546 SNPs with association scores remain, of which p-values from Fisher exact tests under the genotypic model ("GENO") were further analyzed.

Gene Assignment

SNPs were assigned to genes annotated on the OryCun2.0 assembly using the R package LDsnpR. Please refer to script snps2genes.R for details.


9219 SNPs were assigned to at least one gene, 14962 genes had at least one SNP assigned. Output can be found in results/genes_scores_snps.40k.csv (raw) and results/genes_scores_snps.40k.xls (with additional meta info).


Supplementary material related to an association study investigating the genetic background underlying RHD survival.






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