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A simple but powerful RESTful API to access users and address with JWT authorization and encrypted authentication.

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Authorization API 🔐

A RESTful API made with Node.js - TypeScript - PostgreSQL - Express - Knex - JWT

Main Features 👥 🏡

This API is perfect for simple taks, giving you the ability to CRUD on users and addresses, and all the responses use the JSON format.

  • Authentication: The administrator of the system must be logged in before other actions can be performed.
  • Authorization: The login process generates a JWT to the response header, which can be used to grant access to the users, addresses and operations related to homes.
  • Entities: To create, delete, update, list all and show one of the users or addresses is simple. Just add the route /users or /addresses and the /:id when it's needed.
  • Homes: You can associate, dissociate, show addresses associated to a specific user or show users associated to a specific address.

Installation ⚙

  1. Before all, check if you have Node.js and npm installed, going on your terminal and typing:

    • node --version
    • npm --version
  2. If these commands are unrecognized by your terminal, go to Node.js page to download and install it. Then go to step 1 again.

  3. After that, you can clone the project to your local machine using:

    • git clone
    • Or if you prefer to download it, just click on the green Code button above and click in Download ZIP
  4. Now you have to enter the project folder and open it on your prefered IDE. I strongly recommend Microsoft Visual Studio Code:

    • Just cd Authorization-master if you are running through terminal, and then code . to open the project folder on VS Code.
  5. Open the terminal inside the IDE (usually Ctrl + J in VS Code on Windows) and then type the command for the package manager to download the necessary dependencies for the project to work.

    • npm install
  6. Now you have to setup the environment variables by creating a .env at the root of the project:

    • On Windows: echo.> .env
    • On Unix based Systems: touch .env
  7. Paste the blank .env variables below inside the .env file you created. Don't worry about this now, you will change and understand them:

  8. Now I'll explain you each one of these variables and their function in the application: Note that all variables will be converted to string when read by the dotenv module.

    • API_HOST is the host that the server will use to listen the requests you make to the API. Be careful if you want to change it!
    • API_PORT is the port that the server will use to listen the requests you make to the API. You can keep 3333 or change to anyone you want. But be careful!
    • NODE_ENV is the environment of the API. You can change it to development or staging or production, but make this before starting the API.
    • DB_NAME is the name of the database, used when you are in a staging or production environment. development uses a local SQLite3 database.
    • DB_USER is the username used to connect to the database specified above.
    • DB_PASS is the password used to connect to the database specified above.
    • ROUNDS is the number of times that the bcrypt encryption algorithm will hash over the password used to create a new administrator. 10 is the default.
    • ADMIN_USERNAME is the username of the default administrator of the system. You will use it to log in.
    • ADMIN_PASSWORD is the default password used by the administrator to log into the system.
    • TOKEN_SECRET it is a base64 token used to create a JWT that will be used to authorize the administrator to use the system operations.
  9. After setting all the variables in the .env file, you only need to run the API. I will teach you below.

Usage ⚡

After the whole process of setup, now it's time to put this API to run! There are 6 different commands to run the server in specific environments.

All comands below only work in the syntax: npm run <command> (Without the brackets)

dev:setup Configurates the project to create a SQLite3 database, migrate the scheams and seed it. Used in the development environment.
dev:start Starts the project in the development environment.
stg:setup Configurates the project to the specified database on the .env, then migrate the scheams and seed the database. Used in the staging environment.
stg:start Starts the project in the staging environment.
prd:setup Configurates the project to the specified database on the .env, then migrate the scheams and seed the database. Used in the production environment.
prd:start Starts the project in the production environment.

Tip: If you don't know which to use, just start with npm run dev:setup and then npm run dev:start.

Routes 🌐

The routes below are used to take information from and to the API resources.
Note: Before all routes below it's present the /api route.

POST /login Used by the administrator of the system to log in and have access granted to all routes. ADMINS
POST /register Used to create another administrator in the system. Only available if already logged in. ADMINS
GET /users Used to list all users in the system. USERS
GET /users/:id Used to show a single user present in the system. USERS
POST /users Used to insert a new user in the system. USERS
PUT /users/:id Used to change the attributes of an existing user in the system. USERS
DELETE /users/:id Used to delete an user from the system. USERS
GET /addresses Used to list all addresses stored in the system. ADDRESSES
GET /addresses/:id Used to show a single address entry from the system. ADDRESSES
POST /addresses Used to create a new address into the system. ADDRESSES
PUT /addresses/:id Used to change the attributes from an address in the system. ADDRESSES
DELETE /addresses/:id Used to delete an address entry from the system. ADDRESSES
GET /addressof/:user_id Show all addresses associated to a specific user. HOMES
GET /usersof/:address_id Show all users associated to a specific address HOMES
POST /homes/:user_id/:address_id Associate an user to an address. HOMES
DELETE /homes/:user_id/:address_id Dissociate an user from an address. HOMES

Testing 👁‍🗨

A file with requests for all routes can be found here, to be imported by Insomnia or other REST clients.

Future Updates ♻

Future updates include creating more routes related to homes, routes to search in users and addresses using filers, adding the option to delete a adminstrator and also create a frontend client for this API.

About Me 👨🏻‍💻

I'm a brazilian backend developer and computer science undergraduate passionated for continuously learning and self improvement.