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Travis Version License Erlang Versions Build Tool


The connman application provides an Erlang binding for the connman connection manager.


  • Get current available services
  • Connect to an SSID by name instead of Service ID
  • Notifications on connectivity state changes.


Add ebus-connman to your deps section in rebar.config:

{deps, [connman]}.

To ensure that connman is tarted when your application starts also add it to the applications section in your application's .app.src file. For example:

{application, my_app,
 [{description, "An application using connman"},
  {vsn, "git"},
  {registered, []},


Get Services

Here's an example of talking to connman to get the current list of connectivity related technologies:

Eshell V10.1  (abort with ^G)E
1>  {ok, C} = connman:connman()
2>  connman:services(C).
      #{"AutoConnect" => true,
        "Domains" => ["Home"],
        "Domains.Configuration" => [],
        "Ethernet" =>
            #{"Address" => "A0:C5:89:A1:BA:EE","Interface" => "wlp2s0",
              "MTU" => 1500,"Method" => "auto"},
        "Favorite" => true,
        "IPv4" =>
            #{"Address" => "","Gateway" => "",
              "Method" => "dhcp","Netmask" => ""},
        "IPv4.Configuration" => #{"Method" => "dhcp"},
        "IPv6" => #{},
        "IPv6.Configuration" =>
            #{"Method" => "auto","Privacy" => "disabled"},
        "Immutable" => false,"Name" => "BTR Upper AP",
        "Nameservers" => [""],
        "Nameservers.Configuration" => [],"Provider" => #{},
        "Proxy" => #{"Method" => "direct"},
        "Proxy.Configuration" => #{},
        "Security" => ["psk"],
        "State" => "online","Strength" => 58,
        "Timeservers" => [""],
        "Timeservers.Configuration" => [],"Type" => "wifi",
        "mDNS" => false,"mDNS.Configuration" => false}}]}

State Change Notifications

To get notified when connectivity of the system changes, call register_state_notify. As an example:

Eshell V10.1  (abort with ^G)E
1> {ok, C} = connman:connman()
2> connman:register_state_notify(self()).

Now when the state of the network changes, the given handler pid will receive a message:

10> flush().
{state_changed, online}

The values for state are the atom versions of the connman connectivity names: offline, idle, ready, online. Refer to the connman documentation for the latestdocumentation on the meaning of the state names.

Connect to an SSID

As an extension of normal connman behavior the API allows connecting to an SSID by name and given a password will block until the connection is established or fails. connman will try to find the given SSID and will attempt to connect to it.

Eshell V10.1  (abort with ^G)E
1> {ok, C} = connman:connman().
2> connman:connect(C, wifi, "My Access Point", "My AP Password").


Fork the repo and simply use make to build the library.