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Epicenter is a command line server that will automatically load modules in certain default directories or in directories you specify.



Epicenter requires node.js and npm.

Install via npm

You can install Epicenter using npm globally on your computer:

npm install -g epicenter


usage: epicenter [OPTIONS]
    --version                         Print version and exit.
    -h, --help                        Print this help and exit.
    -v, --verbose                     Enable verbose output.
    -r DIR, --req=DIR, --require=DIR  Specify requires. By default the following are tried:
                                        ./routes, ./handlers, ./api.
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_REQUIRES=DIR;DIR2;DIR3

    --canonical=BASE_URL              Specify a canonical base url for the
                                      server, eg: ""
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_CANONICAL=BASE_URL

    --name=NAME                       Specify the service name for restify.
                                      Default: epicenter
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_NAME=NAME

    --httpport=PORT                   Specify the HTTP port to listen on.
                                      Default: 8000
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_HTTP_PORT=PORT

    --httpsport=PORT                  Specify the HTTPS port to listen on.
                                      Defuault: 4443
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_HTTPS_PORT=PORT

    --httpscert=PATH                  Specify the path of the file containing the SSL
                                      certificate for the server.
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_HTTPS_CERT=PATH

    --httpskey=PATH                   Specify the path fo the file containing the SSL
                                      private key for the server.
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_HTTPS_KEY=PATH

    --httpsciphers=CIPHERS            Specify the SSL ciphers.
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_HTTPS_CIPHERS=CIPHERS

    --httpsredirect                   If specified, will redirect all connections on
                                      the unsecured port to the HTTPS port.
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_HTTPS_REDIRECT=1

    --co=ORIGIN, --corsorigin=ORIGIN  Specify allowed CORS origins. If none are specified,
                                      the default * is used.
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_CORS_ORIGINS=ORIGIN. Default: ["*"]

    --ch=HEADER, --corsheader=HEADER  Specify allowed CORS headers.
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_CORS_HEADERS=HEADER. Default: null

    --sentrydsn=DSN                   Specify a DSN for Sentry ( error tracking.
                                      Environment: EPICENTER_SENTRY_DSN=DSN. Default: null


You can retrieve Epicenter's status at the reserved URL: /__epicenter


    "version": "0.7.0",
    "requests": {
        "active": 1,
        "total": 21,
        "failed": 0,
        "time": 64
    "uptime": 16668,
    "averageResponseTime": 3.0476190476190474


Pull requests are very welcome! Just make sure your code:

  1. Passes jshint given the included .jshintrc

  2. Is beautified using jsbeautifier and the included .jsbeautifyrc


Deploying microservices without something like epicenter means a lot of boilerplate code is replicated. Epicenter lets you just write the bits that matter for the particular microservice you're writing.