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My Dotfiles

A group of dotfiles for my daily development



  • Version: Ventura or greater

You need to install Homebrew and Chezmoi first

Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install chezmoi

brew install chezmoi


  • Version: 22.04 or greater


  • Version: 38 or greater


Get chezmoi (except for macOS, use Brew) and install this config

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --ssh --apply helmerdavila
# Only for macOS
chezmoi init --ssh --apply helmerdavila

What's installing?


  • Chezmoi
  • Zsh
  • Oh my zsh
  • Vim plug
  • ~/.vimrc file
  • ~/.ideavimrc file (used for Jetbrains)
  • ~/.tmux.conf file
  • ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml file


  • Exa
  • NVM
  • Alacritty
  • Ripgrep
  • Bat

Creating an ~/.nvimrc (Custom Neovim) and ~/.ovimrc (Custom Original Vim)

Chezmoi will create the file when you start it the first time. Make sure the content is nearly similar to the next file contents


set guifont=CodeNewRomanNerdFontCompleteM-:h18
"set guifont=JetBrainsMonoNerdFontCompleteM-Regular:h18
"set guifont=FiraCodeNerdFontCompleteM-Retina:h18

# You can change the following between dark or light
set background=light

" Theme: OneHalfLight (Default | Light theme)
colorscheme onehalflight
let g:airline_theme='onehalflight'

" Theme: papercolor (Light theme)
" set background=light
" colorscheme PaperColor

" Theme: Embark (Dark Theme)
" colorscheme embark

" Theme: Sonokai (Dark Theme)
" let g:sonokai_style = 'atlantis'
" colorscheme sonokai

" Theme: Nightfly (Dark Theme)
" colorscheme nightfly

" Share clipboard with system (Mac)
set clipboard=unnamed

Vim Shortcuts (Neovim, Vscode, Jetbrains)

Shortcut Description Use in mode
j + j Exit from insert mode Insert
<leader> + - Split window horizontally Normal
<leader> + | Split window vertically Normal
<C-k> Move to the window above Normal
<C-j> Move to the window below Normal
<C-h> Move to the window on the left Normal
<C-l> Move to the window on the right Normal
<leader> + <tab> + x Tab: Close Normal
<leader> + q + q Window: Close Normal
<leader> + : Execute / Search Command Normal
<C-[> Font Size: Decrease Normal
<C-]> Font Size: Increase Normal
<leader> + g + g Git: Focus Normal
<leader> + u + L Toggle relative line numbers Normal
<leader> + u + w Toggle wrap Normal
<leader> + z Toggle Zen mode Normal
[ + b Move to the previous tab / buffer Normal
] + b Move to the next tab / buffer Normal
H Move to the previous tab / buffer Normal
L Move to the next tab / buffer Normal
<leader> + f + f Search file Normal
<leader> + , Recent files Normal
<leader> + / Search everywhere (Text) Normal
<leader> + w Save the file Normal
<leader> + W Save: No format (Vscode) Normal
<leader> + s + S Go to symbol (Workspace) Normal
<leader> + c + f Reformat the file Normal
<leader> + c + r Rename element Normal
<leader> + m + m Toggle bookmark: Jetbrains, Vscode (plugin) Normal
g + z + d Surround: Delete Normal
g + z + r Surround: Change / Replace Normal
g + z + a Surround: Add Normal / Visual
<leader> + s + b Search in File Normal
<leader> + s + s Go to symbol (File) Normal
<leader> + s + m Go to bookmark: Jetbrains, Vscode (plugin) Normal
[ + e Move to the previous error Normal
] + e Move to the next error Normal
s + 2 letters Move to next word beginning with Normal
S + 2 letters Move to previous word beginning with Normal
<leader> + e Toggle File Explorer Normal
<leader> + f + t Terminal: Open Normal
<leader> + t + r Test: Run nearest Normal
<leader> + t + l Test: Run last Normal
<leader> + t + c Test: Coverage last Normal
<leader> + d + b Breakpoint: Toggle Normal


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