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Policy server

About Unity3d security model for Web Player you can read here.


1. Dependencies

To install project you need utilities: git, cmake, make, gcc; and some libraries: tbb, libev, boost. Command line for debian:
sudo aptitude install git cmake make gcc g++
sudo aptitude install libtbb-dev libev-dev libboost-program-options-dev

2. Clone project

Copy project to some directory
cd ~
git clone

4. Build project

cd unity_policy_server_native mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ../ make
sudo make install

5. Check Installation

To check installation run command unity_policy_server -h.If you see somthing like this

2015-08-30 17:32:00,450 INFO  [default] Usage: unity_policy_server [ -h | -d [-c <handlers_count>] [-p <port>]... [-x <your_xml> | -f <path_to_xml>] ] 
  -h [ --help ]         Print help messages
  -x [ --xml ] arg      Xml for respondong to requests
  -f [ --file ] arg     Path to xml with policy
  -p [ --ports ] arg    Ports to listen requests, by default 843 port used
  -d [ --daemon ]       Use daemon function to detach pipes and daemonize 
  -c [ --count ] arg    Handlers count. One handler - one thread.

then policy server successfully installed. Now, try sudo unity_policy_server and in other shell nc 843. If you something like this

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*"/>

then policy server successfully reponse policy xml.

3. Log

By default log file here /var/log/unity_policy_server/policy.log , because you need create directory for logs:
mkdir -p /var/log/unity_policy_server You can customize log directory and log file name by parameter -l in server executable.

5. Init scripts

If you want, you can setup init scripts for server. init directory has init script for debian/suse/opensuse/ubuntu. For other OS'es you can write custom scripts or ask me for this in email So if this script fit for yor os then

cd ../init
vi unity_policy_server.example

Setup your values for DAEMON and LOG_DIR, copy init scripts to init.d directory:

sudo cp unity_policy_server.example /etc/init.d/unity_policy_server
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/unity_policy_server
sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/unity_policy_server

Next, need add init scripts to startups directories.Command line for debian:

sudo update-rc.d unity_policy_server defaults

6. Finish

So, now you can run server through init script: /etc/init.d/unity_policy_server restart


Check server from some host nc <your_server_ip> 843
If you get incorrect result, then check that server work correctly:

  • netstat -tupln | grep 843 - run on server, you must see only unity_policy_server, else somebody bind 843 port
  • nmap <your_server_ip> -Pn -p 843 - run from remote host, you must see something like this, else 843 blocked, or filtered by firewall
    Host is up (0.054s latency).
    843/tcp open unknown


Unity Policy Server






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