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File metadata and controls

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Guide to Pollers in shh

Pre-baked Pollers

shh ships with a large number of pollers which probably get you pretty close to what you need.

Conntrack (conntrack)

The conntrack poller produces 1 metric, which represents the total number of open connections as reported by /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_count

The metric is emitted as: <prefix>.conntrack.count

CPU (cpu)

shh's built in CPU poller is based on the data found in /proc/stat. The values expressed there are monotonically increasing, resetting after every reboot. Since this information isn't very useful for humans, it is converted into percentages by doing the following:

totalDifference = sum(forall current[measure]) - sum(forall last[measure])
this[measure] = (current[measure] - last[measure]) / totalDifference * 100

Where this is the reported measurement, current are the values from /proc/stat now and last are the values reported on the last poll. current replaces last for the next poll.

shh emits the following CPU metrics (as percentages between 0-100), for each CPU:

  • <prefix>.cpu.user
  • <prefix>.cpu.nice
  • <prefix>.cpu.system
  • <prefix>.cpu.idle
  • <prefix>.cpu.iowait
  • <prefix>.cpu.irq
  • <prefix>.cpu.softirq
  • <prefix>.cpu.steal

For definitions of these metrics see the section on /proc/stat in man 5 proc.

Disk Usage (df)

The df poller takes an interesting approach to determining which mount points to report disk usage on. It is controlled by the environment variable SHH_DF_TYPES, which should be provided as a comma separated list of filesystem types (as used in fstab).

/proc/mounts is then read, and mounts that utilize one of the configured filesystem types will report the following metrics in bytes:

  • <prefix>.df.<mntpt>.total_bytes
  • <prefix>.df.<mntpt>
  • <prefix>.df.<mntpt>
  • <prefix>.df.<mntpt>.used.bytes

The poller will also include metrics about inodes:

  • <prefix>.df.<mntpt>.total.inodes
  • <prefix>.df.<mntpt>.free.inodes

And, if the environment variable SHH_PERCENTAGES includes df:

  • <prefix>.df.<mntpt>.used.perc

which is the percentage used on the filesystem (0-1).

The <mntpt> here is a massaged version of the actual mount point, which substitutes _ for / to make the metric name better compatible with graphing and collection tools.

Disk IO Stats (disk)

Information about disk IO is collected by first reading from /proc to get a list of partitions. Using this information it gathers information from /sys which exposes the necessary information to report Disk IO metrics:

  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.read.requests
  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.read.merges
  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.read.bytes
  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.read.ticks
  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.write.requests
  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.write.merges
  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.write.bytes
  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.write.ticks
  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.in_flight.requests
  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.io.ticks
  • <prefix>.disk.<device>.queue.time

More information can be found in the block stat documentation.

Allocated/Open Files (file-nr)

The kernel provides information about the number of allocated file structs (and given that there's 1 file per struct...), and the max number it will allocate (which is customizable). This data is presented to us through /proc/sys/fs/file-nr. The information is presented in the following metrics:

  • <prefix>.filenr.alloc
  • <prefix>
  • <prefix>.filenr.max

See man 5 proc

Load Averages (load)

System load averages are given in the following metrics:

  • <prefix>.load.1m
  • <prefix>.load.5m
  • <prefix>.load.15m

In addition, /proc/loadavg reports the number of currently runnable processes/threads, and the total number of processes/threads that are available to be executed:

  • <prefix>.load.scheduling.entities.executing
  • <prefix>

For completeness, shh also exposes the process id of the last process started by the system:

  • <prefix>

Memory (mem)

The mem poller uses /proc/meminfo which exposes a variable number of measurements depending on the kernel version and configuration. By default, shh will report a subset of these. Adding mem to SHH__FULL will tell shh to report all of them. shh reports all measurements in bytes. See man 5 proc for more information on available data.

The template for the emitted metrics are:

  • <prefix>.mem.<fixup-name>

where <fixup-name> is a lowercased version of the stat with '(' and ')' replaced by '.', and '.' replaced by '_'.

In addition, if the environment variable SHH_PERCENTAGES includes mem and/or swap:

  • <prefix>.memtotal.perc
  • <prefix>.swaptotal.perc

Which represents the total percentage of in use memory / swap (between 0-1).

Nagios 3 Stats

shh can poll the nagios3stats program and report on a range of metrics reported by that program. nagios3stats must be in the path and executable and nagios config/stats files needs to be in the default locations.

By default this poller handles the following measurements:

  • <prefix>.nagios3stats.numservices
  • <prefix>.nagios3stats.numhosts
  • <prefix>.nagios3stats.avgactsvclat
  • <prefix>.nagios3stats.avgacthstlat
  • <prefix>.nagios3stats.numhstactchk5m
  • <prefix>.nagios3stats.numsvcactchk5m
  • <prefix>.nagios3stats.numhstactchk1m
  • <prefix>.nagios3stats.numsvcactchk1m

Network Interfaces (nif)

shh can report network interface status information as reported by /proc/net/dev. To control which devices should be reported, use the SHH_NIF_DEVICES environment variable, which should be a comma separted list of network interfaces.

  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.receive.bytes
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.receive.packets
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.receive.errors
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.receive.dropped
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.receive.errors.fifo
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.receive.errors.frame
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.receive.compressed
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.receive.multicast
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.transmit.bytes
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.transmit.packets
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.transmit.errors
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.transmit.dropped
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.transmit.errors.fifo
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.transmit.errors.collisions
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.transmit.errors.carrier
  • <prefix>.nif.<device>.transmit.compressed

NTP (ntpdate)

The ntpdate poller runs the command ntpdate -q -u. It reports:

  • <prefix>.ntpdate.offset.<server>
  • <prefix>.ntpdate.delay.<server>

The <server> value utilizes the values of the servers checked against, which are configured via the SHH_NTPDATE_SERVERS environment variable, and should be a fully-qualified domain name.

Processes (processes)

The processes poller submits measurements of the count of processes in the various process states. It uses /proc/<pid>/stat to get this information.

  • <prefix>.processes.running.count
  • <prefix>.processes.sleeping.count
  • <prefix>.processes.waiting.count
  • <prefix>.processes.zombie.count
  • <prefix>.processes.stopped.count
  • <prefix>.processes.paging.count

Additionally the processes poller will match the process names found in /proc/<pid>/stat to the SHH_PROCESSES_REGEX and if the name matches it will report these additional measurements:

  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.procs.count
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.threads.count
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.cpu.sys.seconds
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.cpu.user.seconds
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.mem.pagefaults.minor.count
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.mem.pagefaults.major.count
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.mem.rss.bytes
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.mem.stacksize.bytes
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.mem.virtual.bytes
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.io.write.bytes
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>
  • <prefix>.processes.<process name>.io.write.ops

SHH self (self)

The self poller provides metrics by introspecting itself. The Go programming language makes this rather trivial through the runtime package.

  • <prefix>.self.memstats.goroutines.num
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.general.alloc
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.general.alloc.bytes
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.heap.alloc.bytes
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.heap.inuse.bytes

If the environment variable SHH_FULL contains "self", it also reports the following:

  • <prefix>.self.measurements.length
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.general.sys.bytes
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.general.pointer.lookups
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.general.mallocs
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.general.frees
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.heap.sys.bytes
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.heap.idle.bytes
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.heap.released.bytes
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.heap.objects
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.stack.inuse
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.stack.sys
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.mspan.inuse
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.mspan.sys
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.mcache.inuse
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.mcache.sys
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.buckhash.sys
  • <prefix>
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.gc.pause
  • <prefix>.self.memstats.gc.num

Sockstat (sockstat)

The sockstat poller uses that socket statistics found in /proc/net/sockstat and /proc/net/sockstat6. The collected metrics can be controlled by the comma separated list of protocols specified in the environment variable SHH_SOCKSTAT_PROTOS.

  • <prefix>.sockstat.<protocol>.alloc
  • <prefix>.sockstat.<protocol>.inuse
  • <prefix>.sockstat.<protocol>.mem
  • <prefix>.sockstat.<protocol>.orphan
  • <prefix>.sockstat.<protocol>.tw

Splunk Distributed Search Peers (splunksearchpeers)

Splunk provides an API endpoint that provides an Atom feed describing the state of it's peers, including replication status and whether or not they're actually up. This poller uses a single environment variable SHH_SPLUNK_PEERS_URL which includes the authentication information in the URL pointing to the api. This is usually something like:


If the URL is an HTTPS endpoint, setting SHH_SPLUNK_PEERS_SKIP_VERIFY=true may be required.

  • <prefix>.splunksearchpeers.down
  • <prefix>.splunksearchpeers.up
  • <prefix>.splunksearchpeers.replication.failure
  • <prefix>.splunksearchpeers.replication.success
  • <prefix>

Erlang Folsom Metrics (folsom)

The folsom poller uses an API exposed on a running erlang Node to fetch various Erlang VM metrics. It understands the API provided by either folsom_cowboy or folsom_webmachine. This poller uses a single environment variable SHH_FOLSOM_BASE_URL which should contain the base URL pointing to the api. This is usually something like:


The poller will use the base URL to construct calls to a few known endpoints. It will even query the special <BASE_URL>/_metrics endpoint to discover and query any dynamically generated folsom metrics.

  • <prefix>
  • <prefix>
  • <prefix>.folsom.mem.procs.used
  • <prefix>.folsom.mem.system
  • <prefix>
  • <prefix>.folsom.mem.atom.used
  • <prefix>.folsom.mem.binary
  • <prefix>.folsom.mem.code
  • <prefix>.folsom.mem.ets
  • <prefix>.folsom.stats.context-switches
  • <prefix>.folsom.stats.gc.num
  • <prefix>.folsom.stats.gc.reclaimed
  • <prefix>
  • <prefix>
  • <prefix>.folsom.stats.reductions
  • <prefix>
  • <prefix>.folsom.stats.runtime
  • <prefix>.folsom.stats.wall-clock
  • <prefix>.folsom.ets.<ets-tab-name>.memory
  • <prefix>.folsom.ets.<ets-tab-name>.size
  • <prefix>.folsom.<dynamic-metric-name>

Redis Info Poller (redis)

The Redis poller will run the INFO command at every interval and record stats as specified within SHH_REDIS_INFO, which is specified in the following way:


By default the setting is:


This will then report:

  • <prefix>.clients.connected-clients
  • <prefix>.memory.used-memory
  • <prefix>.memory.used-memory-rss
  • <prefix>.stats.instantaneous-ops-per-sec
  • <prefix>.keyspace.db0.keys

Cgroup resource usage poller (cgroup)

The Cgroup poller retrieves resource usage metrics for a list of cgroups. It fetches information for the processes in each group from two cgroup controllers: cpuacct and memory.

From cpuacct, it fetches user and system CPU time used by the group expressed as a percentage of a single core. For example, a value of 125 would mean that process in the group used CPU time equivalent to one and one quarter of a CPU core for the entire polling interval.

From memory, it fetches the MAXIMUM memory usage of the group over the entire interval (the high-water mark). It attempts to request that the kernel reset this value after each poll by writing a zero to the memory.max_memory_usage file in the group's directory. This will only work if the SHH process has permissions to the file. You can simply chown/chgrp the file appropriately to grant that access. Failing to do this will result in this poller reporting only the historical maximum memory usage irrespective of the interval.

Three memory high-water marks are reported: "user", "kernel", and "tcp". "user" is standard memory usage (RSS). "Kernel" is kernel buffers and the like required by system calls made by processes in the group. "tcp" is just kernel memory required for TCP sessions. "Kernel" and "tcp" will always report 0 unless a respective memory limit for the cgroup has been set, due to limitations in the memory cgroup controller.

Metrics produced:

  • <prefix>.cgroup.<cgroup name>.cpu.user
  • <prefix>.cgroup.<cgroup name>.cpu.system
  • <prefix>.cgroup.<cgroup name>.mem.user
  • <prefix>.cgroup.<cgroup name>.mem.kernel
  • <prefix>.cgroup.<cgroup name>.mem.kernel.tcp

These 5 metrics will be emitted for each cgroup in SHH_CGROUPS. If a given cgroup does not exist in either controller, it will be silently ignored and the metrics for that controller/cgroup will not be emitted.

Writing your own poller

shh is written in the Go programming language, which doesn't support dynamic linking. This makes building a plugin system fairly difficult, but of course simplifies other aspects of the software lifecycle--most notably, deployment.

However, there are 2 mechanisms which can be utilized to create your own poller. The first involves using a builtin poller called "listen"; the other involves modifying the shh source code.

The Listen Poller Approach

shh provides a facility for external processes to emit stats via a socket. If you include the "listen" poller in SHH_POLLERS, shh will create a listening socket, listening at the address described by SHH_LISTEN (defaults to a unix socket called #shh in the CWD). If you set SHH_LISTEN_TIMEOUT to a duration (defaults to the value of SHH_INTERVAL) the socket will close if the timeout duration passed without receiving any data.

Data is then communicated in the following format:

<RFC3339 date stamp> <what> <value>\n

<what> is the metric name, and the interpretation of <value> is somewhat arbitrary:

The Poller will create a FloatGauge if the value parses as a floating point number, and a counter otherwise.

The metrics will be emitted as:


The listen poller also emits metrics about itself:

  • <prefix>.listen._meta_.connection.count
  • <prefix>.listen._meta_.parse.error.count
  • <prefix>.listen._meta_.metric.count

Interpretation of SHH_LISTEN

The environment variable SHH_LISTEN is a comma separated value with 2 fields. The first field is the socket type (e.g. tcp, tcp4, tcp6, unix, unixpacket) and the second field is an appropriate address for that type, as specified by Go's networking libraries.

Make it first class

Making a first class poller is fairly simple. In this section we'll develop a poller that, for every tick outputs a counter value equal to 1.

Pollers should be given a simple, but descriptive name. For our example, we'll just call it one. We'll put the poller in one_poller.go.

Though it'd be possible to make libraries of pollers and link them in at compile time, the current strategy is to just put them all in package main. We import time because the Poll method we'll implement shortly takes one argument of type time.Time.

package main

import (

Pollers are just an interface that we need to implement. This block of code implements or simple constant one counter:

type One struct {
  measurements chan<- Measurement

func NewOnePoller(measurements chan<- Measurement) One {
  return One{measurements}

// Called on every tick from the main loop
func (poller One) Poll(tick time.Time) {
  poller.measurements <- CounterMeasurement{tick, poller.Name(), []string{"one"}, 1}

func (poller One) Name() string {
  return "one"

// A finalizer of sorts
func (poller One) Exit() {}

Just implementing the Poller, however, doesn't automatically make it available. Next, we must add our new Poller to pollers.go such that we can make it available to the MultiPoller, which is how shh internally collects metrics across many pollers at once.

Somewhere in the switch statement add the following:

case "one":

Adding "one" to the list of pollers in the environment variable SHH_POLLERS will create a one poller, and start calling it's Poll method for each tick.