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Habib Rohman edited this page Jun 27, 2020 · 4 revisions

This is telegram commands, not minecraft commands. If you wanted to send minecraft command that has the same name as telegram commands, please use /send command.

Main commands

  • /start <username> <server> <version> <password>
  • /select <username> - Select certain minecraft instance
  • /status - Show status of all minecraft instance
  • /helps - Show this message?
  • /filter <text> - Filter chat / message, prevent sent to telegram
  • /listen - Toggle listen mode
  • /send <message> - Send message / command to the minecraft chat

Minecraft commands

  • /consume - Consume currently held item
  • /equip <name> <destination> - Equip item from inventory
  • /inventory - Show current inventory
  • /use_item - Use / activate currently held item
  • /toss <name> <amount> - Toss / throw item
  • /chest - Open chest / curently opened chest
  • /quit - Quit current instance