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eaxelson edited this page Aug 18, 2017 · 1 revision



Determine HFST transducer format and print it to output.


The help message:

Usage: hfst-format [OPTIONS...] [INFILE]
determine HFST transducer format

Common options:
  -h, --help             Print help message
  -V, --version          Print version info
  -v, --verbose          Print verbosely while processing
  -q, --quiet            Only print fatal erros and requested output
  -s, --silent           Alias of --quiet
Input/Output options:
  -i, --input=INFILE     Read input transducer from INFILE
  -o, --output=OUTFILE   Write output transducer to OUTFILE
Tool-specific options:
  -l, --list-formats     List available transducer formats
                         and print them to standard output
  -t, --test-format FMT  Whether the format FMT is available,
                         exits with 0 if it is, else with 1

If OUTFILE or INFILE is missing or -, standard streams will be used.
Format of result depends on format of INFILE

Report bugs to <> or directly to our bug tracker at:


The command

echo 'a:b' | hfst-strings2fst -f foma | hfst-format

will print to output

Transducers in <stdin> are of type foma
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