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Configuring Frontik

Here is the list of all options currently supported by Frontik. All of them can be set in the configuration file (see frontik_dev.cfg.ex for example), but you can pass them to /usr/bin/frontik script through command line as well. The exception is config option — it makes sense to pass it only through command line.

These options can be set for each Frontik instance (see

Option name Type Default value Description
host str '' Host value for incoming connections
port int 8000 Port to listen to
reuse_port bool True Binds server socket with SO_REUSEPORT option
config str None Path to config file
slow_callback_threshold_ms int None Enables logging of long-running callbacks
app str None Application name (is used for application identification and as default path to it's class)
app_class str None Path to application class (by default FrontikApplication class is used (see Frontik application structure))
workers int 1 Number of worker processes creates using fork. When default value is used, master itself become worker, without fork
init_workers_timeout_sec int 60 Timeout for worker initialization
xheaders bool False Controls Tornado HTTPServer xheaders option
tornado_settings dict None tornado.web.Application settings
autoreload bool False Restart Frontik after changes in application sources or config files
debug bool False Enable debug mode
debug_login str None Debug mode login for basic authentication (when debug=False)
debug_password str None Debug mode password for basic authentication (when debug=False)
max_active_handlers int 100 Limit the maximum number of simultaneous requests per worker
datacenter str None Datacenter where current application is running
validate_request_id bool False Enable check for validity of request_id (32 characters hex-string)
node_name str False Name of node where frontik application starts
common_executor_pool_size int 10 The maximum number of threads that can be used to execute the given calls
stop_timeout int 3 Max time in seconds for gracefully application stopping

Logging options:

Option name Type Default value Description
log_level str info Python log level
logformat str see code Log entry format for files and syslog
log_dir str None Log directory location (set to None to disable logging to file)
log_json bool True Enable JSON logging for files and syslog
log_text_format str see code Log format for files and syslog when JSON logging is disabled
stderr_log bool False Send log output to stderr (colorized if possible)
stderr_format str see code Log entry format for stderr output
stderr_dateformat str see code Log entry date format for stderr output
syslog bool False Enables sending logs to syslog
syslog_host str Syslog host
syslog_port int None Syslog port. If this value is None, unix socket is used, UDP otherwise
syslog_facility str 'user' Syslog facility
syslog_tag str '' Syslog tag
suppressed_loggers list [] List of logger names to be excluded from debug output
sentry_dsn str None Enable Sentry and set Sentry DSN for sending errors
statsd_host str None Stats server host for metrics
statsd_port int None Stats server port for metrics
statsd_default_periodic_send_interval_sec int 60 Stats default periodic metrics sending interval
asyncio_task_threshold_sec float None Threshold for logging long-running asyncio tasks
asyncio_task_critical_threshold_sec float None Threshold for send to Sentry long-running asyncio tasks

HTTP client options:

Option name Type Default value Description
max_http_clients int 100 Curl max clients option
max_http_clients_connects int None Curl max connects option
http_client_default_connect_timeout_sec float 0.2 Default connect timeout
http_client_default_request_timeout_sec float 2.0 Default request timeout
http_client_default_max_tries int 2 Maximum number of retries per request + 1
http_client_default_max_timeout_tries int 1 Maximum number of retries due to timeout per request + 1
http_client_default_retry_policy dict {599: False, 503: False} Conditions when request retry is possible
http_proxy_host str None HTTP proxy host for Curl HTTP client
http_proxy_port int 3128 HTTP proxy port for Curl HTTP client
http_client_allow_cross_datacenter_requests bool False Allow requests to different datacenter when no upstream in current datacenter is available
timeout_multiplier float 1.0 Generic timeout multiplier for http requests (useful for testing)

Producers options:

Option name Type Default value Description
xsl_root str None Root directory for XSL files
xml_root str None Root directory for XML files
xsl_cache_limit int None Upper limit for XSL LRU files cache
xml_cache_limit int None Upper limit for XML LRU files cache
xsl_cache_step int None Increase in weight for XSL cache entry after each get
xml_cache_step int None Increase in weight for XML cache entry after each get
xsl_executor_pool_size int 1 Number of background threads for XSLT processing
jinja_template_root str None Root directory for Jinja templates
jinja_template_cache_limit int 50 Upper limit for Jinja templates cache
jinja_streaming_render_timeout_ms int 50 Upper limit (in msecs) for one iteration of partial Jinja template rendering

Consul options:

Option name Type Default value Description
consul_enabled bool True Enable Consul features: registration, kv-store, upstreams
consul_host str Consul host
consul_port int None Consul port
consul_service_address str None Address of application for Consul registration
consul_check_host str None Address for healthcheck application, if not provided, consul_service_address is used
consul_http_check_interval_sec int 10 Interval for making healthcheck request
consul_http_check_timeout_sec int 1 Timeout for health check request
consul_tags list [] Additional parameters, which will will be sent with Consul registration
consul_weight_watch_seconds int 600 Max waiting blocking query time for get host weight from Consul
consul_weight_total_timeout_sec int 650 Timeout for waiting blocking query for getting host weight from Consul
consul_cache_initial_warmup_timeout_sec int 2 Ttl of HTTP session to initialize cache
consul_cache_backoff_delay_seconds int 10 Interval to wait until next attempt to fetch info from consul after exception
consul_consistency_mode str default May set as default, consistent and stale. See Consul documentation
consul_weight_consistency_mode str default Consistency mode for get weigth.
consul_deregister_critical_timeout str 120h Time, after that service will be de-registered automatically from Consul
upstreams list [] List of service upstreams - services, where current app will send http requests
fail_start_on_empty_upstream bool True If True app will not start if one or more upstreams don't have host addresses

Opentelemetry options:

Option name Type Default value Description
opentelemetry_collector_url str OpenTelemetry collector url
opentelemetry_sampler_ratio float 0.01 Probability (between 0 and 1) that a span will be sampled
opentelemetry_enabled bool False Enable OpenTelemetry features

The only option that is mandatory for running Frontik is app option — the name of application package.

There are also certain options, that can be defined during application initialization, see Configuring Frontik application for more details.