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HV-481 Remove import of javax.script.ScriptException in Log class
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kevinpollet authored and hferentschik committed Mar 2, 2012
1 parent 4aa7e32 commit 3fa3077
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import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import javax.script.ScriptException;
import javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException;
import javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException;
import javax.validation.GroupDefinitionException;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ public interface Log extends BasicLogger {
IllegalArgumentException invalidRegularExpression(@Cause PatternSyntaxException e);

@Message(id = 23, value = "Error during execution of script \"%s\" occurred.")
ConstraintDeclarationException errorDuringScriptExecution(String script, @Cause ScriptException e);
ConstraintDeclarationException errorDuringScriptExecution(String script, @Cause Exception e);

@Message(id = 24, value = "Script \"%s\" returned null, but must return either true or false.")
ConstraintDeclarationException scriptMustReturnTrueOrFalse(String script);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,157 +270,154 @@ public interface Log extends BasicLogger {
@Message(id = 67, value = "Unable to read %s.")
ValidationException unableToReadServicesFile(String servicesFileName, @Cause Exception e);

@Message(id = 68, value = "No JSR 223 script engine found for language \"%s\".")
ScriptException unableToFindScriptEngine(String languageName);

@Message(id = 69, value = "Start index cannot be negative: %d.")
@Message(id = 68, value = "Start index cannot be negative: %d.")
IllegalArgumentException startIndexCannotBeNegative(int startIndex);

@Message(id = 70, value = "End index cannot be negative: %d.")
@Message(id = 69, value = "End index cannot be negative: %d.")
IllegalArgumentException endIndexCannotBeNegative(int endIndex);

@Message(id = 71, value = "Invalid Range: %1$d > %2$d.")
@Message(id = 70, value = "Invalid Range: %1$d > %2$d.")
IllegalArgumentException invalidRange(int startIndex, int endIndex);

@Message(id = 72, value = "A explicitly specified check digit must lie outside the interval: [%1$d, %2$d].")
@Message(id = 71, value = "A explicitly specified check digit must lie outside the interval: [%1$d, %2$d].")
IllegalArgumentException invalidCheckDigit(int startIndex, int endIndex);

@Message(id = 73, value = "'%c' is not a digit.")
@Message(id = 72, value = "'%c' is not a digit.")
NumberFormatException characterIsNotADigit(char c);

@Message(id = 74, value = "Parameters starting with 'valid' are not allowed in a constraint.")
@Message(id = 73, value = "Parameters starting with 'valid' are not allowed in a constraint.")
ConstraintDefinitionException constraintParametersCannotStartWithValid();

@Message(id = 75, value = "%2$s contains Constraint annotation, but does not contain a %1$s parameter.")
@Message(id = 74, value = "%2$s contains Constraint annotation, but does not contain a %1$s parameter.")
ConstraintDefinitionException constraintWithoutMandatoryParameter(String parameterName, String constraintName);

@Message(id = 76,
@Message(id = 75,
value = "%s contains Constraint annotation, but the payload parameter default value is not the empty array.")
ConstraintDefinitionException wrongDefaultValueForPayloadParameter(String constraintName);

@Message(id = 77, value = "%s contains Constraint annotation, but the payload parameter is of wrong type.")
@Message(id = 76, value = "%s contains Constraint annotation, but the payload parameter is of wrong type.")
ConstraintDefinitionException wrongTypeForPayloadParameter(String constraintName, @Cause ClassCastException e);

@Message(id = 78,
@Message(id = 77,
value = "%s contains Constraint annotation, but the groups parameter default value is not the empty array.")
ConstraintDefinitionException wrongDefaultValueForGroupsParameter(String constraintName);

@Message(id = 79, value = "%s contains Constraint annotation, but the groups parameter is of wrong type.")
@Message(id = 78, value = "%s contains Constraint annotation, but the groups parameter is of wrong type.")
ConstraintDefinitionException wrongTypeForGroupsParameter(String constraintName, @Cause ClassCastException e);

@Message(id = 80,
@Message(id = 79,
value = "%s contains Constraint annotation, but the message parameter is not of type java.lang.String.")
ConstraintDefinitionException wrongTypeForMessageParameter(String constraintName);

@Message(id = 81, value = "Overridden constraint does not define an attribute with name %s.")
@Message(id = 80, value = "Overridden constraint does not define an attribute with name %s.")
ConstraintDefinitionException overriddenConstraintAttributeNotFound(String attributeName);

@Message(id = 82,
@Message(id = 81,
value = "The overriding type of a composite constraint must be identical to the overridden one. Expected %1$s found %2$s.")
ConstraintDefinitionException wrongAttributeTypeForOverriddenConstraint(String expectedReturnType, Class<?> currentReturnType);

@Message(id = 83, value = "Wrong parameter type. Expected: %1$s Actual: %2$s.")
@Message(id = 82, value = "Wrong parameter type. Expected: %1$s Actual: %2$s.")
ValidationException wrongParameterType(String expectedType, String currentType);

@Message(id = 84, value = "The specified annotation defines no parameter '%s'.")
@Message(id = 83, value = "The specified annotation defines no parameter '%s'.")
ValidationException unableToFindAnnotationParameter(String parameterName, @Cause NoSuchMethodException e);

@Message(id = 85, value = "Unable to get '%1$s' from %2$s.")
@Message(id = 84, value = "Unable to get '%1$s' from %2$s.")
ValidationException unableToGetAnnotationParameter(String parameterName, String annotationName, @Cause Exception e);

@Message(id = 86, value = "No value provided for %s.")
@Message(id = 85, value = "No value provided for %s.")
IllegalArgumentException noValueProvidedForAnnotationParameter(String parameterName);

@Message(id = 87, value = "Trying to instantiate %1$s with unknown parameter(s): %2$s.")
@Message(id = 86, value = "Trying to instantiate %1$s with unknown parameter(s): %2$s.")
RuntimeException tryingToInstantiateAnnotationWithUnknownParameters(Class<?> annotationType, Set<String> unknownParameters);

@Message(id = 88, value = "Property name cannot be null or empty.")
@Message(id = 87, value = "Property name cannot be null or empty.")
IllegalArgumentException propertyNameCannotBeNullOrEmpty();

@Message(id = 89, value = "Element type has to be FIELD or METHOD.")
@Message(id = 88, value = "Element type has to be FIELD or METHOD.")
IllegalArgumentException elementTypeHasToBeFieldOrMethod();

@Message(id = 90, value = "Member %s is neither a field nor a method.")
@Message(id = 89, value = "Member %s is neither a field nor a method.")
IllegalArgumentException memberIsNeitherAFieldNorAMethod(Member member);

@Message(id = 91, value = "Unable to access %s.")
@Message(id = 90, value = "Unable to access %s.")
ValidationException unableToAccessMember(String memberName, @Cause Exception e);

@Message(id = 92, value = "%s has to be a primitive type.")
@Message(id = 91, value = "%s has to be a primitive type.")
IllegalArgumentException hasToBeAPrimitiveType(Class<?> clazz);

@Message(id = 93, value = "Unhandled primitive type.")
@Message(id = 92, value = "Unhandled primitive type.")
RuntimeException unhandledPrimitiveType();

@Message(id = 94, value = "null is an invalid type for a constraint validator.")
@Message(id = 93, value = "null is an invalid type for a constraint validator.")
ValidationException nullIsAnInvalidTypeForAConstraintValidator();

@Message(id = 95, value = "Missing actual type argument for type parameter: %s.")
@Message(id = 94, value = "Missing actual type argument for type parameter: %s.")
IllegalArgumentException missingActualTypeArgumentForTypeParameter(TypeVariable<?> typeParameter);

@Message(id = 96, value = "Unable to instantiate constraint factory class %s.")
@Message(id = 95, value = "Unable to instantiate constraint factory class %s.")
ValidationException unableToInstantiateConstraintFactoryClass(String constraintFactoryClassName, @Cause ValidationException e);

@Message(id = 97, value = "Unable to open input stream for mapping file %s.")
@Message(id = 96, value = "Unable to open input stream for mapping file %s.")
ValidationException unableToOpenInputStreamForMappingFile(String mappingFileName);

@Message(id = 98, value = "Unable to instantiate message interpolator class %s.")
@Message(id = 97, value = "Unable to instantiate message interpolator class %s.")
ValidationException unableToInstantiateMessageInterpolatorClass(String messageInterpolatorClassName, @Cause Exception e);

@Message(id = 99, value = "Unable to instantiate traversable resolver class %s.")
@Message(id = 98, value = "Unable to instantiate traversable resolver class %s.")
ValidationException unableToInstantiateTraversableResolverClass(String traversableResolverClassName, @Cause Exception e);

@Message(id = 100, value = "Unable to instantiate validation provider class %s.")
@Message(id = 99, value = "Unable to instantiate validation provider class %s.")
ValidationException unableToInstantiateValidationProviderClass(String providerClassName, @Cause Exception e);

@Message(id = 101, value = "Unable to parse %s.")
@Message(id = 100, value = "Unable to parse %s.")
ValidationException unableToParseValidationXmlFile(String file, @Cause JAXBException e);

@Message(id = 102, value = "%s is not an annotation.")
@Message(id = 101, value = "%s is not an annotation.")
ValidationException isNotAnAnnotation(String annotationClassName);

@Message(id = 103, value = "%s is not a constraint validator class.")
@Message(id = 102, value = "%s is not a constraint validator class.")
ValidationException isNotAConstraintValidatorClass(Class<?> validatorClass);

@Message(id = 104, value = "%s has already be configured in xml.")
@Message(id = 103, value = "%s has already be configured in xml.")
ValidationException beanClassHasAlreadyBeConfiguredInXml(String beanClassName);

@Message(id = 105, value = "%1$s is defined twice in mapping xml for bean %2$s.")
@Message(id = 104, value = "%1$s is defined twice in mapping xml for bean %2$s.")
ValidationException isDefinedTwiceInMappingXmlForBean(String name, String beanClassName);

@Message(id = 106, value = "%1$s does not contain the fieldType %2$s.")
@Message(id = 105, value = "%1$s does not contain the fieldType %2$s.")
ValidationException beanDoesNotContainTheField(String beanClassName, String fieldName);

@Message(id = 107, value = "%1$s does not contain the property %2$s.")
@Message(id = 106, value = "%1$s does not contain the property %2$s.")
ValidationException beanDoesNotContainTheProperty(String beanClassName, String getterName);

@Message(id = 108, value = "Annotation of type %1$s does not contain a parameter %2$s.")
@Message(id = 107, value = "Annotation of type %1$s does not contain a parameter %2$s.")
ValidationException annotationDoesNotContainAParameter(String annotationClassName, String parameterName);

@Message(id = 109, value = "Attempt to specify an array where single value is expected.")
@Message(id = 108, value = "Attempt to specify an array where single value is expected.")
ValidationException attemptToSpecifyAnArrayWhereSingleValueIsExpected();

@Message(id = 110, value = "Unexpected parameter value.")
@Message(id = 109, value = "Unexpected parameter value.")
ValidationException unexpectedParameterValue();

ValidationException unexpectedParameterValue(@Cause ClassCastException e);

@Message(id = 111, value = "Invalid %s format.")
@Message(id = 110, value = "Invalid %s format.")
ValidationException invalidNumberFormat(String formatName, @Cause NumberFormatException e);

@Message(id = 112, value = "Invalid char value: %s.")
@Message(id = 111, value = "Invalid char value: %s.")
ValidationException invalidCharValue(String value);

@Message(id = 113, value = "Invalid return type: %s. Should be a enumeration type.")
@Message(id = 112, value = "Invalid return type: %s. Should be a enumeration type.")
ValidationException invalidReturnType(Class<?> returnType, @Cause ClassCastException e);

@Message(id = 114, value = "%s, %s, %s are reserved parameter names.")
@Message(id = 113, value = "%s, %s, %s are reserved parameter names.")
ValidationException reservedParameterNames(String messageParameterName, String groupsParameterName, String payloadParameterName);

@Message(id = 115, value = "Specified payload class %s does not implement javax.validation.Payload")
@Message(id = 114, value = "Specified payload class %s does not implement javax.validation.Payload")
ValidationException wrongPayloadClass(String payloadClassName);

@Message(id = 116, value = "Error parsing mapping file.")
@Message(id = 115, value = "Error parsing mapping file.")
ValidationException errorParsingMappingFile(@Cause JAXBException e);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,4 +466,7 @@ public interface Log extends BasicLogger {

@Message(value = "Class is null.")
String classIsNull();

@Message(value = "No JSR 223 script engine found for language \"%s\".")
String unableToFindScriptEngine(String languageName);
Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ private ScriptEvaluator createNewScriptEvaluator(String languageName) throws Scr
ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName( languageName );

if ( engine == null ) {
throw log.unableToFindScriptEngine( languageName );
throw new ScriptException( log.unableToFindScriptEngine( languageName ) );

return new ScriptEvaluator( engine );
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