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(minidebug) show relative-path
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when shorter than abs-path.
(BUG) Win32 hosts need some special tweak
  • Loading branch information
okuoku committed Jun 12, 2010
1 parent 9c821a7 commit d6c4c34
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Showing 3 changed files with 147 additions and 4 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion boot/runtimes/srfi-mosh/layout.scm
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
(rnrs mutable-pairs)
(rnrs mutable-strings) (rnrs eval) (rnrs r5rs) (rnrs load) (rnrs eval reflection)
(r5rs) )
(r6rs (mosh) (system) (nmosh conditions) (nmosh condition-printer) (nmosh runlib)
(r6rs (mosh) (system)
(nmosh pathutils)
(nmosh conditions) (nmosh condition-printer) (nmosh runlib)
(shorten helper)
Expand Down
20 changes: 17 additions & 3 deletions boot/runtimes/srfi-mosh/lib.boot/nmosh/
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
with-condition-printer with-condition-printer/raise)
(import (rnrs) (nmosh conditions)
(only (mosh) format)
(nmosh pathutils)
(primitives id-name id-debug id-maybe-library))

; almost as syntax->datum but allows symbol in l
Expand All @@ -25,15 +26,15 @@
(let loop ((cur '())
(s (cddr r)))
(if (char=? #\space (car s))
(list->string cur)
(make-simple-path (list->string cur))
(loop (cons (car s) cur) (cdr s))))
((and (list? debug) (= 2 (length debug)))
(let ((name (car debug))
(line (cadr debug)))
(format "~a:~d" (if (string? name)
(extract-name name)
(extract-name name)
(else #f)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,14 +87,27 @@
(guard (c (#t #f))
(condition-who e)))

(define (ptake x l) ;; permissive SRFI-1 take
;; (ptake N #f) => #f
;; (ptake N x) => '()
((not l)
((not (pair? x))
((= x 1)
(car x))
(cons (car x) (ptake (- x 1) (cdr l))))))

(define (syntax-trace-printer e port)
(define (tab)
(display " " port))
(let ((who (safe-condition-who e))
(message (condition-message e))
(form (syntax-violation-form e))
(subform (syntax-violation-subform e))
(trace (condition-syntax-trace e)))
(trace (ptake 5 (condition-syntax-trace e))))
(display " Syntax error")
(newline port)
(display " who : " port)
Expand Down
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions boot/runtimes/srfi-mosh/lib.boot/nmosh/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
(library (nmosh pathutils)
(export absolute-path?
(import (rnrs) (mosh))

;; from mosh-utils5.scm
(define (run-win32-np?) (string=? "win32" (host-os)))
(define CHR-ENVPATHSEP (if (run-win32-np?) #\; #\:))

(define pathfilter
(if (run-win32-np?)
(lambda (str)
(and (string? str)
(list->string (map (lambda (e) (if (char=? e #\\) #\/ e)) (string->list str)))))
(lambda (str) str)))

(define pathfinish
(if (run-win32-np?)
(lambda (str) (and (string? str) (list->string (cdr (string->list str)))))
(lambda (str) str)))

(define do-absolute-path?
(if (run-win32-np?) ;FIXME: support UNC pathes
(lambda (pl)
(let ((a (car pl)))
(and ; is a drive letter?
(= (string-length a) 2)
(char=? (cadr (string->list a)) #\:))))
(lambda (pl) (= 0 (string-length (car pl))) )))

;; utils
(define (strsep str chr)
(define (gather l) ;
(define (itr cur rest0 rest1)
((not (pair? rest1)) (reverse cur))
(itr (cons (substring str
(+ 1 (car rest0))
(car rest1)) cur)
(cdr rest0)
(cdr rest1)))))
(itr '() l (cdr l)))
(define (spl l s)
(define (itr idx cur rest)
((not (pair? rest)) (reverse (cons idx cur)))
((char=? s (car rest))
(itr (+ idx 1) (cons idx cur) (cdr rest)))
(itr (+ idx 1) cur (cdr rest)))))
(itr 0 (list -1) l))
(if (string? str)
(let* ((l (string->list str))
(m (spl l chr))
(r (gather m)))
r )
;; path handling
(define RUNPATH (pathfilter (current-directory)))

(define (compose-rel-path l)
(define (omit-dot l)
(define (itr cur rest)
(if (pair? rest)
(let ((a (car rest)))
(if (string=? "." a)
(itr cur (cdr rest)) ; drop "."
(itr (cons a cur) (cdr rest))))
(reverse cur)))
(itr '() l))
(define (omit-zerolen l)
(define (itr cur rest)
(if (pair? rest)
(let ((a (car rest)))
(if (= 0 (string-length a))
(itr cur (cdr rest))
(itr (cons a cur) (cdr rest))))
(reverse cur)))
(itr '() l))
(define (insert-slash l)
(define (itr cur rest)
(if (pair? rest)
(itr (cons "/" (cons (car rest) cur)) (cdr rest))
(reverse (cdr cur)))) ;drop last "/"
(itr '() l))
(apply string-append (insert-slash (omit-dot (omit-zerolen l)))))

(define (path->list pth)
(strsep (pathfilter pth) #\/))

(define (absolute-path? pth)
(do-absolute-path? (path->list pth)))

(define (make-simple-path pth)
(define (make-simple base l)
(define (chop-itr base-cur l-cur)
(if (and (pair? base-cur) (pair? l-cur)
(string=? (car base-cur) (car l-cur)))
(chop-itr (cdr base-cur) (cdr l-cur))
(values base-cur l-cur)))
(define (run)
(chop-itr base l))
(define (return base l)
(map (lambda (bogus) "..") base)
(call-with-values run return))
((absolute-path? pth)
(let ((base (path->list (current-directory)))
(l (path->list pth)))
(let ((r (compose-rel-path (make-simple base l))))
(if (< (string-length pth) (string-length r))
(else pth)))


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