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Roadmap v1.x.x

hiigami edited this page May 28, 2023 · 20 revisions

The yup-hypothesis Roadmap


Mark Description
work not started
work completed
🚧 on-going work
πŸ”– marked for release
πŸš€ released

Example function


  • πŸš€ Array
  • πŸš€ Boolean
  • πŸš€ Date
  • Lazy
  • πŸš€ Mixed - Will return one of the following: boolean, date, number, object, string
    • πŸš€ Include array as a return value. Array size is limited to a maximum of 20.
  • πŸš€ Number
  • πŸš€ Object
  • πŸš€ String
  • πŸš€ Tuple


  • πŸš€ Context - Used for conditionals (e.g., schema.when(...)) and yup.ref.

yup API 1.x.x


  • πŸš€ Compact
  • πŸš€ Ensure
  • JSON
  • πŸš€ Length
  • πŸš€ Max
  • πŸš€ Min
  • πŸš€ Of


  • πŸš€ Is false
  • πŸš€ Is true


  • πŸš€ Max
  • πŸš€ Min


  • 🚧 Lazy
  • πŸš€ Ref
    • With options
  • Set locale


  • πŸš€ Concat
  • πŸš€ Default
  • πŸš€ Defined
  • πŸš€ Non nullable
  • 🚧 Not one of
    • πŸš€ Support for string, number, date and bool
    • 🚧 Support for array, tuple, object and mixed
  • πŸš€ Not required
  • πŸš€ Nullable
  • πŸš€ One of
  • πŸš€ Optiponal
  • πŸš€ Required
  • πŸš€ Strict - If not defined or false it will return a valid value, but could be a different type from the one expected
  • πŸš€ Strip
  • πŸš€ With mutation
  • πŸš€ When - Use rules from returned schema. Since the rules are not overwritten, only the presence from the base schema will be taken into consideration
  • πŸš€ Transform


  • πŸš€ Integer
  • πŸš€ Less than
  • πŸš€ Max
  • πŸš€ Min
  • πŸš€ More than
  • πŸš€ Negative
  • πŸš€ Positive
  • πŸš€ Round
  • πŸš€ Truncate


  • πŸš€ Camel case
  • πŸš€ Constant case
  • πŸš€ From
  • πŸš€ Get default from shape
  • JSON
  • πŸš€ No unknown
  • πŸš€ Omit
  • πŸš€ Pick
  • πŸš€ Shape
  • πŸš€ Snake case
  • πŸš€ Transform keys
  • πŸš€ Unknown


  • πŸš€ Email
  • πŸš€ Ensure
  • πŸš€ Length
  • πŸš€ Lower case
  • Matches
  • πŸš€ Max
  • πŸš€ Min
  • πŸš€ Trim
  • πŸš€ Upper case
  • πŸš€ URL - Changed URL creation to WHATWG, same as yup
  • πŸš€ UUID


  • πŸš€