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TrackIt Holders Built in Global Holders

hikirsch edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 3 revisions

There are various holders that are readily available within TrackIt. Below is a table representing the available holders. Remember, you can always create your own custom holder.

Holder Description
[H1] the text within the H1 Tag.
[TITLE] the text within the Title Tag.
[TEXT] the text within the element that fired the event.
[ALT] the alt text within the element that fired the event.
[HREF] the href attribute within the element that fired the event.
[ATTR:customAttr] the attribute “customAttr” on the element that the tracking event was fired from.
[ATTR+:customAttr] Similar to ATTR, the tracker will start with the element that it was fired from and check itself for the designated attribute. However, if the attribute does not exist, the tracker will then try its parent and so forth until it finds “customAttr”, or until it hits the HTML root node. If the HTML node is detected, an empty string is returned, otherwise the value of “customAttr” is returned.