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TrackIt Holders Create Custom Holders

hikirsch edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 3 revisions

Another useful feature with holders is the ability to create your own custom holder. This allows you to take the value of the variable you are tracking a step further. This might be necessary depending on the tracking needs. Below is an example on how to pull in an XML file and define a custom Holder.

// using an external XML file
var myTracker = new $TrackIt(‘omniture’, { 
	XmlFile: ‘/path/to/file.xml’ 
	GlobalHolders: { 
                'MyStaticHolder': 'some string',
		‘MyDynamicHolder’: function() { return “a custom static string”; } 

The above example will retrieve the XML file ‘/path/to/file.xml’ and defines two custom holders called MyStaticHolder and MyDynamicHolder. That means that for any variable within a trackEvent that has a value “[MyDynamicHolder]”, it will get replaced with “a custom static string”. The same would go for ‘MyStaticHolder’ as it would always get the ‘some string’ value.

These custom holders are a core feature within TrackIt. Typical usage would be to create a function that would return some sort of dynamic aspect of the page, whether it’s a HTML snippet or some sort of value derived from something on the page.