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Learning Django


Code Integration

Created a User Portfolio builder website using Django from the ground up using prebuild HTML and CSS template.

I have learned

  • How to created a postgres sql database, organize URL paths, and design the interface to communivate between html page and data.
  • How to include static files, setting up a Postgres database, models, and using the admin interface.
  • How models, URL patterns, views and templates are used together to create powerful modular code for a web application.
  • How Django Forms makes task of collecting and validating data from a user easy. I have used native form framework and Model form. Model forms, which allow you to automatically create a form from an existing model which helped me efficient data entry.

Continous Integration

  • when new testcases/changes are push via master_with_testcases branch, Github actions build and run testcases.
  • If all the test cases are passed, this way I ensure that code in master_with_testcases branch is stable.
  • When i want to deploy changes, I create pull request from master_with_testcases branch then master runs integration test using github actions integrate.yml.
  • It test whether new pull request is disrupting any exisiting master's test cases, If not then code will get merged with master