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Because Python needs a better command-line argument parser

To varying degrees of success, command-line argument parsing libraries do a mostly adequate job handling the common use cases. They are able to parse garden-variety command-line inputs and provide help text to end users. Some libraries take partial steps to support a larger set of features: basic conversion and validation; varying numbers of optional parameters or positional arguments; mutually exclusive options; subcommand-style programs like git; and occasionally a small amount of help text customization or the ability to control error handling.

But why settle at such low expectations? Every year thousands of command-line scripts are written in Python using argument parsers that are just OK: they are less intuitive, more verbose, and more hemmed in by restrictions than they need to be.

Optopus will change that by providing a library that is easy and efficient to configure; powerful when needed for complex, specialized, unusual, or merely particular situations; and designed with an eye toward customization and flexibility. At every level of program complexity — ranging from throwaway scripts to the next-big-thing — Optopus will offer a superior approach to handling command-line arguments.

The library is under active development and an alpha release has been published. The purpose of that release was mainly to reserve the project name in PyPI but it already provides one small bit of useful functionality, one not currently available in other libraries — namely, no-configuration parsing, which is handy for temporary or experimental scripts that require nothing more than open-ended support for options and positionals.

# Install the library in the usual way.

$ pip install optopus
# Write almost no code to parse arguments.

from optopus import Parser

p = Parser()
opts = p.parse()

# Check out the returned data object.

print(               # Attribute access.
print(opts['bar'])            # Key access.
print('bar' in opts)          # Membership testing.
for dest, val in opts:        # Direct iteration.
    print((dest, val))
# Demo usage.

$ python Z1 Z2 --bar B1 B2 -x -y Y1 -- Z3
Result(positionals=['Z1', 'Z2', 'Z3'], bar=['B1', 'B2'], x=True, y='Y1')
['B1', 'B2']
['B1', 'B2']
('positionals', ['Z1', 'Z2', 'Z3'])
('bar', ['B1', 'B2'])
('x', True)
('y', 'Y1')

Optopus vs. the competition

Rather than starting with my opinions about the state of command-line argument parsers in Python, Ruby, and, from an earlier era, Perl, a more compelling case can be made by starting with something concrete: side-by-side comparisons across a spectrum of program types.

I will use argparse in the comparisons, but not because it is a bad library. To the contrary, it is better than the vast majority of alternatives. Argparse is a dream to use compared to its predecessor, optparse, and it is easier to configure than the argument parser built into Ruby. Basically, argparse is among the best of a barely-adequate bunch.

Example 1

The comparisons will start with a minimal script: a bare-bones grep clone that will allow us to use Python regular expressions rather than whatever grep ships with. Schematically, we want to handle this usage:

pgrep [-i] [-v] <rgx> <path>

Here is the argparse configuration:

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = 'pgrep')
ap.add_argument('-i', action = 'store_true')
ap.add_argument('-v', action = 'store_true')

The equivalent Optopus configuration dispenses with all of that hassle. Instead, it relies on the conventions that most programmers already know regarding command-line usage syntax — the same syntax you just read and understood a few paragraphs above. That syntax, along with a small number of sensible additions, will allow Optopus to reduce developer hassle significantly while also providing a more powerful and flexible argument parser. The difference between the two configurations is striking.

p = Parser('pgrep [-i] [-v] <rgx> <path>')

Example 2

As a second comparison, we will take the same script and make it more fleshed-out with some help text and the ability to support zero or more file paths.

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = 'pgrep')
ap.add_argument('-i', '--ignore-case', action = 'store_true', help = 'Ignore case')
ap.add_argument('-v', '--invert-match', action = 'store_true', help = 'Select non-matching lines')
ap.add_argument('rgx', help = 'Python regular expression')
ap.add_argument('path', nargs = '*', help = 'Path(s) to input')

The Optopus configuration is more efficient (48% the size of argparse), more readable, and requires less API knowledge. You just type what you want and have to remember little more than a mostly already-known syntax. Note that Example 1 used what Optopus calls a usage-variant syntax: it expressed the full command-line grammar in schematic form. Example 2 uses a closely related syntax, called opt-help syntax. Each line configures a single Opt (a configuration object representing a positional argument or option) using the same syntax seen in the first example, optionally accompanied by one or more aliases and help text. Because the opt-help syntax is more featureful at the level of individual Opts (it can declare aliases and help text), it is often the easiest mechanism to use for non-trivial scripts that do not have any special grammatical needs.

p = Parser('''pgrep ::
    <rgx> : Python regular expression
    [<path>...] : Path(s) to input
    [-i --ignore-case] : Ignore case
    [-v --invert-match] : Select non-matching lines

Example 3

The next step in the script's evolution might be to add some more options, along with conversion and validation of the inputs. The argparse code starts to get a bit heavy.

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = 'pgrep')
ap.add_argument('rgx', metavar = '<rgx>', type = re.compile, help = 'Python regular expression')
ap.add_argument('path', metavar = '<path>', type = pathlib.Path, nargs = '*', help = 'Path(s) to input')
ap.add_argument('--ignore-case', '-i', action = 'store_true', help = 'Ignore case')
ap.add_argument('--invert-match', '-v', action = 'store_true', help = 'Select non-matching lines')
ap.add_argument('--max-count', '-m', metavar = '<n>', type = int, help = 'Stop searching after N matches')
ap.add_argument('--context', '-C', metavar = '<n>', type = int, help = 'Print N lines of before/after context')
ap.add_argument('--color', metavar = '<col>', choices = ('red', 'green', 'blue'), help = 'Highlight matching text: red, green, blue')

By comparison, the Optopus configuration remains compact (67% the size of argparse), intuitive, and easy to scan. If you want to spiff it up further you can have your editor line everything up on the colon separators. Also notice the two phases of configuration: most of the work is done in the text syntax (called a parser spec, short for specification); and then extra configuration is applied via a programmatic API. Notice also that the API emphasizes simple conveniences: if any Opts share configuration parameters (options -m and -C in our example), they can be handled jointly in a single config() call. The last config() call is not required, but it helps to clean up the help text, which we will examine shortly. In spite of its brevity, the Optopus configuration actually does more validation (in the example, isfile and ispositive are assumed to be callables defined by the user).

p = Parser('''pgrep ::
    <rgx> : Python regular expression
    [<path>...] : Path(s) to input
    [-i --ignore-case] : Ignore case
    [-v --invert-match] : Select non-matching lines
    [-m --max-count <n>] : Stop searching after N matches
    [-C --context <n>] : Print N lines of before/after context
    [--color red|green|blue] : Highlight matching text

p.config('rgx', convert = re.compile)
p.config('path', convert = pathlib.Path, validate = isfile)
p.config('m C', convert = int, validate = ispositive)
p.config(kind = 'option', sym = 'options')

Example 3 help text

Before looking at the final code comparison, we can also consider the differences in help text between the two libraries. The output from argparse is familiar and reasonable, if a bit awkward at times. It is also mildly annoying if you are among those who care about finer details related to capitalization, spacing, and overall readability.

usage: pgrep [-h] [--ignore-case] [--invert-match] [--max-count <n>]
             [--context <n>] [--color <col>] <rgx> [<path> ...]

positional arguments:
  <rgx>                 Python regular expression
  <path>                Path(s) to input

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ignore-case, -i     Ignore case
  --invert-match, -v    Select non-matching lines
  --max-count <n>, -m <n>
                        Stop searching after N matches
  --context <n>, -C <n>
                        Print N lines of before/after context
  --color <col>         Highlight matching text: red, green, blue

The Optopus help text is cleaner and easier to read. Those gains mostly come from a couple of alternative techniques that Optopus supports but does not require: first, the ability to flexibly summarize groups of options symbolically in the usage text (as [options] in this example, which was done in the last p.config() call above); and second, the separation of option help from an alias listing.

  pgrep [options] <rgx> [<path>...]

  <rgx>                  Python regular expression
  <path>                 Path(s) to input

  --help                 Print help text and exit
  --ignore-case          Ignore case
  --invert-match         Select non-matching lines
  --max-count <n>        Stop searching after N matches
  --context <n>          Print N lines of before/after context
  --color <col>          Highlight matching text: red, green, blue

  --help                 -h
  --ignore-case          -i
  --invert-match         -v
  --max-count            -m
  --context              -C

Example 4

As a final comparison, we will expand beyond grepping into a suite of regex-based text wrangling utilities: grep (search for matching lines), sub (search and replace), and search (search and grab). For this script, we will need to use argparse subparsers, which makes the configuration even heavier and harder to read or scan. It requires users to learn and remember even more API. To avoid code repetition for options shared across the subcommands, the user has to take some care in defining a secondary data structure (argconf in this example). And if you work with colleagues who frown on long lines (as they probably should, for readability reasons well-understood for decades by the publishing industry) you will have to expand the code footprint further by wrapping the lines sensibly or by extracting help text into a separate data structure to de-bulk the main configuration code.

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = 'wrangle')

sps = ap.add_subparsers(dest = 'task', help = 'Task to perform', metavar = '<task>')
sp1 = sps.add_parser('grep', help = 'Emit lines matching pattern')
sp2 = sps.add_parser('sub', help = 'Search for pattern and replace')
sp3 = sps.add_parser('search', help = 'Emit text matching pattern')

argconf = {
    'rgx': dict(metavar = '<rgx>', type = re.compile, help = 'Python regular expression'),
    'path': dict(metavar = '<path>', type = pathlib.Path, nargs = '*', help = 'Path(s) to input'),
    '-i': dict(action = 'store_true', help = 'Ignore case'),

sp1.add_argument('--ignore-case', '-i', **argconf['-i'])
sp1.add_argument('--invert-match', '-v', action = 'store_true', help = 'Select non-matching lines')
sp1.add_argument('--max-count', '-m', metavar = '<n>', type = int, help = 'Stop searching after N matches')
sp1.add_argument('--context', '-C', metavar = '<n>', type = int, help = 'Print N lines of before/after context')
sp1.add_argument('--color', metavar = '<col>', choices = ('red', 'green', 'blue'), help = 'Highlight matching text: red, green, blue')
sp1.add_argument('rgx', **argconf['rgx'])
sp1.add_argument('path', **argconf['path'])

sp2.add_argument('--ignore-case', '-i', **argconf['-i'])
sp2.add_argument('--nsubs', '-n', metavar = '<n>', type = int, help = 'N of substitutions')
sp2.add_argument('rgx', **argconf['rgx'])
sp2.add_argument('rep', metavar = '<rep>', help = 'Replacement text')
sp2.add_argument('path', **argconf['path'])

sp3.add_argument('--ignore-case', '-i', **argconf['-i'])
sp3.add_argument('--group', '-g', metavar = '<n>', type = int, help = 'Emit just capture group N [0 for all]')
sp3.add_argument('--delim', '-d', metavar = '<s>', help = 'Delimeter for capture groups [tab]')
sp3.add_argument('--para', '-p', action = 'store_true', help = 'Emit capture groups one-per-line, paragraph-style')
sp3.add_argument('rgx', **argconf['rgx'])
sp3.add_argument('path', **argconf['path'])

Once again, the comparison with Optopus is striking. Even with subcommands, the Optopus configuration remains intuitive and compact (60% the size of argparse). The user does have to learn a few additional syntax rules (the double-colon as a section marker, and the syntax for positional usage variants like <task=grep>), but the API burden remains low. A Python programmer unfamiliar with the library could quickly infer the basic intent even without knowing the all of the rules. This example illustrates both syntax styles mentioned above: usage-variant syntax to define the subcommand-style grammar that our program needs in the first section (for convenience, this section can refer to the Opts via their short aliases); followed by another section using opt-help syntax to configure the individual Opts more fully. Finally, notice that this configuration does more than the argparse example: it defines the -d and -p options as alternatives (mutually exclusive). That behavior is achievable in argparse, at the cost of looking up even more API. Optopus simply builds on a usage syntax already known to many developers: a pipe to delimit alternatives.

p = Parser('''wrangle
    <task=grep>   [-i] [-v] [-m] [-C]
                  [--color <red|green|blue>]
                  <rgx> [<path>...]
    <task=sub>    [-i] [-n] <rgx> <rep> [<path>...]
    <task=search> [-i] [-g] [-d | -p] <rgx> [<path>...]


    <task>             : Task to perform
    <task=grep>        : Emit lines matching pattern
    <task=sub>         : Search for pattern and replace
    <task=search>      : Emit text matching pattern
    <rgx>              : Python regular expression
    <path>             : Path(s) to input
    <rep>              : Replacement text
    -i --ignore-case   : Ignore case
    -v --invert-match  : Select non-matching lines
    -m --max-count <n> : Stop searching after N matches
    -C --context <n>   : Print N lines of before/after context
    --color <>         : Highlight matching text
    -n --nsubs <n>     : N of substitutions
    -g --group <n>     : Emit just capture group N [0 for all]
    -d --delim <s>     : Delimeter for capture groups [tab]
    -p --para          : Emit capture groups one-per-line, paragraph-style

p.config('rgx', convert = re.compile)
p.config('path', convert = pathlib.Path, validate = isfile)
p.config('m C n', convert = int, validate = ispositive)
p.config('g', convert = int, validate = nonnegative)

Example 4 help text

The help text comparison for the last example further highlights the awkward adequacy of argparse: yes it works, but no more than that. Here are the outputs from four uses of --help (generally and for each of the three subcommands).

usage: wrangle [-h] <task> ...

positional arguments:
  <task>      Task to perform
    grep      Emit lines matching pattern
    sub       Search for pattern and replace
    search    Emit text matching pattern

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
usage: wrangle grep [-h] [--ignore-case] [--invert-match] [--max-count <n>]
                    [--context <n>] [--color <col>]
                    <rgx> [<path> ...]

positional arguments:
  <rgx>                 Python regular expression
  <path>                Path(s) to input

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ignore-case, -i     Ignore case
  --invert-match, -v    Select non-matching lines
  --max-count <n>, -m <n>
                        Stop searching after N matches
  --context <n>, -C <n>
                        Print N lines of before/after context
  --color <col>         Highlight matching text: red, green, blue
usage: wrangle sub [-h] [--ignore-case] [--nsubs <n>] <rgx> <rep> [<path> ...]

positional arguments:
  <rgx>                Python regular expression
  <rep>                Replacement text
  <path>               Path(s) to input

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --ignore-case, -i    Ignore case
  --nsubs <n>, -n <n>  N of substitutions
usage: wrangle search [-h] [--ignore-case] [--group <n>] [--delim <s>]
                      <rgx> [<path> ...]

positional arguments:
  <rgx>                Python regular expression
  <path>               Path(s) to input

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --ignore-case, -i    Ignore case
  --group <n>, -g <n>  Emit just capture group N [0 for all]
  --delim <s>, -d <s>  Delimeter for capture groups [tab]
  --para, -p           Emit capture groups one-per-line, paragraph-style

The Optopus help text is cleaner, easier to read, and more compact. It is also unified rather than separate (everything from a single usage of --help). If needed, the parser can be easily configured to support use cases that need separate help text for different usage variants (many programs do not).

  wrangle grep [-h] [-i] [-v] [-m <n>] [-C <n>]
          [--color <red|green|blue>] <rgx> [<path>...]
  wrangle sub [-h] [-i] [-n <n>] <rgx> <rep> [<path>...]
  wrangle search [-h] [-i] [-g <n>] [-d <s>] <rgx> [<path>...]

Positionals: task:
  grep                   Emit lines matching pattern
  sub                    Search for pattern and replace
  search                 Emit text matching pattern

Positionals: other:
  <rgx>                  Python regular expression
  <path>                 Path(s) to input

  --help                 Print help text and exit
  --ignore-case          Ignore case
  --invert-match         Select non-matching lines
  --max-count <n>        Stop searching after N matches
  --context <n>          Print N lines of before/after context
  --color <>             Highlight matching text: red, green, blue
  --nsubs <n>            N of substitutions
  --group <n>            Emit just capture group N [0 for all]
  --delim <s>            Delimeter for capture groups [tab]

  --help                 -h
  --ignore-case          -i
  --invert-match         -v
  --max-count            -m
  --context              -C
  --nsubs                -n
  --group                -g
  --delim                -d

Powerful grammars built from simple parts

Most argument parsing libraries start from the a basic model of command-line usage: an ordered sequence of positionals along with an unordered set of short and long options that can be freely mixed among the positionals and that can take zero or more ordered parameters.

The argparse library is a representative example in this vein: it does a reasonable job for common use cases but struggles with command lines that require a grammar falling beyond the typical. On Stack Overflow and the Python bug tracker, for example, one can find a variety of desired and generally sensible use cases that argparse cannot support at all or can support only partially after some uncomfortable hackery.

The most frequently desired grammatical features seem to fall into the following buckets:

Mutual exclusion beyond the simplest case. The argparse library supports mutual exclusion among options considered individually. But it cannot apply that type of requirement to groups of options (for example, -x OR -y -z). See here or here.

Conditional requirements or exclusions. The argparse library does offer subparsers as one mechanism to apply conditional requirements, but this can be a heavy device for what are often fairly simple grammatical needs (for example, if -x then require either -y or -z; or if -a then disallow -b). See here, here, here, or here.

Flexible specification of alternatives. Again, argparse supports this partially (via subparsers or mutually exclusive options), but it lacks a simple, general-purpose mechanism for alternatives (for example, either -a OR -b OR -a -b). See here, here, or here.

Flexible quantification. The argparse library supports four basic quantifiers (N, ? *, and +), but it lacks support for regex-style ranges (e.g., {1,3}), which can arise in a variety of plausible uses cases. There is no strong reason not to support them. See here, here, or here.

More complex repetition. The argparse library can apply quantifiers to individual options or positionals, but not to groups (for example, two positionals, <x> <y>, repeatable in pairs). Sometimes the group that needs to be repeated is the full command-line grammar. In fact, after Optopus, my next project involves such a program: a Python tool for quick text transformation pipelines in the spirit of sed/awk/perl one-liners, but with more intuitive usage, a built-in set of core utilities, and an easy mechanism for users to define their own. Because the tool is literally a pipeline for text running through various conversion and computation stages, it makes sense to model the command-line grammar as repeatable. This use case is mostly supportable by cobbling together multiple argparse parsers, but it is awkward and requires a bit of special logic. Optopus will support a use case like that with almost no extra API-learning cost for the user. See here, here, or here.

Parameter or argument independence. When an option has multiple parameters or a positional has multiple arguments, most argument parsers force them to be configured identically. But sometimes independence makes sense (for example, -a <A|B|C> <X|Y>, where each parameter has different choices). See here.

The deeper problem with most argument parsing libraries is that they rest on a weak foundation. Perhaps a bit uncharitably, one could say that they started with the simplest model of command-line grammar (described at the start of this section). Then they tacked on additional features to meet some of the more common usage patterns: if users occasionally need subcommand-style programs, add a new API to create and configure subparsers; if users occasionally need simple mutual exclusion, add a new API to handle it; and so forth until the library reaches the technical limits of the weak foundation.

A better model is to look to related domains for a small number of general, composable concepts: elements (in this case, positionals, options, and their parameters), groups, alternatives, usage variants, and quantifiers. At least for most developers, those concepts are frequently observed in regular expressions and in the related set of conventions observed in technical documentation for command-line programs — namely, their usage syntax. By resting on these composable ideas, Optopus will be able to achieve both simplicity and greater power.

In more schematic terms, Optopus supports a wide variety of command-line grammars by combining a few core ideas:

  • Groups enclosed either by parentheses (if required) or square brackets (if optional). Groups as first-class citizens is one of the crucial missing ingredients in most libraries.

  • Angle brackets for any kind of variable end-user input, whether it be positionals (<foo>) or option parameters (--point <x> <y>). The universe of command-line programs lacks a consistent convention on how to represent variable inputs. There are four main styles relying on different bracketing conventions (angle, square, or curly) and different capitalization schemes (all uppercase, all lower, or mixed). For a variety of technical and practical reasons, Optopus mimics Git and some other tools in using angle brackets consistently.

  • Pipes to separate alternatives — a ubiquitous convention both in usage text and regex.

  • Quantifiers that can applied to single elements or groups. This is another one of the crucial missing ingredients in most parsers. Optopus relies primarily on the quantifiers from usage-syntax conventions: ... for one-or-more and square brackets to convey optionality. To those it adds the regex {m,n} syntax for quantity ranges.

  • Like regular expressions, grammar elements and parsing itself are greedy by default. This policy decision is necessary to resolve a variety of parsing ambiguities that can arise. Optopus also follows regex in using ? as the device to make a quantifier non-greedy.

  • The ability to name elements or groups symbolically both for display in usage text and for the purpose of naming things in the parsed result. This behavior is important not for grammatical reasons but in order to be able to organize the parsed data in usable ways, especially for more complex grammars.

Examples of most of those grammatical features have already been shown, but another might help to make things more explicit. The example below defines a grammar for a program with two usage variants (named Add and Delete) triggered by the value of the <task> positional (add or delete), along with a third variant (named Examples) that allows the user to request some help text showing examples. Note that usage variants can have explicit names (as shown below) or not (the more common case); if defined, a variant name is mainly useful as a convenient label/handle when using the Parser's configuration API.

p = Parser('''name-db
    Add      : <task=add> (<name> <id>)...
    Delete   : <task=delete> <id>{1,5} [--archive [--json [--indent] | --xml]]
    Examples : --examples

Each usage variant above has something noteworthy.

  • The Add variant requires the <name> and <id> positionals to come in pairs.

  • The Delete variant uses a regex-style quantifier for <id>, and the --archive option is configured so that it can be accompanied by other options in different combinations (either --xml or --json plus an optional --indent).

  • The Examples variant takes an entirely different form from the subcommand-style of the other two variants. It illustrates the general point noted above: if you start with a narrow vision for command-line grammars and then tack on a subparser API, you can support typical subcommand-style programs, but nothing else; however, if you start with composable concepts you can support subcommand-style programs and all kinds of other needs as well — with almost no additional API burden on users.

Defining command-line grammar via a configuration syntax based on usage text is not a new idea. While most argument parsing libraries are like argparse in configuring the parser's grammar via a programmatic API, some libraries take a different approach: the user writes the usage and help text (sometimes enhanced with special syntax elements), the parser is derived from that text, and the text (minus any special syntax) is used as the literal usage and help text presented to end users. Examples include docopt in Python or Getopt::Long::Descriptive, Getopt::Euclid, and Getopt::Declare in Perl.

I believe my first exposure to such ideas came in the early 2000s from Damian Conway, a great programming educator and the initial author of Getopt::Euclid. He is arguably the inspiration for this library: I have been thinking, on and off, about how to make a better argument parser since then. A second debt is owed to Vladimir Keleshev, the primary author of Python's docopt. That library, in my view, has unfortunate and signficant limitations, but it is based on some compelling ideas. The 2012 PyCon video promoting the library is entertaining and wonderfully polemical in the best sense of the word — well worth the time of anyone interested in the subject. Watching the video in the early 2010s rekindled my interest in the Optopus project and helped me refine ideas I had been mulling over for a long time.

In spite of those intellectual debts to this alternative tradition in argument parsers, my experiments with many libraries convinced me that both approaches — API-driven configuration and usage-syntax-driven configuration — have their strengths and weaknesses. Optopus aims to build on the strengths of each:

Usage-syntax to define the core. Optopus encourages the use of text as the primary mechanism to configure the command-line grammar and the logical relationships among the elements, along with the names to be used when referring to options, parameters, positionals, groups, and usage variants. It also encourages the text syntax for defining option aliases and the help text for individual positionals and options. Those are the areas where the text-driven approach shines, either because the configuration is unavoidably textual (for example, help text for individual Opts) or because text is simply a more efficient and intuitive configuration mechanism than API calls (the grammatical relationships among the elements). Consider the example grammar shown above: it conveys a lot of information very efficiently and intuitively when compared against what most API-driven libraries would require of the user (and none of them could fully support the example). In spite of the benefits of text-based configuration, most programmers do not want to handcraft the end-user-facing usage and help text if a computer program can do it consistently and well (not to mention dynamically responding to terminal width or to runtime configurations). That is why Optopus takes substantial inspiration from, but does not fully adopt, the ideas motivating the text-driven parsers like Getopt::Euclid and docopt. Optopus treats the text primarily as a configuration syntax, not literal usage text. Naturally, it does provide an easy mechanism for that syntax to include blocks of literal text.

Programmatic API for the rest. To apply other configurations (defaults, conversion, validation, and various other details), Optopus builds on the strength of the API approach and adds some additional conveniences to keep the developer burden low. Although it is theoretically possible to configure some of those things via a text syntax, the approach has rapidly diminishing returns, because each feature addition requires increasingly baroque syntactic elements. Optopus takes a hybrid approach, combining the benefits of each configuration style.

Finally, it should be noted that all of the library's behaviors will be configurable via the API, including the grammar — not merely to satisfy traditionalists, but because, at least for simpler use cases, configuring the parser's grammar via the API also works well. Note also that even the API configuration can leverage as much or little of the grammar syntax as desired. To illustrate, the following configurations achieve the same thing: an optional --dim having an alias and taking 2 to 3 parameters. I suspect that many developers will prefer the efficiency and intuitiveness of the syntax, but that opinion is not enforced by the library. Users can freely operate at any point they prefer along the text-to-API spectrum.

# All text syntax.
Opt('[-d --dim <> <> [<>]]')

# Hybrid.
Opt('-d --dim', nparams = (2,3), ntimes = (0,1))

# All API.
Opt(dest = 'dim', kind = 'option', nparams = (2,3), ntimes = (0,1), aliases = 'd')

Designed for flexibility

In addition to having an insufficiently powerful grammatical foundation, existing argument parsers tend to be inflexible in their design and thus not open to very much customization. Two areas are particularly noteworthy.

Help and error text. Most libraries offer only limited control over the formatting, arrangement, and style of help and error text. Argparse, for example, offers a few subclasses that adjust help text in small ways or allow the user to supply regular text blocks that will be presented as-is rather than wrapped. But the underlying HelpFormatter class is not friendly to customization generally. Some of its stylistic choices seem non-standard or inelegant to my eye and I have never found ways to adjust them without awkward hacks. More fundamentally, argparse is not prepared to handle bigger changes, ranging from fairly standard needs (for example, help text in man-page format) to more innovative approaches. Optopus will offer some of those approaches directly with the aim of giving programmers the ability to lighten-up and improve the readability of help text.

Side effects. Many argument parsers, including argparse until Python 3.9, are rigid in response to invalid input. They start with sensible default behavior: in the face of bad input, print brief usage text and an error message, then exit. But they turn that default into a requirement by providing no good way to prevent the side effects from occurring. By good way, I mean one where the library would include sufficient contextual data about the error, rather than just providing the error text as a string. That default behavior works in the most common cases, but sometimes programs have other needs. Argument parsing libraries should follow ordinary best practices by giving the user the ability to bypass major side effects like printing and exiting. Imagine any other data oriented library imposing such effects without easy disabling.

To the extent that the existing libraries do allow customization, the mechanisms for doing that are often awkward. Argparse is an apt example: many suggested workarounds to user difficulties with the library involve subclassing, but most argparse classes do not appear to be well-designed for inheritance (and some of their docstrings seem to discourage it outright). At a minimum, one a can say that the library does not provide authoritative guidance on which classes are amenable to subclassing, if any, and what users should do or avoid when doing so.

Optopus will be built with an eye toward flexibility and customization. To the extent feasible, all controllable parameters governing the generation of text will be adjustable. And for dynamic configuration needs — whether related to help text, error text, side effects, or parsing — the library will support them via hooks rather than subclassing. Developers needing special behavior will not have to worry whether they have implemented a method override robustly enough in the face of edge cases or future evolution of the library. Instead, they will just have to write an ordinary hook function based on a documented API.

Reducing the burden on developers

Flexibility and customization are aimed not only at a small minority of developers with strong opinions about technical documentation and page layout. They also have practical ramifications. Developers want to build tools that users can easily understand. Without that, those developers face higher short-term and long-term support costs.

The broad theme connecting such matters is to reduce developer hassle as it relates to argument handling. Some examples on the Optopus roadmap.

Efficient Opt configuration API

When a program needs more than a few Opts, it is not uncommon for some them to have similar configuration needs. Optopus includes a simple, minimal-hassle API to query for one or more grammar elements (mainly Opts, but sometimes Variants or Groups) and apply supplemental configurations to all elements contained in the query result. Those configurations are applied to the Opts in an additive fashion, making it possible to configure many Opts very efficiently. This was demonstrated briefly in a few in the examples above, where multiple Opts were configured in one call to accept only positive integers.

Handy utilities for exiting and error messages

Argument parsers are all used in the same general context and such programs have many common needs during the early phase of execution when arguments are parsed and validated — namely, printing different types of help or error text and sometimes exiting. Those behaviors can be implemented haphazardly or robustly and well (for example, exiting with a proper status code, emitting error messages to stderr rather than stdout, or even adding color to error output). Even when done well, such utilities need to be reimplemented (or copy-pasted) from script to script, because it is not necessarily worth the trouble to package them as a separate library.

Optopus is fundamentally an argument parser and will not stray too far from that focus, but it will provide commonly needed functionality related to argument handling, help text selection and printing, error message creation, and proper exiting.

Composable data conversion and validation

Argument parsing is very much concerned with the problem of data conversion and validation: for example, a command-line grammar can include validation-adjacent concepts, such as choices for positionals or option parameters.

Optopus will not attempt to become a data conversion and validation library -- that falls beyond the scope of the project. But Opts (and possibly Variants) will have convert and validate attributes that can be set to one or more callables. That approach is not a revolutionary idea, of course, but it is an arrangement well-suited to easy composition of functionality that the user might already have at-hand, either from Python itself (int, float, re.compile, os.path.isdir, and so forth), from user-written functions or classes, and from third-party libraries.

Convenient dispatching

Just as argument parsing is closely linked to conversion and validation, its ultimate purpose is dispatch: most command-line scripts take arguments, execute one or more functions in response, and then exit.

Optopus will include convenient mechanisms to do that type of thing. One involves the concept of usage variants. As already discussed, variants provide a powerful means of expressing a command-line grammar and conveying its usage text. But variants also work well as a dispatch device. Both Opts and Variants can be configured with one or more dispatch functions, which will be called with the parsed result, along with any other args/kwargs the user specifies.

Readable usage text, via symbolic grouping

As illustrated in a few of the examples above, a program's usage text can be made more readable and helpful to end-users by condensing groups of options (or groups of choices) with symbolic names. Such techniques are sometimes seen in command-line programs with large numbers of options — so large than an exhaustive listing in the usage text actively undermines usability because it overwhelms user attention and patience. For example, this simplified snippet of usage text from git diff illustrates the technique.

git diff [options] [<commit>] [<path>...]
git diff [options] --cached [<commit>] [<path>...]

Because Optopus treats groups as first-class citizens in command-line grammar, and because it will also offer flexible query/configuration APIs allowing developers to organize options into meaningful arrangements with symbolic names, developers working on larger scripts (or really any script that could benefits from such devices) will have flexible mechanisms to generate effective usage text that actually helps end-users rather than exhaustively "correct" usage text churned out by a rigid algorithm.

Flexible help text, without API burden

Most command-line programs are sufficiently documented simply by listing all arguments and options, each with a line of help text. Sometimes, however, a different approach works better, such as organizing options into labeled sections or simply interspersing blocks of text or sub-headings in between various groupings of the listed options. Argparse mostly supports those needs via argument groups — even more API to learn.

Because Optopus configuration rests on a textual foundation, providing users with more flexibility and control over the structuring of help text is easy to accommodate. To illustrate, consider Example 4 (the wrangle script) and imagine that the developer wanted to organize the help text by subcommand, with various chunks of literal text and sub-headings mixed in. That can probably be achieved with argparse using multiple argument groups per subparser, but most developers would not bother with the hassle. With Optopus, developers will be able to directly type what is wanted (provided that a few simple syntax rules are followed). Here is an illustration of what the grep section of that help text might look like. Admittedly, this presentation is too elaborate for the script at hand, but the main point is just to illustrate the ease of organizing help text as needed.


    The grep command emits input lines matching (or not
    matching) the regular expression.


        <rgx> : Python regular expression
        <path> : Path(s) to input

    Search options:

        -i --ignore-case : Ignore case
        -v --invert-match : Select non-matching lines
        -m --max-count <n> : Stop searching after N matches

    Output options:

        -C --context <n> : Print N lines of before/after context
        --color <> : Highlight matching text

Finally, to reiterate a point noted above, the configuration syntax is not primarily literal help text: for example, the blocks of regular text (marked by triple back-quotes above) will still be paragraph-wrapped to proper width by Optopus, while preserving the intended indentation level. And of course, that wrapping behavior can be turned off globally, by section, or at the level of individual text blocks, if needed.

More helpful help, via high-precedence Opts

Most users of command-line programs have had the experience of assembling a fairly large command line of positionals and options only to be greeted by a usage error message. What happens next? Ideally, the user would hit the up arrow to recall the shell command and simply add --help to the end of the command line. But most argument parsers, including argparse, insist on griping rather than helping. Instead of printing relevant help (which should be easy to support since '--help' in sys.argv is true), they doggedly report the same usage error.

Optopus will address that issue via a mechanism call high-precedence options: if a high-precedence option is present among the arguments, its dispatch behavior will be triggered. Every Opt can have its dispatch attribute set with one or more callables that will be invoked when the option is seen. Normally, dispatch occurs only after a successful parse. But if such configuration is combined with a high-precedence setting for an Opt, its dispatch functions are called even in the face of end-user error. This feature is envisioned mainly for help-related scenarios, but it is not limited to any specific use case.

Dynamically hidden Opts

Sometimes the development or debugging process can be helped by having the ability to include hidden Opts, meaning that they work but are never mentioned in the usage or help text. A related need is for Opts that apply only under specific conditions that must be determined at runtime. Although the latter is achievable via argparse — just wrap parts of the argparse setup code in the needed conditional logic — Optopus will support such behaviors via simple API configurations.

Relaxed parsing modes

Existing libraries either ignore or support only small number of parsing modes. Argparse, for example, has long supported a parse-known mode and in Python 3.7 it added a parse-intermixed mode, which allows positionals and options to be intermixed a bit more flexibly on the command line.

Standard argument parsing in Optopus will be similar to the flexibility exhibited by the argparse intermixed mode. That behavior is basically the logical result of applying the core concepts defining the grammar syntax, along with a default greedy policy as it relates to parsing and the interpretation of the syntax itself.

In addition, Optopus will support a feature that allows the user to create a set of related parsing modes that relax one or more requirements. These modes can be combined as needed.

  • Allow-unknown: similar to parse-known behavior in argparse.

  • Allow-unconverted: overlook data-conversion problems.

  • Allow-unvalidated: overlook data-validation problems.

The intended use case for relaxed parsing is either to parse the known part of the input and leave the rest to be handled differently, or to parse as much of the input as possible (even in the face of some end-user errors) in order to glean more information about end-user intent, perhaps with an eye toward providing more specific help.

No-configuration parsing

Optopus will support no-configuration parsing that will parse any input based on standard rules. The purpose is to support low-stakes or temporary scripts that could benefit from a few command-line options, but are not important enough to warrant much configuration work.

In addition to the default no-config parsing, demonstrated in the introduction, the library will include a simple mechanism to achieve a few different flavors of almost-no-config parsing. Those flavors relate to the number of parameters that options will bind to. By default, no-config parsing is greedy, both for consistency with the rest of the library and also because greedy binding provides the most flexibility to the end-user. That parameter-binding behavior can be configured with a quantifier to achieve different results.

Parser()                # Default: greedy.
Parser(noconf = '0')    # Flag style.
Parser(noconf = '1')    # Key-value style.
Parser(noconf = '2,')   # 2+ parameters.

Those examples blur the line between config and no-config, of course, and the last two violate the spirit of no-config by imposing some validation requirements on the arguments. But they are consistent with the spirit of Optopus, which is to make it easy to parse arguments under a variety of situations with minimal hassle.

Good cooperation with configuration files and environment variables

Some command-line programs are substantial enough that developers want to allow users to declare some preferences in configuration files or environment variables. The typical relationship of those mechanisms to argument parsing is in the area of default setting, usually in this order:

  • Persistent settings in a configuration file.

  • Somewhat less persistent settings in environment variables. A setting here can override the value from a configuration file.

  • Just-in-time settings from the command-line arguments. These setting override everything else.

That order of operations implies that the data from configuration files and environment variables is mainly used to dynamically influence the default values for Opts. Additionally, when an Opt acquires a default value from an upstream source, its status can change from being required on the command line to optional. In the abstract, --foo might be a required option, but it should not be required if its value is already defined elsewhere.

Optopus will not try to support direct integration with configuration parsing libraries: the universe of config files types and config parsing libraries is too large for that.

Instead, Optopus will allow users to combine configuration data, environment variables, and command-line arguments with minimal hassle via a general policy and a few convenience utilities.

The policy is to ensure that all parser configurations are exportable and importable as an ordinary data structure. If needed, users can partially configure a parser, export its data, apply any modifications to that data based on information from config files or environment variables, and then use the new data to create the desired parser. That is the worst-case scenario for unusual or complex situations.

More commonly, users will simply leverage some convenience utilities to augment Opt configurations. The API details for this behavior are still under consideration, but this example illustrates one possible approach.

from optopus import Parser, defkeys
import os

# Read a config file into a data structure.
config = ...

# Setup the parser from Example 2, but this time with a defaults
# setting to tell Optopus where to obtain upstream default values,
# and in which order.

p = Parser('''pgrep
    <rgx> : Python regular expression
    [<path>...] : Path(s) to input
    [-i --ignore-case] : Ignore case
    [-v --invert-match] : Select non-matching lines
    defaults = [config, os.environ],

# Configure defaults for Opts by telling Optopus which key(s)
# to use to obtain needed values from those upstream sources.

p.config('i', default = defkeys('ignore_case', 'pgrep_ignore_case'))
p.config('v', default = defkeys('invert_match', 'pgrep_invert_match'))