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Drupal Development project

Project scaffold base to start developing Drupal projects, modules and even core using Drupal Composer project.


The following tools are required in order to bootstrap the project properly:

  • Git: Needs no introduction, isn't it?
  • sed: How else we can parse and modify text streams?
  • envsubst: Obviously we care about environment.
  • jq: JSON polisher. Is not a jewel but shines like one.
  • Docker: It will hunt you down on your dreams like "Free Willy".
  • DDEV: The swiss-knife for launching local development environments.
  • GNU/Make: Old, stubborn and reliable building tool.
  • Gum: The sauce for outter-world shell scripts.


To execute the scaffolding process, from your terminal run the following commands:

  1. make setup: collects configurarion and puts everything in place for the project.
  2. make install: this will run the Drupal installation script, after it you will have fully functional Drupal site.
  3. make done: this will terminate the scaffolding process, this command should be run ONLY if everything went well.

In case of errors in any point and if you haven't execute the make done command, you cand reset the whole process by running make clean.


Most common tasks are explained below.

Command Task
make onboard Setup local environment
make install Install Drupal
make [up:start] Start stack
make [down:stop] Stop stack
make prune Remove all data
ddev ssh Enter PHP container
ddev composer "COMMAND [PARAMS]" Execute Composer command
ddev drush "COMMAND [PARAMS]" Execute Drush command
ddev logs [SERVICE] Check service logs