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Readme for release 2.1 of VladBot

The author of this program ( is absolutely not responsible
for the use of this program or damage caused by it. Use at your own risk! 
See file COPYING for further information

New in 2.1i
- Various compilation and security fixes

New in 2.1h
- Hopefully the S)ISLNK stuff works now.
  (thnx mozgy)

New in 2.1g
- giveop + deop fixed (thnx otis.. weird you're the only who noticed this)
- Removed the -Wall switch. I get lots of complaints from ppl with
  non-ANSI-C header files.
- Some problems in ftp_dcc.h, the macro's that were needed on Next conflict
  with Linux (sigh)

New in 2.1f
- Bugfix: a user now can't userdel an user with a higher userlevel
- NeXT support. See Makefile for the right defines (-DNEXT -D_POSIX_SOURCE)

New in 2.1e
- Problems with DCC seem to be solved.
- Small bug in cfgfile.c (which made AIX cc complain) fixed
- Some new patches for AIX
- Added ONLY_OPS_FOR_REGISTRED - only allow registred ppl to be opped
- on_kick does something now (if user A kicks user B and B has a higher
  protlevel than A (>= 100), A will be kicked. Lemme know if this should
- Protection added to !deop and !giveop (shitted ppl cannot be opped 
  through vladbot, and protected ppl cannot be deopped throug vladbot)
- Banprotection finally added. Was simpler that I thought, but it made me
  realize what a mess channel.c is...
- VladBot now removes bogus channelkeys (i.e. ^[[H^[[2J)
- Ok, so there WAS a bug in invite.. it should be fixed now :)
- Cleaned up the code, it should compile with -Wall now (on gcc)
- Added REPLACELINE and DELETELINE in note.c
- maintainer can be %set from the cfgfile, it expects a string.
- Many thanx to President for his bugreports ;)

New in 2.1
- Implementation of missing functions like !kick and !deop
- Rewrite of on_msg, strtok has been replaced with get_token,
  which works alot nicer.
- Usage of fnmatch (taken from the GNU fileutils) for patternmatching
  in stead of match (from ircd). Now, [] works too in patterns, i.e.
  !useradd *!*@127.0.0.[1234]
- Ported to AIX by Dathes
- Rewrite of the cfgfile-parser - THE CFGFILE FORMAT HAS CHANGED!
  (your old cfgfile won't work anymore!)
  Changes in cfgfile:
  - !setting value has been changed into %set setting value,
    i.e. %set Notefile "/tmp/notes"
  - Strings and integers as parametertypes added
  - Some definitions require multiple parameters
    (example: NederServ channel "#dutch", "+tn", "It ain't much if it ain't Dutch")
- Started with adding "sessions", something that should become very powerfull
  in near future, see session.c for more details
- Added floodcheck (using sessions)
- Added ftp_dcc, an FTP-ish interface for dcc, including the
  ls, get and mget command
- If a command required dcc but there is no connection, the bot will
  automatically execute the command when the connection is established
  (so no need to type the same command twice)
- Some bugfixes
  - channellist fixed in !global info BotName
  - ctcp source now gives a proper reply
  - !invite should work (again?)

New in 2.0
Major changes since 1.9. Lots of stuff has been rewritten and improved.
Here are some changes:
- Cleaned up config.h. It should be easier to edit the file
- Support for a configfile in which almost everything can be defined
  (config.h is merely to declare defaults)
- A simple but powerfull note system
- Multiple bot support (run several bots in one "process")
- Checks to see if server is still active (a lot of servers "just hang")
  If the test fails, the bot will connect to another server
- Debugging can be turned on/off at runtime (if DBUG was defined when
- Lots of code cleanups (still not finished with it)
- Fixed some memory leaks and used mstrcpy in stead of strcpy
  with a fixed stringlenght. This should save quite some memory
  (esp. with huge userlists etc)
- A new set of "GLOBAL" commands added to access the "top layer"
- ...

New in 1.9
- Waiting dcc connections ping out earlier that active ones (define 
- Help has been rewritten
- Added a small utility to read help without starting the bot
- DCC support for zircon (actually, I rewrote the select-stuff. Now it 
  works with zircon)
- Added internal channel, ban and userlists. Now it's possible to mass* 
  in a fast way, unban users, open channels and use a single nick to 
  register someone (see nwhois, nuseradd, nshitadd, nprotadd, open, 
  massunban etc)
- Mode changes are registred (use !showusers/!showusers #channel and !channels)
- Added a signalhandler. Usefull to see why your bot died (err.log)
- Bot now restarts in a proper way after a kill/server shutdown
- Serverlist has been added. This hasn't really been tested (kinda difficult),
  but whenever a server goes down, the bot should reconnect to another server.
  In the serverfiles, each line should contains the servername and an optional
- Useless, non working commands like fork, random and spy have been removed.
- -b switch added (run in background)
- !files now supports a parameter. !files topic will show INDEX.topic.
- Some bugs fixed (giveop, 372, !send while dcc chat)
- Added DCC_MAXFILESIZE to prevent ppl from sending huge files

New in 1.8
- DCC timeout, if a dcc connection is idle for DCC_TIMEOUT secs, it'll
  be closed
- FILEUPLOADDIR - files that are uploaded can be put in a seperate dir,
  this protects ppl. from overwriting existing files.
- (version 1.8b) When a command is sent private, no ! is needed
- Some fancy stuff, !info now shows uptime etc. !listdcc has been reformatted
  (look at it)
- The bot now waits a definable (WAIT_SEC and WAIT_MSEC) amount of time when
  it's reading information from a socket. This slows things down a little,
  but the bot now takes much less systemresources. 
- Moved some stuff and other small stuff

New in 1.7
- Logging has been added (error and dcc)
- VladBot now runs on Ultrix (thanx Richie :)
- Lots of bugfixes. Massop/kick/ban is still broken
- Helpfunction is quite complete now (thanx again, richie)
- More....

Release 1.6 (first public release)
- Three "lists", user - prot and shit. New lists can be added quite easily
- DCC chat for faster communication
- DCC send/get for filetransfer
- (Mass) opping/kicking etc. VladBot was never meant to be a masskick/op bot,
  I won't add anymore of these features in future releases.
- Internal liststructures like a channellist by which the bot can recall
  on which channels it is (usefull if the bot gets kicked).

- Expand the options in ftext, perhaps use some of Skel's code.
- Clean up the vlad-ons code
- Add some more protection for protected users (ban, kick)
- ...

Read the file "INSTALLING"

VladBot was originally based on HopBot but has changed so much, there is hardly
any resemblance left. For DCC and other things, I took parts from the ircII 2.2.9
client. This is (also) why VladBot is released under the GNU Copyright.
From version 1.6, VladDrac got some help and lots of support and suggestions
from Richie_B, who runs the bot as NederServ and Uptown.

VladBot 2.1 - A service bot for IRC.
(c) 1993-94 Ivo van der Wijk

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.