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EEG CTAP field specs

Ben Cowley edited this page Jun 7, 2016 · 4 revisions

EEG.CTAP - Required fields and structure

The CTAP field in a CTAP-generated EEG struct stores data that is needed by the CTAP software or that is regarded as important for the user. The field is not needed by EEGLAB and it is assumed that EEGLAB functions leave this field as-is.


What: CTAP related data within EEG data struct

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.subject struct NA single data entry from MC.subject
.measurement struct NA single data entry from MC.measurement
.reference cell of strings list of channel names or "average" or "EEG" or "REF" The desired reference for the EEG data. Inherited from Cfg.eeg.reference.


What: storage and source file locations

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.eegFile string NA Raw EEG file from which the dataset was loaded
.channelLocationsFile string NA File from which channel locations were loaded
.stepset struct NA A list of previous and current step sets: ids and storage locations. For transparency and traceability.


What: Measurement time zero related information. Needed to synchronize with external data sources.

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.fileStart string "YYYYMMDDThhmmss" Measurement file start time in string format with one second precision.
.dataStart strig "YYYYMMDDThhmmss" EEG struct data start in string format with one second precision.
.dataStartOffsetSamp integer NA EEG struct data start in number of samples from original file start. Used to create timestamps for the exported features.


What: Metadata from the internal recording struct format.


What: History of analysis steps taken.

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.msg string NA Short description of what was done.
.fun string NA Function name
.args struct NA Arguments used


What: All bad channels found and NOT YET rejected

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.src cell tuple NA 2x1 cell holding: name of method, index of call to that method. Used to retrieve bad channel data from EEG.CTAP.badchans.< method >
.prc NA NA Bad channel percentage

EEG.CTAP.badchans.< method >

What: Bad channels found by < method >

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.chans cell of strings NA Bad channel name strings (from chanlocs labels)
.< method_data > struct NA Method specific data. Most methods return some score of badness for each channel.


What: All bad epochs found and NOT YET rejected

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.src cell tuple NA 2x1 cell holding: name of method, index of call to that method. Used to retrieve bad epoch data from EEG.CTAP.badepochs.< method >
.prc double NA Bad epoch percentage

EEG.CTAP.badepochs. < method >

What: Bad epochs found by < method >

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.epochs integer vector NA Epoch indices
.< method_data > NA Method specific data. Most methods return some score of badness for each epoch; 'eegthresh' for epochXchannel.


What: All bad ICA components found and NOT YET rejected

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.src cell tuple NA 2x1 cell holding: name of method, index of call to that method. Used to retrieve bad component data from EEG.CTAP.badcomps.< method >
.prc double NA Bad component percentage

EEG.CTAP.badcomps.< method >

What: Bad ICA components found by < method >

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.comps integer vector NA Indices of bad components
.< method_data > struct NA Method specific data fields


What: All bad segments found and NOT YET rejected. A union of what all applied methods have found.

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.src cell tuple NA 2x1 cell holding: name of method, index of call to that method (always 1, this detect method does not 'stack'). Used to retrieve bad segment data from EEG.CTAP.badsegev.< method >
.prc double NA Bad segment percentage

EEG.CTAP.badsegev.< method >

What: Bad segments found by < method >

Fieldname type allowed / default values description
.idstr string NA String corresponding to bad segment event marker id
.< method_data > struct NA Method specific data fields

Related functions

  • add_CTAP() adds field CTAP to struct EEG
  • is_valid_CTAP() checks if a struct is a valid CTAP struct
  • cfg_ctap_functions() modifies the CTAP struct during execution