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Stacks Billboard

This project is an example full-stack application that uses Clarity smart contracts, Stacks.js, and React to read values from the Stacks blockchain through the Stacks API. The project uses Clarinet to run a local development environment, allowing you to test the frontend against a running Stacks blockchain without interacting with a public testnet.

Quick start

Make sure you have the dependencies installed.

Clone this repository to your local machine and install dependencies:

git clone && cd stacks-billboard
yarn install

To run this app locally against the Clarinet DevNet, you'll need to have two terminal windows open (or use a virtual terminal like screen). With the repository cloned locally, in the first terminal run the following command from the root of the local repository:

clarinet integrate

Note that while you can run the frontend before the local DevNet is fully launched, the frontend will display an error message from the local API. You should wait until the stacks-node, stacks-api, and bitcoin-node containers all have a green status in the DevNet dashboard before launching the frontend.

Healthy DevNet demo

In the second terminal, start the frontend by running the following commands from the root of the repo:

yarn run dev

If the local DevNet is running, the React frontend will display the message Hello, world!.

Billboard demo

Updating the message

To verify that the billboard is updating based on the state of the deployed contract, the script update-message.js can be used:

node update-message.js "My new message" -k <secret key>

Fill in <secret key> in the command with the kley for one of the accounts defined in settings/Devnet.toml.


This project has the following dependencies: