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rzanoli edited this page Feb 24, 2014 · 25 revisions

EOP provides for different installation scenarios and this page describes the hardware and software requirements for EOP in each of these scenarios.


  1. Hardware Requirements
  2. Software Requirements
  3. Supported Operating Systems

1. Hardware Requirements

With EOP two different installations are possible depending on the hardware installed on your computer and the options chosen during the installation process. The first one (i.e. basic installation) is for machines with 4GB of RAM, whereas the second one (i.e. advanced installation) requires at least 5GB of RAM. Please note that running BIUTEE EDA requires the advanced installation as described in the Step by Step Tutorial.

2. Software Requirements

EOP contains several components for preprocessing data and for annotating textual entailment relations. Components for pre-processing for example allow for annotating data with useful information (e.g. lemma, part-of-speech) whereas textual entailment components allow for training new models and then using them to annotate entailment relations in new data. With EOP each of these facilities is accessible both via Application Program Interface (api) and Command Line Interface (cli) and this involves additional software to be installed, i.e.

cli api
Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.7 YES YES
Apache Maven 3.0.x YES NO
Eclipse + m2e Maven plugin (Juno or later) NO YES
ant(1) YES YES
treetagger(1) YES YES

(1) optional
(2) for developers only

The software above can be obtained either from their web sites or, when Ubuntu is used, by Ubuntu Software Center that is a high-level graphical front end for the APT/dpkg package management system.

3. Supported Operating Systems

The platform has been tested on Ubuntu (12.04) LTS 64 bits. However, it might be possible to port it to other operating systems given that most of the code is written in Java.

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