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Hack Stack for nand2tetris

Software toolchain for the Hack computer built as part of nand2tetris.

The main toolchain is written in Rust, and lives in the hack-stack directory. It includes the following binaries:

  • hack-assemble: Assembler for the Hack assembly language
  • hack-vm-translate: Virtual machine translator for the Hack VM language
  • jack-compile: Compiler for the Jack programming language
  • hack-emulate: Emulator for the Hack computer

There's also a web interface for the emulator, which lives in the hack-web directory. Under the hood it uses the Rust emulator from hack-stack, compiled to WebAssembly. The rest of it is written in TypeScript, and the frame buffer rendering happens on the GPU using WebGL.

Building the toolchain

You'll need to have the Rust toolchain installed to compile hack-stack. Then you can run the following commands to build the toolchain:

cd hack-stack
cargo build --release

At that point you should have the following binaries available:

  • target/release/hack-assemble
  • target/release/hack-vm-translate
  • target/release/jack-compile
  • target/release/hack-emulate

You might want to temporarily add the target/release directory to your PATH environment variable so you can run these binaries from anywhere.

export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)/target/release"

Example toolchain usage

Here's how you could comple a hello world program using the toolchain. As the program uses features from the Jack standard library and OS, you'll need those files available (they're in the my-hack-os directory in this example). You can either use the ones provided by the course (downloaded from the nand2tetris website), or the Jack files you write during the course.

Note: the maximum ROM size for the Hack computer is 32K words, so you can't compile a program that's larger than that. The course-provided Jack standard library and OS are larger than that, so you might to remove some of the files if you want to compile a program that uses them.

$ ls HelloWorld

$ cat HelloWorld/Main.jack
class Main {
   function void main() {
      do Output.printString("Hello, world!");
      do Output.println();

$ cp my-hack-os/*.jack HelloWorld/

$ jack-compile HelloWorld
Compiled HelloWorld/Math.jack successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/Math.vm
Compiled HelloWorld/Screen.jack successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/Screen.vm
Compiled HelloWorld/Sys.jack successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/Sys.vm
Compiled HelloWorld/Keyboard.jack successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/Keyboard.vm
Compiled HelloWorld/Output.jack successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/Output.vm
Compiled HelloWorld/Memory.jack successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/Memory.vm
Compiled HelloWorld/Array.jack successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/Array.vm
Compiled HelloWorld/Main.jack successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/Main.vm
Compiled HelloWorld/String.jack successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/String.vm

$ hack-vm-translate HelloWorld
Translated HelloWorld successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/HelloWorld.asm

$ hack-assemble HelloWorld/HelloWorld.asm
Assembled HelloWorld/HelloWorld.asm successfully, wrote to HelloWorld/HelloWorld.hack

Web emulator for the Hack computer

You can try the emulator online out by visiting

To run the web emulator yourself, you'll need to have Node.js, the Rust toolchain, and wasm-pack installed. Then you can run the following commands to build and run the web emulator:

cd hack-web
npm install
npm run dev

At this point you can visit http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to see the web emulator. You can load a ROM file by clicking the "Load ROM" button, and then clicking the "Run" button to start the emulator.

Loading custom ROMs

If you've compiled your own .hack ROMs, copy them to the "hack-web/www/roms", re-start the web server, and you should be able to load them from the web emulator.

You can also use the script to compile a your own Jack program and add it to the roms directory. First, make sure you've built the Hack toolchain. Then, add your directory of Jack source files to the programs directory, and run programs/<program-dir>. The programs directory includes a couple of examples you can compile right away.


💾 Software toolchain for the nand2tetris Hack computer








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