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Capital Gains Calculator protected microservice

Apache-2.0 license Build Status Download


This protected microservice provides RESTful endpoints to calculate the amount of Capital Gains Tax that is due for a Taxpayer based on a number of core input data items.

There are 3 frontend microservices that provides the views and controllers which interact with this protected microservice.


This service is written in Scala and Play, so needs a [JRE] to run.


  • Audit - datastream


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License

Running locally

Start microservices using service manager sm2 --start CGT_ALL
Stop capital-gains-calculator on service manager sm2 --stop CGT_CALC
From the root directory execute sbt "run 9985"

End points

These are the available end points for the service. The table below gives details on each one.

Path Supported Methods Description
/non-resident/calculate-total-gain GET Returns a JSON object with a constructed total gains model. This requires the following parameters: disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double, improvements: Double, rebasedValue: Option[Double], rebasedCosts: Double, disposalDate: Option[org.joda.time.DateTime], acquisitionDate: Option[org.joda.time.DateTime], improvementsAfterTaxStarted: Double
/non-resident/calculate-gain-after-prr GET Returns a JSON object which contains the results for the flat, rebased and time apportioned gains with prr applied. This requires the following parameters: disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double, improvements: Double, rebasedValue: Option[Double], rebasedCosts: Double, disposalDate: Option[org.joda.time.DateTime], acquisitionDate: Option[org.joda.time.DateTime], improvementsAfterTaxStarted: Double, claimingPRR: Boolean, prrClaimed: Option[Double]
/non-resident/calculate-tax-owed GET Returns a JSON object which contains the results for the flat, rebased and time apportioned tax owed values. This requires the following parameters: disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double, improvements: Double, rebasedValue: Option[Double], rebasedCosts: Double, disposalDate: org.joda.time.DateTime, acquisitionDate: Option[org.joda.time.DateTime], improvementsAfterTaxStarted: Double, claimingPRR: Boolean, prrClaimed: Double, customerType: String, isVulnerable: Option[String], currentIncome: Option[Double], personalAllowanceAmt: Option[Double], allowableLoss: Option[Double], previousGain: Option[Double], annualExemptAmount: Double, broughtForwardLoss: Option[Double]
/non-resident/calculate-total-costs GET Returns a JSON object which contains the total costs for a given total gain calculation. This requires the following parameters: disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double, improvements: Double
/capital-gains-calculator/calculate-total-gain GET Returns a JSON object with the results from the property total gain calculation. This requires a propertyTotalGainModel which is made of the following variables: disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double, improvements: Double
/capital-gains-calculator/calculate-chargeable-gain GET Returns a JSON object with the results from the property chargeable gain calculation. This requires a propertyChargeableGainModel which is made of the following variables: disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double, improvements: Double, prrValue: Option[Double], lettingReliefs: Option[Double], allowableLosses: Option[Double], broughtForwardLosses: Option[Double], annualExemptAmount: Double, disposalDate: DateTime
/capital-gains-calculator/calculate-resident-capital-gains-tax GET Returns a JSON object with the results from the property tax owed calculation. This requires a taxOwedModel which is made of the following variables:disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double, improvements: Double, prrValue: Option[Double], lettingReliefs: Option[Double], allowableLosses: Option[Double], broughtForwardLosses: Option[Double], annualExemptAmount: Double, previousTaxableGain: Option[Double], previousIncome: Double, personalAllowance: Double, disposalDate: String, otherReliefsFlat: Option[Double], otherReliefsRebased: Option[Double], otherReliefsTimeApportioned: Option[Double]
/capital-gains-calculator/calculate-total-costs GET Returns a JSON object which contains the total costs for a given property total gain calculation. This requires a propertyTotalGainModel which is made of the following variables: disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double, improvements: Double
/capital-gains-calculator/shares/calculate-total-gain GET Returns a JSON object with the results from the shares total gain calculation. This requires a totalGainModel which is made of the following variables: disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double
/capital-gains-calculator/shares/calculate-chargeable-gain GET Returns a JSON object with the results from the shares chargeable gain calculation. This requires a chargeableGainModel which is made of the following variables: disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double, allowableLosses: Option[Double], broughtForwardLosses: Option[Double], annualExemptAmount: Double
/capital-gains-calculator/shares/calculate-resident-capital-gains-tax GET Returns a JSON object with the results from the shares tax owed calculation. This requires a chargeableGainModel which is made of the following variables: disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double, allowableLosses: Option[Double], broughtForwardLosses: Option[Double], annualExemptAmount: Double, previousTaxableGain: Option[Double], previousIncome: Double, personalAllowance: Double, disposalDate: DateTime
/capital-gains-calculator/shares/calculate-total-costs GET Returns a JSON object which contains the total costs for a given shares total gain calculation. This requires a totalGainModel which is made of the following variables: disposalValue: Double, disposalCosts: Double, acquisitionValue: Double, acquisitionCosts: Double
/capital-gains-calculator/tax-rates-and-bands/max-full-aea GET Returns a JSON object with the results from the get max Annual Exempt Amount. This method has one argument which is: year: Int.
/capital-gains-calculator/tax-rates-and-bands/max-partial-aea GET Returns a JSON object with the results from the get max partial Annual Exempt Amount calculation. This method has one argument which is: taxYear: Int
/capital-gains-calculator/tax-rates-and-bands/max-pa GET Returns a JSON object with the results from the get max personal allowance calculation. This method has two arguments which are: taxYear: Int, isEligibleBlindPersonsAllowance: Option[Boolean]
/capital-gains-calculator/tax-year GET Returns a JSON object with the results from the get tax year method. This method has one argument which is: dateString: String

GET /capital-gains-calculator/non-resident/calculate-total-gain

Calculates the basic amount of gain for a non-resident capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body




GET /capital-gains-calculator/non-resident/calculate-gain-after-prr

Calculates the basic amount of gain for a non-resident capital gains user including prr

Example of usage

Request Body




GET /capital-gains-calculator/non-resident/calculate-tax-owed

Calculates the tax owed for a non-resident capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body




GET /capital-gains-calculator/non-resident/calculate-total-costs

Calculates the total amount of costs in the total gain calculation for a non-resident capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body




GET /capital-gains-calculator/calculate-total-gain

Calculates the basic amount of gain for a resident capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body

    "disposalValue": 450000.0,
    "disposalCosts": 500.0,
    "acquisitionValue": 500000.0,
    "acquisitionCosts": 200.0,
    "improvements": 25000.0



GET /capital-gains-calculator/calculate-chargeable-gain

Calculates the basic amount of gain minus deductions for a resident capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body

    "disposalValue": 450000.0,
    "disposalCosts": 500.0,
    "acquisitionValue": 500000.0,
    "acquisitionCosts": 200.0,
    "improvements": 25000.0,
    "prrValue": 50000.0,
    "allowableLosses": 2000.0,
    "broughtForwardLosses": 2000.0,
    "annualExemptAmount": 0,
    "disposalDate": "2016-12-12"



GET /capital-gains-calculator/calculate-resident-capital-gains-tax

Calculates the amount of tax owed and the tax bands for a resident capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body

    "disposalValue": 450000.0,
    "disposalCosts": 500.0,
    "acquisitionValue": 500000.0,
    "acquisitionCosts": 200.0,
    "improvements": 25000.0,
    "prrValue": 50000.0,
    "allowableLosses": 2000.0,
    "broughtForwardLosses": 2000.0,
    "annualExemptAmount": 0,
    "disposalDate": "2016-12-12",
    "previousIncome": 28000.0,



GET /capital-gains-calculator/calculate-total-costs

Calculates the total amount of costs in the total gain calculation for a resident capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body

    "disposalValue": 450000.0,
    "disposalCosts": 500.0,
    "acquisitionValue": 500000.0,
    "acquisitionCosts": 200.0,
    "improvements": 25000.0



GET /capital-gains-calculator/shares/calculate-total-gain

Calculates the basic amount of gain for a shares capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body

    "disposalValue": 450000.0,
    "disposalCosts": 500.0,
    "acquisitionValue": 500000.0,
    "acquisitionCosts": 200.0



GET /capital-gains-calculator/shares/calculate-chargeable-gain

Calculates the basic amount of gain minus deductions for a shares capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body

    "disposalValue": 450000.0,
    "disposalCosts": 500.0,
    "acquisitionValue": 500000.0,
    "acquisitionCosts": 200.0,
    "allowableLosses": 2000.0,
    "broughtForwardLosses": 2000.0,
    "annualExemptAmount": 0



GET /capital-gains-calculator/shares/calculate-resident-capital-gains-tax

Calculates the amount of tax owed and the tax bands for a resident capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body

    "disposalValue": 450000.0,
    "disposalCosts": 500.0,
    "acquisitionValue": 500000.0,
    "acquisitionCosts": 200.0,
    "allowableLosses": 2000.0,
    "broughtForwardLosses": 2000.0,
    "annualExemptAmount": 0,
    "previousTaxableGain" : 0,
    "previousIncome": 28000.0,



GET /capital-gains-calculator/shares/calculate-total-costs

Calculates the total amount of costs in the total gain calculation for a shares capital gains user

Example of usage

Request Body

    "disposalValue": 450000.0,
    "disposalCosts": 500.0,
    "acquisitionValue": 500000.0,
    "acquisitionCosts": 200.0



GET /capital-gains-calculator/tax-rates-and-bands/max-full-aea

Returns the max Annual Exempt Amount an individual can claim for a tax year

Example of usage

Request Body




GET /capital-gains-calculator/tax-rates-and-bands/max-pa

Returns the maximum personal allowance an individual can claim for a tax year

Request Body




GET /capital-gains-calculator/tax-year

Returns the tax year for a given date

Request Body




GET /capital-gains-calculator/minimum-date

Returns the start date for the earliest valid tax year
