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Demo 1: Overview of Holochain IDE

Philip Beadle edited this page Apr 16, 2020 · 3 revisions
  • Talk about Holochain Projects & Holochain Modules
    • Each project will be its own DHT
      • Holochain as a distributed version control system HVCS
        • Use anchors to enable git like features of creating new branches and merging
      • Separate DHT and permissions control who can access & work on the project
    • Modules can be added to your projects as pre built models with a UI that you link to existing entry types, eg comments or task lists.
  • Explain Develop, Demo and Publish Buttons
    • Show how demo button will run the App
    • Develop takes you to the DNA Modeller
  • DNA Modeller
    • Shows the set of files needed to build a DNA.
    • Click on the first Zome to show the Data Model of Entry Types and Links
    • Explain the entry types, anchors and notes and how links work with base, target and tags (move cards to show svg awesomeness)
    • Click the Notes Workflow model
    • Explain how Anchors work, Anchor --> Anchor Type --> Root Anchor
    • Click Notes model, double click note card
    • Explain entry def!, link!
    • Meta fields
    • Configurable field list - show
      • type, ui:view, ui:edit - show zome.js fields
    • Functions list
      • Explain how permissions will change the function list
      • Click the button to show function code and permissions code
    • Click in tree to show how the function code snippets form the full file.
    • Explain how permissions execute then custom validation code which will be editable.
  • run yarn hc:config
    • Show how conductor files are created
    • yarn start runs 4 agents with sim2h
  • Quick look at Holochain playground connected to 4 nodes.
    • Show ui update an entry --> playground
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