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Bluetooth Plugins

Ben edited this page Sep 6, 2023 · 11 revisions

Bluetooth Plugins

The rest of this guide is meant for users of plugins which use this package.

Plugins Using @abandonware/noble For BLE

Here is a subset of some of the verified plugins which use @abandonware/noble:


If you are using a plugin which uses a different package for BLE connectivity, refer to the plugin-specific instructions/guides.

System Requirements

Raspberry Pi/Homebridge RPi Image (Raspbian)

If the Bluetooth does not initially work then you may need to run these commands in the Homebridge terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev pi-bluetooth
$ sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which node`)

The second command may need to be run in a direct SSH terminal to the Pi rather than the terminal in the Homebridge UI. Don't be too concerned if it doesn't work.

Other Debian Systems

$ sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev
$ sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which node`)

The second command may need to be run in a direct SSH terminal to the Pi rather than the terminal in the Homebridge UI. Don't be too concerned if it doesn't work.


Some plugins have reported success with BLE on macOS, others have reported no support.

The Bluetooth control may not work on the latest versions of macOS (even if noble is correctly installed). It seems that no discovered devices are reported to the plugin, see noble issue #225.

Windows & Other Systems

See the noble documentation for instructions specific to your system.


For most systems, the Dbus socket is in /run/dbus. The socket must be available in the container for a Homebridge plugin to be able to connect to Dbus and access the Bluetooth adapter. When starting with docker run, this can be accomplished by adding -v /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro to the command. If the Dbus socket is in /var/run/dbus on the host system, use -v /var/run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro instead.

If you are using Docker Compose, add something like the following (adjust as necessary) to your volumes section:

  - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro

Helpful BLE Issues

Ref Plugin Issue Description
1 homebridge-switchbot #425 Docker/Noble Issue
2 homebridge-switchbot #511 Bluetooth HCI socket failing to download
3 homebridge-switchbot #691 404 Error when installing and related system command failure
4 homebridge-switchbot #713 fails due to missing file

More Info Ref #3

  1. SSH into the server
  2. cd /var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/@switchbot
  3. use ls -a to see all folders
  4. due to the failed update you will most likely have 2 folders there, one has a dot at the beginning which makes it invisible (that's why you need to use ls -a). Rename both folders with mv foldername foldername-backup
  5. open the Homebridge shell with sudo hb-shell
  6. install the bluetooth-hci-socket manually via npm i @abandonware/bluetooth-hci-socket. This will remove some SwitchBot Plugin files and folders, but don't worry.
  7. After finishing the installation, exit the hb-shell via exit
  8. The folder with the dot at the beginning needs to be renamed to homebridge-switchbot with mv .foldername-backup homebridge-switchbot
  9. Reboot time -> sudo reboot
  10. Use the Homebridge UI to update the Switchbot plugin and afterwards use ssh to restart the server again.
  11. Done

More Info Ref #4



  • SSH into my Synology NAS and then;
    sudo hb-shell
    cd /volume1/homebridge/
    npm i @abandonware/bluetooth-hci-socket
    npm i @abandonware/noble

Exit the shell, return to Homebridge UI and update Switchbot.


  • In case anyone else is running into this issue and the fixes above didn't work for them, reinstalling Entware and the native BLE build dependencies did the trick for me.

  • It seems that sometime between my initial installation of the plugin and the most recent updates, something broke in my Entware environment that made the bluetooth-hci + noble builds fail.

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