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FreeNAS 9.10 BSD Jail

Tyrael Wang edited this page Oct 4, 2017 · 6 revisions

First, these instructions are adapted from the instruction here: FreeNAS 9.3 and 9.10 Jail Installation.

I went through this process and wanted to share the exact steps for anyone who might need them.

  1. Create BSD Jail Template in FreeNAS.

  2. Create BSD Jail in FreeNAS.

    • Jails > Jails > Add Jail > Advanced
    • Jail:
      • Jail Name: Homebridge
      • Template: FreeBSD
      • IPv4 address: <static_ip>
      • Autostart: Checked
      • VIMAGE: Checked
      • All other options default (or based on your custom configuration)
  3. Open Shell to new FreeBSD Jail.

    • Jails > Jails > Homebridge > Shell (once you click on Homebridge, icons appear at the bottom).
  4. Enable SSH.

    • vi /etc/rc.conf
      • sshd_enable="YES"
  5. Allow root login. (alternatively you can add a user and use sudo)

    • vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      • PermitRootLogin YES
  6. Start SSH service.

    • service sshd start
  7. Change root password.

    • passwd
    • Follow prompts to change root password.
  8. Use putty (or alternative) to SSH into your FreeBSD jail at the configured Static IP <static_ip>.

    • Login to FreeBSD jail with root:passwd.
  9. Install homebridge.

     pkg install -y node npm dbus avahi-libdns gcc git
     sysrc dbus_enable="YES"
     sysrc avahi_daemon_enable="YES"
     ln -s /usr/local/include/avahi-compat-libdns_sd/dns_sd.h /usr/include/dns_sd.h
     npm install bignum
     npm install -g homebridge --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
     service dbus start
     service avahi-daemon start
     mkdir ~/.homebridge
     cp /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/config-sample.json ~/.homebridge/config.json
     npm install -g pm2  --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
     pm2 startup rcd
     sysrc pm2_enable="YES"
  10. Test homebridge installation.

    • homebridge

    Then there may be some error in the CLI (e.g. Platform error),don't worry ,just modify you configuration file ~/.homebridge/config.json ,this usually because you don't install any device module but the "hue" light had been wrote in the config.json.

    • CTRL-C to kill.
  11. Install homebridge plugins (example: Nest and Wink).

    npm install -g homebridge-nest
    npm install -g homebridge-wink
    touch ~/package.json #Workaround for Wink issue.
  12. Retest homebridge installation.

  13. Modify the config.json with your settings.

    • vi ~/.homebridge/config.json
  14. Retest homebridge installation.

  15. Once homebridge is working, set it up to always run.

    pm2 start homebridge -- -D
    pm2 save
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