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HomeCentr - prometheus-blackbox-exporter

This Docker image is a repack of the original Prometheus Blackbox exporter with the usual Homecentr bells and whistles.


version: "3.7"
    build: .
    image: homecentr/prometheus-blackbox-exporter
      - 9115:9115
      - ./example:/config
    restart: unless-stopped

Environment variables

Name Default value Description
PUID 7077 UID of the user prometheus-blackbox-exporter should be running as.
PGID 7077 GID of the user prometheus-blackbox-exporter should be running as.
BLACKBOX_EXPORTER_ARGS Additional command line arguments passed to the Blackbox exporter executable

Exposed ports

Port Protocol Description
9115 TCP Metrics served over HTTP by the Blackbox exporter


Container path Description
/config Directory containing Blackbox exporter configuration. The config file should /config/config.yml. Make sure the file uses LF (i.e. Unix) line endings.


The container is regularly scanned for vulnerabilities and updated. Further info can be found in the Security tab.

Container user

The container supports privilege drop. Even though the container starts as root, it will use the permissions only to perform the initial set up. The prometheus-blackbox-exporter process runs as UID/GID provided in the PUID and PGID environment variables.

⚠️ Do not change the container user directly using the user Docker compose property or using the --user argument. This would break the privilege drop logic.