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Releases: homer0/projext-plugin-rollup

v7.0.0: chore: update dependencies

13 Apr 10:03
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This is not a "big release", I just updated Rollup to its latest version, that's why it's breaking.

More info on #55

v6.0.0: End of the year update

31 Dec 08:49
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v6.0.0 Migration instructions

Minimum required Node version

Since the LTS for Node 8 ends this week, all projext packages now require at least Node 10.13. So update your environments before installing this version.

Code splitting with ES modules

Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module.

There's actually no migration to it, as it's forced by Rollup, but I wanted to mention it here in case someone sees the error and can't find how to fix it.

This is explained on the README, but basically, if you use code splitting and have shared imports between your chunks, Rollup will create a "shared chunk"; this shared chunk is imported using import as a statement, and that can't be done if the script tag doesn't have a type="module" attribute.

If you need to target old browsers (where module is not available) and implement code splitting at the same time, it may be recommendable to use a direct implementation of Rollup, with different builds, or the webpack build engine.

v6.0.0 Release notes

Breaking changes

  • The project now requires Node > 10.13. #49
  • Code splitting now uses "shared chunks". #52

Development features

  • The template plugin now supports an Object as a script besides a string. #52
  • The windowAsGlobal plugin was improved, both the code and the tests. #52

Development changes

  • rollup-plugin-polyfill, core-js and regenerator-runtime are not longer installed by this package. #50
  • RollupConfiguration not longer expects/injects rollupPluginInfo. #50
  • The file polyfill.js was removed. #50
  • rollupPluginInfo not longer has a babelPolyfill property. #50
  • The rollup-plugin-polyfill is not longer used on the configurations. #50

5.1.1: chore: update dependencies

23 Oct 04:04
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5.1.0: feat(services/building/configuration): reduce the configuration params using an event

02 Sep 04:13
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5.0.0: feat(project): implement the bundle visualizer plugin

26 Aug 22:04
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v5.0.0 Migration instructions

No more rollup-plugin-uglify

If for some reason you were checking the list of plugins in order to find the instance of rollup-plugin-uglify, it has been replaced with rollup-plugin-terser, to be able to uglify ES6+ code.

Also, if you were using the events for the uglify plugin settings, they are now renamed for the terser plugin:

- rollup-uglify-plugin-settings-configuration-for-node
+ rollup-terser-plugin-settings-configuration-for-node

- rollup-uglify-plugin-settings-configuration-for-browser
+ rollup-terser-plugin-settings-configuration-for-browser

- rollup-uglify-plugin-settings-configuration
+ rollup-terser-plugin-settings-configuration

v5.0.0 Release notes

New features

Breaking changes

  • Use terser instead of uglify. #38

Development features

  • The targetsHTML service now receives the build type on when the HTML is generated. #41

Development changes

4.0.0: .env files

01 Aug 05:07
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v4.0.0 Migration instructions

No more rollup-plugin-replace

If for some reason you were checking the list of plugins in order to find the instance of rollup-plugin-replace; since it has been replaced by projext-rollup-plugin-runtime-replace, you should search for it instead.

No more rollup-plugin-replace on browser targets

If for some reason you were injecting definitions for Node targets, just use environment variables, Node targets can read them directly.

params.definitions is a function

Instead of just moving the object around, definitions is now a function that returns the definitions object... after reloading .env files and configuration files.

If you were updating the object on the fly, you can create a high order function and do your modifications.

v4.0.0 Release notes

New features

  • Updates all the dependencies to their latest versions. #29
  • Replaces the deprecated @babel/polyfill with the Babel's recommendation. #31
  • Adds support for .env files with environment variables declarations for the targets. #32 #34
  • Watches browser targets configurations files. #33 #34
  • It reloads browser targets configurations and .env files when the bundle gets updated. #34

Breaking changes

  • The project now requires Node > 8.10. #29

Development features

  • The repository now uses husky to manage the hooks. #30
  • The params object the plugin sends on all the events now includes a list of additional files it watches. #33
  • There's a new plugin for reloading variables to be replaced when the bundle changes. #34
  • There's a new plugin for replacing strings on specific modules. #35

Development changes

3.0.3: Update dependencies

16 Jun 08:24
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3.0.2: Update dependencies

05 May 07:12
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3.0.1: Update dependencies

15 Apr 11:59
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3.0.0: Code Splitting & TypeScript

12 Feb 15:33
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v3.0.0 Release notes

New features

  • Updates all the dependencies to their latest versions, including Babel. #20
  • Adds support for code splitting. #21
  • Adds support for TypeScript. #22

Breaking changes

  • Updates minimum required Node version from 6 to 8. #20