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Entity Configuration

Hasham Ahmad edited this page Aug 5, 2016 · 6 revisions

When a new resource is scaffolded, a number of XML files are generated which contain the entity type configuraton details. Inside our HBDemo_Commenting module we will modify the following files for each entity type according our schema design.

  • config/Owner/entity_schema/aggregate_root.xml
  • config/Owner/entity_schema/projection/standard.xml
  • config/Account/entity_schema/aggregate_root.xml
  • config/Account/entity_schema/projection/standard.xml
  • config/Topic/entity_schema/aggregate_root.xml
  • config/Topic/entity_schema/projection/standard.xml
  • config/Comment/entity_schema/aggregate_root.xml
  • config/Comment/entity_schema/projection/standard.xml

##Configuring aggregate roots and projections The aggregate root defines the complete entity type structure including attributes, embedded entities, and referenced embedded entities. The standard projection entity is the default projection of the aggregate root used for default read operations.

######Introducing Trellis Trellis is the name of the entity manager used by Honeybee. It provides a set of attribute data types that we can use in our entity type configurations, while also providing class generation, data validation, and fake data generation capabilities. It forms the core of entity handling in Honeybee while also being interchangable and customisable.

###Owner configuration The Owner resource is simple with no relationships to other types. For the aggregate root type we have specified a number of attributes and their options. Each attribute has an attribute type which determines it's expected format, validation and serialization expectations.

The following table summaries the entity configuration:

Attribute Type Description
name text The name of the owner as a string
email email A valid email address string
password_hash text A 60 character string hash for authentication
authorization_token token A generated 20 character authorization token
authorization_expires timestamp An ISO8601 authorization expiry date
images image-list An embedded collection of Image entities


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<type_schema namespace="HBDemo\Commenting\Owner\Model\Aggregate"
   <type_definition name="Owner">
         Defines a set of attributes that are used to manage a owner 
         aggregate-root's internal state.
         <option name="vendor">HBDemo</option>
         <option name="package">Commenting</option>
         <option name="is_hierarchical">false</option>
      <!-- attribute definitions -->
             This attribute is a string with options for min and 
             max length.
         <attribute name="name" type="text">
            <option name="min_length">1</option>
            <option name="max_length">100</option>

         <!-- A valid email address. -->
         <attribute name="email" type="email" />

         <!-- A password hash string with a fixed length. -->
         <attribute name="password_hash" type="text">
            <option name="min_length">60</option>
            <option name="max_length">60</option>

             A token string of fixed length containing characters in the 
             class [a-f0-9], automatically generated if not provided.
         <attribute name="authorization_token" type="token">
            <option name="min_length">20</option>
            <option name="max_length">20</option>
            <option name="default_value">auto_gen</option>

             A full PHP native DateTime value rendered to ISO8601 format,
             including microseconds when serialized.
         <attribute name="authorization_expires" type="timestamp" />
         <!-- A list of images with associated metadata -->
         <attribute name="images" type="image-list" />

The default Standard projection type configuration includes the attributes from the aggregate root type configuration, so we have nothing to add to the default for this projection.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<type_schema namespace="HBDemo\Commenting\Owner\Projection\Standard"
   <type_definition name="Owner">
         Defines the (normalized) structure of a Standard Owner projection.
         <option name="vendor">HBDemo</option>
         <option name="package">Commenting</option>
         <option name="variant">Standard</option>
         <option name="is_hierarchical">false</option>
      <!-- attribute definitions -->
      <xi:include href="../aggregate_root.xml" 

######Default Entity Attributes Each Aggregate Root in the system has default attributes which are required in order for them to function correctly in the system. They are as follows:

  • @type: the sanitised prefix of the current entity type
  • identifier: system generated string of format: type_prefix-uuid-language-version
  • revision: integer representing the revision of the document
  • uuid: uuidv4 string
  • language: locale string
  • version: integer representing the version of the document
  • workflow_state: string containing the initial workflow state for the entity
  • workflow_parameters: array containing the parameters for the entity workflow

###Account configuration The Account is expected to have a n:1 relationship to Owner. Here we introduce a new attribute type named entity-reference-list. This is a collection object which contains references to entities as specified in the entity_types option. The definition for the referenced entity types appear below in the reference_definitions section.

The following table summaries the entity configuration:

Attribute Type Description
name text The name of the account as a string
account_token token A generated 20 character account token
owner entity-reference-list A reference to an account owner


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<type_schema namespace="HBDemo\Commenting\Account\Model\Aggregate"
   <type_definition name="Account">
         Defines a set of attributes that are used to manage a account 
         aggregate-root's internal state.
         <option name="vendor">HBDemo</option>
         <option name="package">Commenting</option>
         <option name="is_hierarchical">false</option>
      <!-- attribute definitions -->
         <attribute name="name" type="text">
            <option name="min_length">1</option>
            <option name="max_length">100</option>
         <attribute name="account_token" type="token">
            <option name="min_length">20</option>
            <option name="max_length">20</option>
            <option name="default_value">auto_gen</option>
             This is a collection of entity references, which can be 
             of mixed types, specified in the 'entity_types' option.
         <attribute name="owner" type="entity-reference-list">
            <option name="min_count">1</option>
            <option name="max_count">1</option>
            <option name="entity_types">
         This reference definition defines the reference expected
         in the 'owner' attribute.
      <reference_definition name="Owner">
         <option name="referenced_type">\HBDemo\Commenting\Owner\Model\Aggregate\OwnerType</option>
         <option name="identifying_attribute">identifier</option>

The Standard projection includes the attributes from the aggregate root type, so we must also provide a reference definition for the projection. In this example the projection is configured to mirror the value of name from the referenced Owner entity to the Account document when stored. This enables searching by referenced entity values and for displaying human readable information while keeping all required data in a single document without the need for joining.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<type_schema namespace="HBDemo\Commenting\Account\Projection\Standard"
   <type_definition name="Account">
         Defines the (normalized) structure of a Standard Account projection.
         <option name="vendor">HBDemo</option>
         <option name="package">Commenting</option>
         <option name="variant">Standard</option>
         <option name="is_hierarchical">false</option>
      <!-- attribute definitions -->
      <xi:include href="../aggregate_root.xml" 
      <reference_definition name="Owner">
         <option name="referenced_type">\HBDemo\Commenting\Owner\Projection\Standard\OwnerType</option>
         <option name="identifying_attribute">identifier</option>
         <!-- referenced attribute definitions -->
            <attribute name="name" type="text">
               <option name="mirrored">true</option>

######Consistency of mirrored values Mirrored values in projections are kept up to date simply by configuring a resource event handler to listen to modification events on the related resources event channels. This is explained in more detail in the section on event handling.

###Topic configuration The Topic has an n:1 relationship to an Account. The configuration is similar to the Account entity types.

The following table summaries the entity configuration:

Attribute Type Description
url url A valid
title text A 100 character topic title string
description text A free text description
account entity-reference-list A reference to a topic account


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<type_schema namespace="HBDemo\Commenting\Topic\Model\Aggregate"
   <type_definition name="Topic">
         Defines a set of attributes that are used to manage the Topic 
         aggregate root.
         <option name="vendor">HBDemo</option>
         <option name="package">Commenting</option>
         <option name="is_hierarchical">false</option>
      <!-- attribute definitions -->
         <!-- the url type is a string validated according to rfc2396 -->
         <attribute name="url" type="url" />
         <!-- the topic title with a length constraint -->
         <attribute name="title" type="text">
            <option name="max_length">100</option>
         <!-- a string of any length -->
         <attribute name="description" type="text" />
             This is a collection of entity references, which can be of 
             mixed types, specified in the 'entity_types' option.
         <attribute name="account" type="entity-reference-list">
            <option name="min_count">1</option>
            <option name="max_count">1</option>
            <option name="entity_types">
         This reference definition defines the reference expected in 
         the 'account' attribute.
      <reference_definition name="Account">
         <option name="referenced_type">\Honeybee\SystemAccount\Account\Model\Aggregate\AccountType</option>
         <option name="identifying_attribute">identifier</option>

The Standard projection type for the Topic includes a mirrored value from the referenced Account entity.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<type_schema namespace="HBDemo\Commenting\Topic\Projection\Standard"
   <type_definition name="Topic">
         Defines the (normalized) structure of the Standard Topic projection.
         <option name="vendor">HBDemo</option>
         <option name="package">Commenting</option>
         <option name="variant">Standard</option>
         <option name="is_hierarchical">false</option>
      <!-- attribute definitions -->
      <xi:include href="../aggregate_root.xml" 
      <reference_definition name="Account">
         <option name="referenced_type">\HBDemo\Commenting\Account\Projection\Standard\AccountType</option>
         <option name="identifying_attribute">identifier</option>
         <!-- referenced attribute definitions -->
            <attribute name="name" type="text">
               <option name="mirrored">true</option>

###Comment entity configuration The Comment has a n:1 relationship with both Owner (the person who created the comment) and Topic (the topic the comment refers to). The configuration of the aggregate root type extends the concept introduced earlier.

The following table summaries the entity configuration:

Attribute Type Description
content string A free text comment content string
topic entity-reference-list A reference to a topic
owner entity-reference-list A reference to a comment owner


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<type_schema namespace="HBDemo\Commenting\Comment\Model\Aggregate"
   <type_definition name="Comment">
         Defines a set of attributes that are used to manage the comment 
         aggregate root.
         <option name="vendor">HBDemo</option>
         <option name="package">Commenting</option>
         <option name="is_hierarchical">false</option>
      <!-- attribute definitions -->
         <!-- a string of any length -->
         <attribute name="content" type="text" />
         <!-- The collection containing the reference to the Topic -->
         <attribute name="topic" type="entity-reference-list">
            <option name="min_count">1</option>
            <option name="max_count">1</option>
            <option name="entity_types">
         <!-- The collection containing the reference to the Owner -->
         <attribute name="owner" type="entity-reference-list">
            <option name="min_count">1</option>
            <option name="max_count">1</option>
            <option name="entity_types">
      <reference_definition name="Topic">
         <option name="referenced_type">\HBDemo\Commenting\Topic\Model\Aggregate\TopicType</option>
         <option name="identifying_attribute">identifier</option>
      <reference_definition name="Owner">
         <option name="referenced_type">\HBDemo\Commenting\Owner\Model\Aggregate\OwnerType</option>
         <option name="identifying_attribute">identifier</option>

The Standard projection also extends the same configuration concept where we mirror useful values into our Comment document.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<type_schema namespace="HBDemo\Commenting\Comment\Projection\Standard"
   <type_definition name="Comment">
         Defines the (normalized) structure of the Standard Comment projection.
         <option name="vendor">HBDemo</option>
         <option name="package">Commenting</option>
         <option name="variant">Standard</option>
         <option name="is_hierarchical">false</option>
      <!-- attribute definitions -->
      <xi:include href="../aggregate_root.xml" 
      <reference_definition name="Topic">
         <option name="referenced_type">\HBDemo\Commenting\Topic\Projection\Standard\TopicType</option>
         <option name="identifying_attribute">identifier</option>
            <attribute name="title" type="text">
               <option name="mirrored">true</option>
      <reference_definition name="Owner">
         <option name="referenced_type">\HBDemo\Commenting\Owner\Projection\Standard\OwnerType</option>
         <option name="identifying_attribute">identifier</option>
            <attribute name="name" type="text">
               <option name="mirrored">true</option>

All the entity types and relationships in our system are now modelled according to our initial schema design.

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