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About this image

A Docker image based on "Microsoft SQL Server" by Microsoft with initdb added.


The Server

This Docker image is designed to do the same as the origian SQL Server image (, additionaly enabling you to provide the database initialization scripts in a convenient manner.

Simply copy your sql files into /docker-entrypoing-initdb and they will be executed in lexicografical order during container startup (docker run), not during image build time!

 FROM horizoncrafts/mssql-with-initdb

 COPY mssql-init.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

You can also just use this image and bind the sql scripts from the host:

docker run -v your-sql-init-folder:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ -p 1433:1433 -d horizoncrafts/mssql-with-initdb

Or, in docker-compose yaml file:

    image: horizoncrafts/mssql-with-initdb
    container_name: mssql
      - "1433:1433"
      - type: bind
        source: your-sql-init-folder
        target: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
      - type: bind
        source: your-persistent-database-data-folder
        target: /var/opt/mssql
          ACCEPT_EULA: your-EULA-acceptance-Y-or-N
          SA_PASSWORD: aStrongPassword

This example additionally shows how to attain data persistency. However, note that this combination usually makes sens only for the first time when your-persistent-database-data-folder is not yet initialized. After that you would rather not put anything in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d. When on macOS and mounting such a volume I usually add consistency: delegated. That - at least for me - increases the database performce at the expance of the speed of synchronisation between container and host. Read more:

The command line tool

There are plenty of lighter sqlcmd images available on dockerhub. However, if you already use this one you can "exec into" the running container and invoke sqlcmd (the PATH env is extended with /opt/mssql-tools/bin). You can also use provided function of running the container as a command, for example:

docker run -rm --link from_image_name:to_host_name horizoncrafts/mssql-with-initdb sqlcmd -S to_host_name -U sa -P yourStrongOne -Q "select 'Hello World'"

Skip the link --link from_image_name:to_host_name part if you don't want to connect to a local container. Use -it docker option and skip -Q "select 'Hello World'" sqlcmd part to enter interactive mode.


Original documentation

What additionally happens inside this image?

  1. There are series of commands put to execute in background. The loop checks once in $MSSQL_SLEEP_TIME (default 1 second) if the server is accessible. When that happens, each sql file found in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d is executed against the database.
  2. The sql server process is initiated immediately, so it can be ready for the sleeping commands.
  3. If instead of sqlservr other command is specified, in particular sqlcmd, it is just executed. The server is not started, no init scripts executed in loop.



Check original image at

Environment Variables

The environment variables introduced by this instance:

  • MSSQL_SLEEP_TIME - default value 1

Regarding the SQL Server specific variables, check

Related Repos

This image is based on


As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within.

Check Microsoft license information. Start at and Microsoft's End-User Licensing Agreement

By passing the value "Y" to the environment variable "ACCEPT_EULA", you are expressing that you have a valid and existing license for the edition and version of SQL Server that you intend to use. You also agree that your use of SQL Server software running in a Docker container image will be governed by the terms of your SQL Server license.


A Docker image based on Ms' with initdb feature







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