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How to install Horizon on Windows 11

Sephus edited this page Sep 5, 2023 · 7 revisions

  1. Install Windows Visual Studio with "Desktop Development with C++" Enabled. None
  2. Install vcpkg
  3. Install Dependencies Step 1 -
vcpkg install readline:x64-windows lua:x64-windows zlib:x64-windows sol2:x64-windows libmysql:x64-windows mysql-connector-cpp:x64-windows
  1. Install Dependencies Step 2 -
vcpkg install boost-log:x64-windows boost-filesystem:x64-windows boost-system:x64-windows boost-test:x64-windows boost-locale:x64-windows boost-crc:x64-windows boost-multi-array:x64-windows
  1. Add the following into your environment variables for swift command access - [code]

VCPKG Binary Installation Path -

  1. Find and add CMake to your environment variables - 
  1. Clone Horizon
git clone horizon
cd horizon; mkdir build; cd build;
  1. Run the configuration step for cmake. Replace <path_to_installation_dir> with the path to where you would want to have your binaries installed. 
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="C:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows -DWITH_SOURCE_TREE=hierarchical-folders -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="<path-to-installation-dir>"
  1. Build Horizon
cmake --build . --config=Release


cmake --build . --target=<target_name> (e.g. auth, char, zone, all tests etc...)

Your base project will deploy and create executables in the "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX" directory path.

  1. Install MySQL by heading to the community installer web page and setup mysql. You need to setup a database and add a password. Issue a password and upload the sql file in the "sql-files" directory of the project.

Here is a post on the installation of MYSQL X-Protocol - a post on how it should be setup before running Horizon.

  1. Once the sql files are uploaded, head on to copy the configuration of the auth, char, and zone servers into the installation directory as step

  2. Keep in mind to rename the configuration files from -

<config file>.lua.dist 
<config file>.lua 

before starting the servers and add in the configurations such as passwords and IP addressing before moving on to the next step.

  1. Head on to cmd and get the following running -  
auth.exe --with-config="config/auth-server.lua"

char.exe --with-config="config/char-server.lua"

zone.exe --with-config="config/zone-server.lua"