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The ConfigParser2 library is a C# library that adds a few features to the standard JSON reader in .NET.



With the library, you can reference other JSON values in your JSON file. This is useful for when you have a lot of repeated values.

As an example, let's say you have a JSON file that looks like this:

    "OutputDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Output\\",
    "InputDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Input\\"

You can introduce a working directory variable, and then reference it in the other variables:

    "WorkingDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\",
    "OutputDirectory": "${WorkingDirectory}Output\\",
    "InputDirectory": "${WorkingDirectory}Input\\"

This will also work with hirarchical JSON files. For example, if you have a JSON file that looks like this:

    "WorkingDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\",
    "OutputDirectory": "${WorkingDirectory}Output\\",
    "InputDirectory": "${WorkingDirectory}Input\\",
    "Files": [
            "Name": "File1",
            "Path": "${InputDirectory}File1.txt"
            "Name": "File2",
            "Path": "${InputDirectory}File2.txt"

and also if the JSON file looks like this:

    "WorkingDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\",
    "OutputDirectory": "${WorkingDirectory}Output\\",
    "InputDirectory": "${WorkingDirectory}Input\\",
    "Files": {
        "File1": {
            "Path": "${InputDirectory}File1.txt"
        "File2": {
            "Path": "${InputDirectory}File2.txt"

Environment Variables

With the library, you can reference environment variables in your JSON file. This is useful for when you want to have a JSON file that is portable across different machines.

You specify an environment variable by using the following syntax:


As an example, let's say you have a JSON file that looks like this:

    "OutputDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Output\\",
    "InputDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Input\\"

You can introduce an environment variable, and then reference it in the other variables:

    "OutputDirectory": "${ENV:USERPROFILE}\\Documents\\Output\\",
    "InputDirectory": "${ENV:USERPROFILE}\\Documents\\Input\\"

File Contents

With the library, you can reference the contents of a file in your JSON file.

You specify a file by using the following syntax:


As an example, let's say you have a JSON file that looks like this:

    "OutputDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Output\\",
    "InputDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Input\\"

You can introduce a file, and then reference it in the other variables:

    "OutputDirectory": "${FILE:C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Output.txt}",
    "InputDirectory": "${FILE:C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Input.txt}"

You can also add a regular expression to the file reference. The regular expression will be applied to the file contents, and the first match will be used as the value.

    "OutputDirectory": "${FILE:C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Output.txt:.*}",
    "InputDirectory": "${FILE:C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Input.txt:.*}"

Current DateTime

With the library, you can reference the current date in your JSON file.

You specify the current date by using the following syntax:


or if you need the UTC date:


Base64 Decoding

With the library, you can decode a string to base64 in your JSON file.

You specify the base64 encoding by using the following syntax:


Path Manipulation

With the library, you can combine paths in your JSON file. If you add a slash at the end of a replacement, the replacement value will always end in a directory separator.

You specify the path manipulation by using the following syntax:


For example, if you have a JSON file that looks like this:

    "WorkingDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents",
    "OutputDirectory": "${WorkingDirectory/}Output\\"

The value of OutputDirectory will be "C:\Users\User\Documents\Output\". The same is true if the file looks like this:

    "WorkingDirectory": "C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\",
    "OutputDirectory": "${WorkingDirectory/}Output\\"


You create a new ConfigParser2 object, and then call the Parse method on it.

ConfigReader parser = new ConfigReader(content);
var r = cr.Get("key1");

The return value can have theses types:

  • StringValue
  • NumberValue
  • TrueValue
  • FalseValue
  • NullValue
  • ArrayValue

You can access a subsection by using GetSection:

var r = cr.GetSection("key1");

The return value will be null if the key doesn't exist, or if the key is not a section. Othewise it will have the Type ConfigReader. So you can call Get or GetSection on it.


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