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HotMesh Samples

This repo demonstrates the use of HotMesh in a JavaScript/TypeScript environment. The demos are structured to run like unit tests, and reveal the full lifecycle of a HotMesh transactional workflow.

The repo also includes a Dashboard/WebApp which surfaces all engines, workers, and workflows. The Web App provides a real-time view of the network's health and performance, linking to the OpenTelemetry dashboard for more detailed information. Refer to the meshdata directory for details on the namespaces and entities surfaced in the example dashboard.

Table of Contents

  1. Quickstart
  2. Videos
  3. MeshCall
  4. MeshFlow
  5. MeshData
  6. HotMesh
  7. Run the Demos
  8. Visualize | Open Telemetry
  9. Visualize | Redis Insight
  10. Visualize | HotMesh Dashboard



  • Docker (Desktop 4.24/Docker Compose 2.22.0)
  • Node

Get started

  • npm run docker:up - Build
  • npm run open:redis - Open RedisInsight [password is key_admin]
  • npm run docker:reset-redis - Reset Redis [reset database]
  • npm run docker:logs:redis - View Redis logs

HotMesh works with any Redis-like backend. ValKey and DragonflyDB are loaded alongside the Redis instance. External Port mappings are as follows.

  • 6399 - Redis
  • 6398 - ValKey
  • 6397 - DragonflyDB

All demos will work with all DB variants except for the MeshData demo which uses the Redis FT.SEARCH module (unsupported in ValKey). The demo will still successfully execute workflows, but it will not be searchable using FT.SEARCH commands.

HotMesh Dashboard

The Dashboard Web App is available at http://localhost:3010. It provides a visual representation of the network, including the number of engines, workers, and workflows. It also provides a real-time view of the network's health and performance, linking to the OpenTelemetry dashboard for more detailed information.

An LLM is also included to simplify querying and analyzing workflow data for those deployments that include the Redis FT.SEARCH module.

JavaScript Lifecycle Demos

Run from outside the Docker container.

  • npm run docker:demo:js:hotmesh howdy - Run the HotMesh lifecycle example (JavaScript)
  • npm run docker:demo:js:meshcall - Run the MeshCall lifecycle example (JavaScript)
  • npm run docker:demo:js:meshflow - Run the MeshFlow lifecycle example (JavaScript)
  • npm run docker:demo:js:meshdata bronze silver gold - Run the MeshData lifecycle example (JavaScript)

TypeScript Lifecycle Demos

Run from outside the Docker container.

  • npm run docker:demo:ts:hotmesh howdy - Run the HotMesh lifecycle example (TypeScript)
  • npm run docker:demo:ts:meshcall - Run the MeshCall lifecycle example (TypeScript)
  • npm run docker:demo:ts:meshflow - Run the MeshFlow lifecycle example (TypeScript)
  • npm run docker:demo:ts:meshdata bronze silver gold - Run the MeshData lifecycle example (TypeScript)


The Illusion of Control

Video (2m)

HotMesh is a distributed modeling and orchestration system capable of encapsulating existing systems, such as Business Process Management (BPM) and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). The central innovation is its ability to compile its models into Distributed Executables, replacing a traditional Application Server with a network of Decentralized Message Routers. This video introduces the concept along with a description of the mechanics of the approach.

Create an Idempotent Cron

Video (9m)

This video demonstrates how to use the MeshCall module to link a cron function to the mesh and run it at server startup. It includes a discussion of idempotency, interruptions, and OpenTelemetry tracing.

Transactional Workflow

Video (9m)

This video demonstrates how to use the MeshFlow module to create durable, transactional workflows. Workflow visualizations are provided using the HotMesh Dashboard and the Honeycomb OpenTelemetry Dashboard. The video also includes a discussion of and some background on how MeshFlow emulates the Temporal application server using a swarm of lightweight message routers.


Connect Everything

MeshCall connects your functions to the Redis-backed mesh, exposing them as idempotent endpoints. Function responses are cacheable and functions can even run as idempotent cron jobs. Make blazing fast interservice calls that return in milliseconds without the overhead of HTTP.

Link the Cron Function

This example demonstrates an idempotent cron that runs every day. The id makes each cron job unique and ensures that only one instance runs, despite repeated invocations.

The cron method fails silently if a workflow is already running with the same id. Optionally set a delay and/or set maxCycles to limit the number of cycles.

import { MeshCall } from '@hotmeshio/hotmesh';
import * as Redis from 'redis';

export const startMyCron = (id: string, interval = '1 day') => {
    topic: 'my.cron.function',
    redis: {
      class: Redis,
      options: { url: 'redis://:key_admin@redis:6379' }
    callback: async () => {
      //your code here...
    options: { id, interval, maxCycles: 24 }

Run the Cron Function

Call startMyCron at server startup (or call as needed to run multiple crons).

import { startMyCron } from './cron';


Transactional Workflow

HotMesh's MeshFlow module (included alongside HotMesh in the same NPM package) is modeled after Temporal's developer-friendly SDK. It is a behavioral clone of both the Temporal TypeScript SDK and the Temporal backend application server and showcases how HotMesh can redeploy the functionality of an app server like Temporal using stateless message routers. And because it's backed by an in-memory data store (Redis), it's a useful drop-in for those use cases that require millisecond-level performance.

Here is the telemetry output for a HotMesh MeshFlow workflow with a linked worker function. Workflows can be designed with completion times in the tens of milliseconds, taking advantage of distributed stateless execution and a clustered Redis backend.

HotMesh millisecond-level cold start and execution times

The HotMesh Schema used to emulate the Temporal application server is authored in YAML and describes Temporal as a finite state machine. It can be difficult to read through the YAML, so the following visual depiction has been included. Developers familiar with Temporal should see familiar patterns like reentry, collation, composition, throttling, etc. Even though the schema is < 100KB, it produces behavioral fidelity indistinguishable from Temporal's physical application server.

Temporal reentrant workflow execution as a finite state machine

The standard set of expected static workflow methods are available for use in your functions:

  • waitFor Pause your function using your chosen signal key, and only awaken when the signal is received from the outide. Use a standard Promise to collate and cache the signals and only awaken your function once all signals have arrived.
    import { MeshFlow } from '@hotmeshio/hotmesh';
    const { waitFor } = MeshFlow.workflow;
    const [a, b] = await Promise.all([
      waitFor<{payload: string}>('sig1'),
  • signal Send a signal (and payload) to a paused function awaiting the signal. Signals may also be sent from the outside to awaken a paused function.
    await MeshFlow.workflow.signal('sig1', {payload: 'hi!'});
  • hook Redis governance converts your functions into 're-entrant processes'. Optionally use the hook method to spawn parallel execution threads to augment a running workflow.
    await MeshFlow.workflow.hook({
      workflowName: 'newsletter',
      taskQueue: 'default',
      args: []
  • sleepFor Pause function execution for a ridiculous amount of time (months, years, etc). There's no risk of information loss, as Redis governs function state. When your function awakens, function state is efficiently (and automatically) restored and your function will resume right where it left off.
    await MeshFlow.workflow.sleepFor('1 month');
  • random Generate a deterministic random number that can be used in a reentrant process workflow (replaces Math.random()).
    const random = await MeshFlow.workflow.random();
  • execChild Call another meshflow function and await the response. Design sophisticated, multi-process solutions by leveraging this command.
    const jobResponse = await MeshFlow.workflow.execChild({
      workflowName: 'newsletter',
      taskQueue: 'default',
      args: [{ id, user_id, etc }],
  • startChild Call another meshflow function, but do not await the response.
    const jobId = await MeshFlow.workflow.startChild({
      workflowName: 'newsletter',
      taskQueue: 'default',
      args: [{ id, user_id, etc }],
  • getContext Get the current workflow context (workflowId, replay history, replay index, etc).
    const context = await MeshFlow.workflow.getContext();
  • search Instance a search session
    const search = await;
    • set Set one or more name/value pairs
      await search.set('name1', 'value1', 'name2', 'value2');
    • get Get a single value by name
      const value = await search.get('name');
    • mget Get multiple values by name
      const [val1, val2] = await search.mget('name1', 'name2');
    • del Delete one or more entries by name and return the number deleted
      const count = await search.del('name1', 'name2');
    • incr Increment (or decrement) a number
      const value = await search.incr('name', 12);
    • mult Multiply a number
      const value = await search.mult('name', 12);

Developers already familiar with Temporal will recognize the standard top-level constructs used in the example: activities, workflows, workers and clients. Specifically, the example proxies two activities, one of which will throw random errors. But the workflow eventually succeeds as it is a meshflow, reentrant workflow.


Start by defining activities. They can be written in any style, using any framework, and can even be legacy functions you've already written. Note how the saludar example throws an error 50% of the time. It doesn't matter how unpredictable your functions are, HotMesh will retry as necessary until they succeed.

export async function greet(name: string): Promise<string> {
  return `Hello, ${name}!`;

export async function saludar(nombre: string): Promise<string> {
  if (Math.random() > 0.5) throw new Error('Random error');
  return `¡Hola, ${nombre}!`;


Define workflow logic. Include conditional branching, loops, etc to control activity execution. It's vanilla code written in your own coding style. The only requirement is to use proxyActivities, ensuring your activities are executed with HotMesh's durability guarantee.

import { MeshFlow } from '@hotmeshio/hotmesh';
import * as activities from './activities';

const { greet, saludar } = MeshFlow.workflow
  .proxyActivities<typeof activities>({

export async function example(name: string, lang: string): Promise<string> {
  if (lang === 'es') {
    return await saludar(name);
  } else {
    return await greet(name);


Instance a HotMesh client to invoke the workflow.

import { MeshFlow, HotMesh } from '@hotmeshio/hotmesh';
import * as Redis from 'redis';

async function run(): Promise<string> {
  const client = new MeshFlow.Client({
    connection: {
      class: Redis,
      options: { url: 'redis://:key_admin@localhost:6379' }

  const handle = await client.workflow.start({
    args: ['HotMesh', 'es'],
    taskQueue: 'default',
    workflowName: 'example',
    workflowId: HotMesh.guid()

  return await handle.result();
  //returns '¡Hola, HotMesh!'


Create a worker and link your workflow function. Workers listen for tasks on their assigned Redis stream and invoke your workflow function each time they receive an event.

import { MeshFlow } from '@hotmeshio/hotmesh';
import * as Redis from 'redis';
import * as workflows from './workflows';

async function run() {
  const worker = await MeshFlow.Worker.create({
    connection: {
      class: Redis,
      options: { url: 'redis://:key_admin@localhost:6379' },
    taskQueue: 'default',
    workflow: workflows.example,



Transactional Analytics

For those deployments with the Redis FT.SEARCH module enabled, it's possible to deploy HTAP solutions using MeshData, enabling millisecond-level transactional processing with real-time analytics. Even without FT.SEARCH enabled, MeshData's easy-to-use, functional style makes it an excellent starting point for both new development and refactoring. Key features include:

  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates into existing code bases, allowing for the refactoring of legacy systems without extensive overhaul.
  • Ad Hoc Network Creation: Facilitates the creation of an operational data layer by connecting functions into a single, manageable mesh.
  • MeshFlow Workflow Support: Supports the transformation of functions into meshflow workflows with Redis-backed persistence.
  • Flexible Function Invocation: Functions can be called remotely with ease, supporting both cached and uncached execution modes.
  • Workflow Extensions: Offers a suite of workflow extension methods including hooks for extending functionality, signal handling for inter-process communication, and sleep for delaying execution.
  • Search and Indexing: Provides tools for managing workflow state and leveraging Redis' search capabilities to query operational data.


Expose your target functions. Here the legacy getUser function is registered as user.

import * as Redis from 'redis'; //or `import Redis from 'ioredis'`
import { MeshData } from '@hotmeshio/hotmesh'

const meshdata = new MeshData(Redis, { url: 'redis://:key_admin@localhost:6379' });

const getUser = async (id: string) => {
  //...fetch user from DB: { id: 'jsmith123', name: 'Jan Smith', ... }
  return user;

  entity: 'user',
  target: getUser,


Call connected functions from anywhere on the network with a connection to Redis.

import * as Redis from 'redis';
import { MeshData } from '@hotmeshio/hotmesh'

const meshdata = new MeshData(Redis, { url: 'redis://:key_admin@localhost:6379' });

const response = await meshdata.exec({
  entity: 'user',
  args: ['jsmith123'],

//returns { id: 'jsmith123', name: 'Jan Smith', ... }

Execute, Cache and Operationalize

Provide an id and ttl flag in the format 1 minute, 2 weeks, 3 months, infinity, etc to cache the function response, alleviate an overburdened database, or simply take advantage of Redis' millisecond-level read performance.

const response = await meshdata.exec({
  entity: 'user',
  args: ['jsmith123'],
  options: { id: 'jsmith123', ttl: '1 week' },

//returns cached { id: 'jsmith123', name: 'Jan Smith', ... }

By specifying a ttl, the function transforms into a persistent workflow with all the benefits of Redis-backed governance for the duration specified. Even if the main workflow function completes, the entity remains active and additional 'hook' functions can augment its state, by spawning reentrant subflows.


Distributed Orchestration

HotMesh is a distributed modeling and orchestration system capable of encapsulating existing systems, such as Business Process Management (BPM) and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). The central innovation is its ability to compile its models into Distributed Executables, replacing a traditional Application Server with a network of Decentralized Message Routers.

The following depicts the mechanics of the approach and describes what is essentially a sequence engine. Time is an event source in the system, while sequence is the final arbiter. This allows the system to use Redis (or a Redis clone such as ValKey) like a balloon, flexibly expanding and deflating as the network adjusts to its evolving workload.

A stream-driven workflow engine

The modeling system is based on a canonical set of 9 message types (and corresponding transitions) that guarantee the coordinated flow in the absence of a central controller.

HotMesh Canonical Message and Transition types

Here, for example, is the worker activity type. It's reentrant (most activities are), which allows your linked functions to emit in-process messages as they complete a task. The messaging system goes beyond basic request/response and fan-out/fan-in patterns, providing real-time progress updates.

HotMesh Canonical Worker type

Process orchestration is emergent within HotMesh and occurs naturally as a result of processing stream messages. While the reference implementation targets Redis+TypeScript, any language (Rust, Go, Python, Java) and multimodal database (ValKey, DragonFly, etc) can take advantage of the sequence engine design pattern.

Control Without a Controller

HotMesh is designed as a distributed quorum of engines where each member adheres to the principles of CQRS. According to CQRS, consumers are instructed to read events from assigned topic queues while producers write to said queues. This division of labor is essential to the smooth running of the system. HotMesh leverages this principle to drive the perpetual behavior of engines and workers (along with other advantages described here).

As long as their assigned topic queue has items, consumers will read exactly one item and then journal the result to another queue. And as long as all consumers (engines and workers) adhere to this principle, sophisticated workflows emerge.

Model-driven Development

The following YAML represents a HotMesh workflow; it includes a trigger and a linked worker function. The Sequence Engine will step through these instructions one step at a time once deployed.

# myfirstapp.1.yaml
  id: myfirstapp
  version: '1'
    - subscribes: myfirstapp.test
          type: trigger
          type: worker
          - to: w1

The topic identifies the worker function to execute. This name is arbitrary and should match the semantics of your use case or your own personal preference.

Call HotMesh.init to register a worker and engine. As HotMesh is a distributed orchestration platform, initializing a point of presence like this serves to give the engine another distributed node. If spare CPU is available on the host machine, the engine role will be called upon to coordinate the overall workflow. Similarly, invoking the linked worker function, involves the worker role.

import * as Redis from 'redis';
import { HotMesh } from '@hotmeshio/hotmesh';

const hotMesh = await HotMesh.init({
  appId: 'myfirstapp',

  engine: {
    redis: {
      class: Redis,
      options: { url: 'redis://:key_admin@redis:6379' }

  workers: [
      topic: '',
      redis: {
        class: Redis,
        options: { url: 'redis://:key_admin@redis:6379' }
      callback: async (data: StreamData) => {
        return {
          metadata: { },
          data: { } //optionally process inputs, return output

await hotMesh.deploy('./myfirstapp.1.yaml');
await hotMesh.activate('1');
const response = await hotMesh.pubsub('myfirstapp.test', {});
//returns {}

Run the Demos

JavaScript Examples

Run/Demo HotMesh (JavaScript)

This demo deploys a custom YAML model and a linked worker function to demonstrate the full end-to-end lifecycle. From within the container:

npm run demo:js:hotmesh greetings

From outside the container:

npm run docker:demo:js:hotmesh greetings

Run/Demo MeshCall (JavaScript)

This demo shows interservice function calls with caching support. From within the container:

npm run demo:js:meshcall

From outside the container:

npm run docker:demo:js:meshcall

Run/Demo MeshFlow (JavaScript)

This demo shows a basic durable workflow with support for retry. It throws errors 50% of the time and eventually recovers, logging the result of the workflow execution to the log. The retry cycle is set at 5 seconds. From within the container:

npm run demo:js:meshflow

From outside the container:

npm run docker:demo:js:meshflow

Run/Demo MeshData (JavaScript)

This demo runs a few workflows (one for every term you add when starting the test). The app auto-deploys, creates an index, and searches for workflow records based upon terms. The following will create 3 searchable workflows: bronze, silver, gold. The last term entered will be used to drive the FT.SEARCH query. (The following would search for the 'gold' record after all workflows (bronze, silver, and gold) have started.) From within the container:

npm run demo:js:meshdata bronze silver gold

From outside the container:

npm run docker:demo:js:meshdata bronze silver gold

TypeScript Examples

Run/Demo HotMesh (TypeScript)

This demo deploys a custom YAML model and a linked worker function to demonstrate the full end-to-end lifecycle. From within the container:

npm run demo:ts:hotmesh greetings

From outside the container:

npm run docker:demo:ts:hotmesh greetings

Run/Demo MeshCall (TypeScript)

This demo shows interservice function calls with caching support. From within the container:

npm run demo:ts:meshcall

From outside the container:

npm run docker:demo:ts:meshcall

Run/Demo MeshFlow (TypeScript)

This demo shows a basic durable workflow with support for retry. It throws errors 50% of the time and eventually recovers, logging the result of the workflow execution to the log. The retry cycle is set at 5 seconds. From within the container:

npm run demo:ts:meshflow

From outside the container:

npm run docker:demo:ts:meshflow

Run/Demo MeshData (TypeScript)

This demo runs a few workflows (one for every term you add when starting the test). The app auto-deploys, creates an index, and searches for workflow records based upon terms. The following will create 3 searchable workflows: bronze, silver, gold. The last term entered will be used to drive the FT.SEARCH query. (The following would search for the 'gold' record after all workflows (bronze, silver, and gold) have started.) From within the container:

npm run demo:ts:meshdata bronze silver gold

From outside the container:

npm run docker:demo:ts:meshdata bronze silver gold

Visualize | OpenTelemetry

Add your Honeycomb credentials to .env, and view the full OpenTelemetry execution tree organized as a DAG.

Open Telemetry

Visualize | RedisInsight

View commands, streams, data, etc using RedisInsight.

Redis Insight

Visualize | HotMesh Dashboard

The HotMesh dashboard provides a visual representation of the network, including the number of engines, workers, and workflows. It also provides a real-time view of the network's health and performance, linking to the OpenTelemetry dashboard for more detailed information.

An LLM is also included to simplify querying and analyzing workflow data for those deployments that include the Redis FT.SEARCH module.

HotMesh Dashboard


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