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Flying Car Nanodegree Program

In this repository you can find my own solutions to the Flying Car Nanodegree Program projects.

Core Curriculum

This section enumerates the projects you need to complete in order to receive your certificate.

Introduction to Autonomous Flight

In this course, you will get an introduction to flight history, challenges, and vehicles. You will learn about our quadrotor test platform, work in our custom simulator, and build your first project: getting a quadrotor to take-off and fly around a backyard!

  • Project: Backyard Flyer


Flying robots must traverse complex, dynamic environments. Wind, obstacles, unreliable sensor data, and other randomness all present significant challenges. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of aerial path planning. You will begin with 2D problems, optimize your solutions using waypoints, and then scale your solutions to three dimensions. You will apply these skills in your second project—autonomously navigating your drone through a dense urban environment.

  • Project: 3D Motion Planning


In the previous course, we implemented 3D path planning but assumed a solution for actually following paths. In reality, moving a flying vehicle requires determining appropriate low-level motor controls. In this course, you will build a nonlinear cascaded controller and incorporate it into your software in the project.

  • Project: Control of a 3D Quadrotor


In this course, we will finish peeling back the layers of your autonomous flight solution. Instead of assuming perfect sensor readings, you will utilize sensor fusion and filtering. You will design an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to estimate attitude and position from IMU and GPS data of a flying robot.

  • Project: Building an Estimator