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! experimental and unstable see BUGS

a diary plugin for vim

ephemeris is a diary and calendar plugin for vim. It provides a collection of functions and commands that can be used to create, edit, and curate diary/log entries.

The diary is defined by the directories and files found recursively under the directory set in the global variable g:ephemeris_diary. ephemeris does not rely on any external programs and does not interfere with any external program, such as cal, etc. This plugin works best when the directory structure of g:ephemeris_diary is YYYY/MM/, as follows:

  ├── 2019
  │   └── 09
  │       ├──
  │   └── 12
  │       └──
  ├── 2020
  │   └── 05
  │       ├──
  │       ├──

This tree structure is provided by default by ephemeris functions. This plugin will only provide limited functionality if the directory structure does not include a date-aligned directory structure as outlined above.

diary index and markdown side-by-side

see doc/ephemeris.txt for additional user help
see CONTRIBUTING for contributor guidelines
see vader tests for testing documentation

version information available at



  • [🌕] create/goto index/today
  • [🌖] checkbox list item management
    • [🌕] filter/toggle/archive/count
    • [🌕] copy last set of tasks - [ ] to current day's diary entry
  • [🌗] print day's agenda
  • [🌖] list-appropriate code folding


Add Plug 'HP4k1h5/ephemeris' to your .vimrc and run

:source $MYVIMRC | PlugInstall


Generally, ephemeris may work for those who like to keep a daily journal or log and a todo list and other note, task, and reminder related items in the same place. As functionalities grow, the principle of moving data from one place to another efficiently will be prioritised.


  1. Add the only required setting to your .vimrc, with e.g. :let g:ephemeris_diary = '~/diary'
  2. Either create a new entry with :EphemerisGotoToday, or copy over todos from the last entry with :EphemerisCopyTodos if you already have entries that contain g:ephemeris_todos markers.
  3. If you use task lists, :EphemerisToggleTask can create task items and toggle task items between by default, - [ ], for incomplete, and - [x] for complete tasks. :EphemerisFilterTasks will move to archive or delete completed tasks and their associated subblocks.
  4. :EphemerisPrintAgenda will grep all diary entries for date tags of the date provided, e.g. (YYYY/MM/DD) or today, if no date is provided.


g:ephemeris_diary (!!required)
set the root directory for your diary entries g:ephemeris_diary, i.e. in your .vimrc:

let g:ephemeris_diary = '~/diary'

Set the string for EphemerisCopyTodos, to look for. Everything below the marker in the most recent diary entry is copied and appended into the current day's entry. You can change it by setting it, i.e. in your .vimrc. See EphemerisCopyTodos.
Default: TODOs

let g:ephemeris_todos = '=== TASK LIST ==='

String list of characters to be used in checkbox items.
Default: ' x', rendering as - [ ] and - [x]

let g:ephemeris_toggle_list = '🌑🌘🌗🌖🌕'

a checkbox will look like - [🌖] and the last item in the list will be the completed item.


see doc/ephemeris.txt for additional help

Create markdown diary index of all '.md' files found under the |g:ephemeris_diary| directory, and go to vertical split. Calls |ephemeris#ind#create_index()|

Open diary index in a vertical split or focus diary index buffer. Index is found at |g:ephemeris_diary|/ Calls |ephemeris#ind#goto_index()|

Open a split with today's diary entry. Index is found at |g:ephemeris_diary|/

Copy TODOs from last set of TODOs going back up to 10 years. Your @setting(g:ephemeris_diary) directory must be organized in a .../YYYY/MM/ hierarchy, in order for this function to know which set of TODOs are_most recent_. TODOs are defined by the string set in @setting(g:ephemeris_todos). Default is 'TODOs'. Everything below that marker, until 2 consecutive newlines, an incomplete task, or a subsequent g:ephemeris_todos marker, is copied to the current day's diary entry. It will open today's diary entry in a split. Calls @function(ephemeris#lst#copy_todos)

Toggle state of task item under cursor through items provided in g:ephemeris_toggle_list. The last character in the string is the "completed" item, used by e.g. EphemerisFilterTasks. If no task item is present a new one will be created, using the left-most item in the g:ephemeris_toggle_list.

:EphemerisPrintAgenda Print [date]'s agenda composed of grepped lines found in files found in g:ephemeris_diary tagged with (YYYY/MM/DD) date-formatted markers. If no date is provided, today's date is used. If g:ephemeris_todos exists agenda items will be printed below that, otherwise at the top of the buffer.
Ex: :EphemerisPrintAgenda '2020/07/04', yields in the current buffer

## 2020/07/04 AGENDA
filename1 :: agenda item 1 due on... (2020/07/04)
filename2 :: agenda item 2 (2020/07/04)
filename3 :: agenda item 3 (2020/07/04)

@usage [archive] [summary]
Delete or move completed tasks, e.g. list items containing - [x], and all associated subblocks until the next incomplete task @setting(g:ephemeris_todos) marker, 2 newlines, or EOF. See example in @function(ephemeris#lst#filter_tasks). The first argument [archive] is a boolean which determines whether the filtered tasks are moved to 'g:ephemeris_diary'/.cache/ Default is 0. The second argument [summary] is a boolean. If true this function will print a summary of filtered/remaining tasks at the bottom of the buffer. Default is 0.
Ex: :EphemerisFilterTasks 1 1 " filters tasks, moves completed tasks to

| TODOs (before)                     |
|- [x] complete task 1               |
|- [ ] incomplete task 2             |
|  - [x] complete task 2a            |
|  - additional info that is not a   |    run in command-line mode
| task will be preserved if the      |  *---------------------*
| task is incomplete                 |--|:EphemerisFilterTasks|
|- [x] complete task 3               |  *---------------------*
|  - [ ] incomplete task 3a          |              |
|- [x] complete task 4               |              |
|  - but removed otherwise           |              |
|  - [ ] incomplete task 4a also     |              |
|   this will get preserved          |              |
*------------------------------------*              V
            | TODOs  (after)                               |
            |- [ ] incomplete task 2                       |
            |  - [ ] incomplete task 3a                    |
            |  - [ ] incomplete task 4a also               |
            |   this will get preserved                    |

Fold file by line-separated paragraphs, works well with lists if you leave a " space between list blocks. Set 'foldlevel' to 0 or type zM to fold all, type " zR to open all folds.

code folding

In the top left image, an unfolded list of items. As these grow, navigating them and getting a high-level overview can be difficult. In the top right image, EphemerisFold has been applied and all blocks have been closed zM. Blocks of newline-spaced list items are folded and visually condensed to their parent headers. In the bottom image, one fold has been opened zo.

full list folded list open fold


nmap <leader>eci :EphemerisCreateIndex<CR>
nmap <leader>egt :EphemerisGotoToday<CR>
nmap <leader>ect :EphemerisCopyTodos<CR>
nmap <leader>epa :EphemerisPrintAgenda<CR>
nmap <leader>ef  :EphemerisFold<CR>
nmap <leader>eft :EphemerisFilterTasks 1 1<CR>
"           1 = archive, 0 = delete ---^ ^---- 1 = summary, 0 = no summary
nmap <leader>et  :EphemerisToggleTask<CR>


  • v0.9 bugfixes, agenda
  • v0.8 folding, checkbox options