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centos:7 mirror fix #3072

centos:7 mirror fix

centos:7 mirror fix #3072

Workflow file for this run

name: test suite
pull_request: # all pull requests
branches: [ master ] # all commits on master
- cron: '0 2 * * 0' # every Sunday at 2:00am UTC (Saturday 7:00pm MST)
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
timeout-minutes: 90
fail-fast: false # Actions seems kind of flaky lately
- ch-image
pack_fmt: [squash-mount, tar-unpack, squash-unpack]
keep_sudo: # if false, remove self from sudoers post-install/setup
- false
- enabled
- builder: none
pack_fmt: squash-mount
keep_sudo: false
cache: disabled
- builder: docker
pack_fmt: tar-unpack
keep_sudo: true
cache: enabled
- builder: ch-image
pack_fmt: squash-mount
keep_sudo: false
cache: disabled
CH_IMAGE_CACHE: ${{ matrix.cache }}
CH_TEST_BUILDER: ${{ matrix.builder }}
CH_TEST_TARDIR: /mnt/tarballs
CH_TEST_IMGDIR: /mnt/images
CH_TEST_PACK_FMT: ${{ matrix.pack_fmt }}
CH_TEST_PERMDIRS: /mnt/perms_test /run/perms_test
ch_prefix: /var/tmp
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# This allows SSH access to the GitHub Actions VM to debug things that
# only happen on CI. Comment out unless needed. WARNING: has
# access to unencrypted SSH traffic.
# See:
#- name: set up tmate session
# uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
# with:
# detached: true
- name: early setup & validation
run: |
sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Denver
sudo chmod 1777 /mnt /usr/local/src
echo "ch_makej=-j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Remove sbin directories from $PATH (see issue #43). Assume none of
# these are the first entry in $PATH.
echo "PATH=$PATH"
for i in /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin; do
echo "path_new=$path_new"
echo "PATH=$path_new" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Set sudo umask to something quite restrictive. The default is
# 0022, but we had a "make install" bug (issue #947) that was
# tickled by 0027, which is a better setting. For reasons I don’t
# understand, this only affects sudo, but since that’s what we want,
# I left it. Note there are a few dependency installs below that
# have similar permissions bugs; these relax the umask on a
# case-by-case basis.
sudo sed -i -E 's/^UMASK\s+022/UMASK 0077/' /etc/login.defs
fgrep UMASK /etc/login.defs
- name: print starting environment
run: |
echo builder: ${{ matrix.builder }}
echo pack_fmt: ${{ matrix.pack_fmt }}
echo keep_sudo: ${{ matrix.keep_sudo }}
echo cache: ${{ matrix.cache }}
uname -a
lsb_release -a
free -m
df -h
locale -a
env | egrep '^(PATH|USER)='
env | egrep '^(ch|CH)_'
[[ $PATH != */usr/local/sbin* ]] # verify sbin removal; see above
printf 'umask for %s: ' $USER && umask
printf 'umask under sudo: ' && sudo sh -c umask
[[ $(umask) = 0022 ]]
[[ $(sudo sh -c umask) = 0077 ]]
- name: lines of code
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'none' }}
run: |
sudo apt-get install cloc
- name: install/configure dependencies, all
run: |
# configure doesn’t tell us about these.
sudo apt-get install attr pigz pv
# configure does tell us about these.
sudo apt-get install bats squashfs-tools
# Track newest Sphinx in case it breaks things.
# FIXME: pip yells about docutils 0.19 so ask for latest 0.18
sudo su -c 'umask 0022 && pip3 install docutils==0.18.1 sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx-reredirects'
# Use newest shellcheck.
cd /usr/local/src
wget -nv
tar xf shellcheck-stable.linux.x86_64.tar.xz
sudo mv shellcheck-stable/shellcheck /usr/local/bin
which shellcheck
shellcheck --version
- name: install/configure dependencies, ch-image
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'ch-image' }}
run: |
# Use most current packages b/c new versions sometimes break things.
sudo sh -c 'umask 0022 && pip3 install lark requests wheel'
# Configure Git and friends for build cache.
if [[ $CH_IMAGE_CACHE = enabled ]]; then
# Git
command -v git
git --version
git config --global 'Judit Polgár'
git config --global
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
echo __ch-test_ignore__ >> ~/.gitignore
# Graphviz
sudo apt-get install -y graphviz
dot -V
# git2dot
sudo sh -c 'umask 0022 && pip install python-dateutil'
git clone ~/git2dot
cd ~/git2dot
git checkout $(git tag | sort -Vr | head -1)
sudo cp -a /usr/local/bin
command -v --version
- name: install libsquashfuse
if: ${{ matrix.pack_fmt == 'squash-mount' }}
run: |
set -x
sudo apt-get install -y libfuse3-dev
cd /usr/local/src
git clone
cd squashfuse
# Check out the latest release.
git checkout $(git tag -l '[0-9].*' | sort -V | tail -1)
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo sh -c 'umask 0022 && make install'
sudo ldconfig
# Unset setuid on all fusermount3(1) on the system.
sudo chmod -v u-s /usr/bin/fusermount*
ls -lh $(command -v fusermount3)
[[ ! -u $(command -v fusermount3) ]]
- name: install musl and friends
if: ${{ matrix.pack_fmt == 'tar-unpack' }}
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y musl-tools
# At present we use argp to parse command line arguments. This is
# not portable; it’s a glibc extension (see #1260). Thus, install a
# standalone argp.
cd /usr/local/src
git clone --depth=1
cd argp-standalone
autoreconf --force --install
CC=musl-gcc ./configure
make $ch_makej
sudo install -D -m644 argp.h /usr/include/x86_64-linux-musl/argp.h
sudo install -D -m755 libargp.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-musl/libargp.a
# musl-gcc does not install Linux headers. This is a bad kludge.
# See:
sudo ln -s ../linux ../asm-generic ../x86_64-linux-gnu \
sudo ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/asm /usr/include/x86_64-linux-musl/
- name: disable bundled lark, ch-image
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'ch-image'
&& matrix.pack_fmt == 'squash-mount'
&& matrix.cache == 'disabled' }}
run: |
set -x
# no install, disable
./ --no-lark
./configure --disable-bundled-lark --prefix=$ch_prefix/from-git
fgrep '"lark" module ... external' config.log
! test -f ./lib/lark/
make $ch_makej
sudo make $ch_makej install
[[ $(bin/ch-image -v --dependencies) = 'lark path: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/lark/' ]]
[[ $($ch_prefix/from-git/bin/ch-image -v --dependencies) = 'lark path: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/lark/' ]]
make clean
# install, disable
./configure --disable-bundled-lark --prefix=$ch_prefix/from-git
fgrep '"lark" module ... bundled' config.log
test -f ./lib/lark/
make $ch_makej
sudo make $ch_makej install
[[ $(bin/ch-image -v --dependencies) = 'lark path: /home/runner/work/charliecloud/charliecloud/lib/lark/' ]]
[[ $($ch_prefix/from-git/bin/ch-image -v --dependencies) = 'lark path: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/lark/' ]]
make clean
# no install, enable: build fails, untested
# install, enable: normal configuration, remainder of CI
- name: build/install from Git
run: |
# Remove Autotools to make sure everything works without them.
sudo apt-get remove autoconf automake
# Configure and verify output.
# We want to support any standard libc, so build against musl for
# some cases:
# squash-mount: glibc; libsquashfuse and libfuse3 are built with it
# squash-unpack: glibc; to test ch-fromhost which assumes glibc
# tar-unpack: musl
# See PR #1258, which is a FTBFS for musl. Other build steps in this
# workflow also use glibc.
if [[ $CH_TEST_PACK_FMT == tar-unpack ]]; then
export CC=musl-gcc
# GNU ldd(1) doesn’t work on musl binaries.
LDD='/lib/ --list'
# Go wild with install directories to make sure it works (see #683).
# We do have a normal install below.
./configure --prefix=$ch_prefix/from-git \
--datarootdir=$ch_prefix/from-git_dataroot \
--libexecdir=$ch_prefix/from-git_libexec \
--libdir=$ch_prefix/from-git_lib \
--mandir=$ch_prefix/from-git_man \
--docdir=$ch_prefix/from-git_doc \
set -x
fgrep 'documentation: yes' config.log
[[ $CH_TEST_BUILDER = docker ]] && command -v docker
if [[ $CH_TEST_BUILDER = ch-image ]]; then
fgrep 'with ch-image(1): yes' config.log
fgrep '"lark" module ... bundled' config.log
test -f ./lib/lark/
fgrep 'recommended tests, tar-unpack mode: yes' config.log
fgrep 'recommended tests, squash-unpack mode: yes' config.log
if [[ $CH_TEST_PACK_FMT = squash-mount ]]; then
fgrep 'recommended tests, squash-mount mode: yes' config.log
fgrep 'internal SquashFS mounting ... yes' config.log
fgrep 'recommended tests, squash-mount mode: no' config.log
fgrep 'internal SquashFS mounting ... no' config.log
set +x
# Build and install.
make $ch_makej
sudo make $ch_makej install
$LDD bin/ch-run
bin/ch-run --version
$LDD $ch_prefix/from-git/bin/ch-run
$ch_prefix/from-git/bin/ch-run --version
# Ensure bundled Lark in tarball.
make $ch_makej dist
tar tf charliecloud-*.tar.gz | fgrep /lib/lark/
- name: late setup & validation, ch-image
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'ch-image' }}
run: |
set -x
[[ $(bin/ch-image gestalt python-path) = /usr/bin/python3 ]]
[[ $(bin/ch-image -v --dependencies) = "lark path: /home/runner/work/charliecloud/charliecloud/lib/lark/" ]]
[[ $($ch_prefix/from-git/bin/ch-image gestalt python-path) = /usr/bin/python3 ]]
[[ $($ch_prefix/from-git/bin/ch-image -v --dependencies) = "lark path: /var/tmp/from-git_lib/charliecloud/lark/" ]]
- name: late setup & validation, all
run: |
bin/ch-test --is-pedantic all
bin/ch-test --is-sudo all
- name: make filesystem permissions fixtures
run: |
bin/ch-test mk-perm-dirs
- name: start local registry, ch-image
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'ch-image' }}
# See HOWTO in Google Docs for details.
run: |
set -x
mkdir ~/registry-etc
cp test/registry-config.yml ~/registry-etc/config.yml
cd ~/registry-etc
openssl req -batch -subj '/C=US/ST=NM/L=LA/O=LANL/CN=localhost' \
-newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -x509 -days 36500 \
-keyout localhost.key -out localhost.crt
#openssl x509 -text -noout -in localhost.crt
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
htpasswd -Bbn charlie test > ./htpasswd
diff -u <(docker run --rm registry:2 \
cat /etc/docker/registry/config.yml) \
config.yml || true
docker run -d --rm -p \
-v ~/registry-etc:/etc/docker/registry registry:2
docker ps -a
- name: build/install from tarball
run: |
# Create and unpack tarball. The wildcard saves us having to put the
# version in a variable. This assumes there isn’t already a tarball
# or unpacked directory in $ch_prefix, which is true on the clean
# VMs GitHub gives us. Note that cd fails if it gets more than one
# argument, which helps, but this is probably kind of brittle.
make $ch_makej dist
mv charliecloud-*.tar.gz $ch_prefix
cd $ch_prefix
tar xf charliecloud-*.tar.gz
rm charliecloud-*.tar.gz # else cd fails with “too many arguments”
cd charliecloud-*
# Configure and verify output.
./configure --prefix=$ch_prefix/from-tarball
set -x
fgrep 'documentation: yes' config.log
[[ $CH_TEST_BUILDER = buildah* ]] && command -v buildah
[[ $CH_TEST_BUILDER = docker ]] && command -v docker
[[ $CH_TEST_BUILDER = ch-image ]] && fgrep 'with ch-image(1): yes' config.log
fgrep 'recommended tests, tar-unpack mode: yes' config.log
fgrep 'recommended tests, squash-unpack mode: yes' config.log
if [[ ${{ matrix.pack_fmt }} = squash-mount ]]; then
fgrep 'recommended tests, squash-mount mode: yes' config.log
fgrep 'internal SquashFS mounting ... yes' config.log
fgrep 'recommended tests, squash-mount mode: no' config.log
fgrep 'internal SquashFS mounting ... no' config.log
set +x
# Build and install.
make $ch_makej
sudo make $ch_makej install
bin/ch-run --version
$ch_prefix/from-tarball/bin/ch-run --version
- name: configure sudo to user root, group non-root
if: ${{ matrix.keep_sudo }}
run: |
sudo sed -Ei 's/=\(ALL\)/=(ALL:ALL)/g' /etc/sudoers.d/runner
sudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/runner
- name: remove sudo
if: ${{ ! matrix.keep_sudo }}
run: |
sudo rm /etc/sudoers.d/runner
! sudo echo hello
- name: run test suite (Git WD, standard)
run: |
bin/ch-test all
# Validate that “rootemu” test phase didn’t run (skipped by default
# on standard scope).
[[ $(cat /tmp/ch-test.tmp.$USER/rootemu) = no ]]
- name: run root emulation phase
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'ch-image'
&& matrix.pack_fmt == 'squash-mount'
&& matrix.cache == 'enabled' }}
run: |
# We only really need to run the root emulation tests once in CI.
# ch-image with an enabled cache is required for these unit tests.
# Since all CI tests that use ch-image with an enabled cache take
# roughly the same amount of time, we arbitrarily chose squash-mount
# as the pack format.
bin/ch-test rootemu
# Validate that “rootemu” test phase ran.
[[ $(cat /tmp/ch-test.tmp.$USER/rootemu) = yes ]]
- name: run test suite (installed from Git WD, standard)
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'ch-image'
&& matrix.pack_fmt == 'squash-mount'
&& matrix.cache == 'enabled' }}
run: |
$ch_prefix/from-git/bin/ch-test all
[[ $(cat /tmp/ch-test.tmp.$USER/rootemu) = no ]]
- name: run test suite (installed from tarball, standard)
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'ch-image'
&& matrix.pack_fmt == 'squash-mount'
&& matrix.cache == 'enabled' }}
run: |
$ch_prefix/from-tarball/bin/ch-test all
[[ $(cat /tmp/ch-test.tmp.$USER/rootemu) = no ]]
- name: uninstall from tarball
if: ${{ matrix.keep_sudo }}
run: |
cd $ch_prefix/charliecloud-*
sudo make uninstall
diff -u - <(find $ch_prefix/from-tarball | sort) <<'EOF'
- name: rebuild with most things --disable’d
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'docker' }}
run: |
make distclean
./configure --prefix=/doesnotexist \
--disable-html --disable-man --disable-ch-image
set -x
fgrep 'HTML documentation ... no' config.log
fgrep 'man pages ... no' config.log
fgrep 'ch-image(1) ... no' config.log
fgrep 'with ch-image(1): no' config.log
# This CI test requires Docker, but the “configure” script doesn’t
# check for Docker, so we do it ourselves with “command -v”.
command -v docker
fgrep 'more complete tests: no' config.log
set +x
# Build.
make $ch_makej
bin/ch-run --version
- name: run test suite (Git WD, standard)
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'docker' }}
run: |
bin/ch-test all
[[ $(cat /tmp/ch-test.tmp.$USER/rootemu) = no ]]
- name: remove non-essential dependencies
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'docker' }}
run: |
set -x
# This breaks lots of dependencies unrelated to our build but YOLO.
sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends \
pigz \
pv \
python3-requests \
sudo pip3 uninstall -y sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme
if [[ ${{ matrix.pack_fmt }} = squash-mount ]]; then
( cd /usr/local/src/squashfuse && sudo make uninstall )
! python3 -c 'import requests'
! python3 -c 'import lark'
- name: rebuild
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'docker' }}
run: |
make distclean
./configure --prefix=/doesnotexist
set -x
fgrep 'documentation: no' config.log
command -v docker
fgrep 'more complete tests: no' config.log
fgrep 'recommended tests, squash-mount mode: no' config.log
set +x
# Build and install.
make $ch_makej
bin/ch-run --version
- name: run test suite (Git WD, standard)
if: ${{ matrix.builder == 'docker' }}
run: |
bin/ch-test all
[[ $(cat /tmp/ch-test.tmp.$USER/rootemu) = no ]]
- name: print ending environment
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
free -m
df -h
du -sch $CH_TEST_TARDIR/* || true
du -sch $CH_TEST_IMGDIR/* || true