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🚀 SwiftInfer

🔗 Table of Contents

📌 Overview

Streaming-LLM is a technique to support infinite input length for LLM inference. It leverages Attention Sink to prevent the model collapse when the attention window shifts. The original work is implemented in PyTorch, we offer SwiftInfer, a TensorRT implementation to make StreamingLLM more production-grade. Our implementation was built upon the recently released TensorRT-LLM project.

🚗 Quick Start

🛠 Installation

We use the API in TensorRT-LLM to construct the model and run inference. As the API of TensorRT-LLM is not stable and changing rapidly, we bind our implementation with the 42af740db51d6f11442fd5509ef745a4c043ce51 commit whose version is v0.6.0. We may upgrade this repository as TensorRT-LLM's APIs become more stable.

If you have build TensorRT-LLM V0.6.0, simply run:

git clone
cd SwiftInfer
pip install .

Otherwise, you should install TensorRT-LLM first.

Install TensorRT-LLM with Docker

If using docker, you can follow TensorRT-LLM Installation to install TensorRT-LLM V0.6.0.

By using docker, you can install SwiftInfer by simply running:

git clone
cd SwiftInfer
pip install .

Install TensorRT-LLM without Docker

If not using docker, we provide a script to install TensorRT-LLM automatically.


Please ensure that you have installed the following packages:

  • python
  • build essentials, including gcc/g++, make, cmake
  • CUDA toolkit
  • cuDNN
  • NCCL
  • TensorRT
  • PyTorch

Make sure the version of TensorRT >= 9.1.0 and CUDA toolkit >= 12.2.

To install tensorrt:

ARCH=$(uname -m)
if [ "$ARCH" = "arm64" ];then ARCH="aarch64";fi
if [ "$ARCH" = "amd64" ];then ARCH="x86_64";fi
if [ "$ARCH" = "aarch64" ];then OS="ubuntu-22.04"; else OS="linux";fi
tar xzvf tensorrt-
PY_VERSION=$(python -c 'import sys; print(".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[0:2])))')
pip install TensorRT-*-cp${PARSED_PY_VERSION}-*.whl
export TRT_ROOT=$(realpath TensorRT-

To download nccl, follow NCCL download page.

To download cudnn, follow cuDNN download page.


Before running the following commands, please ensure that you have set nvcc correctly. To check it, run:

nvcc --version

To install TensorRT-LLM and SwiftInfer, run:

git clone
cd SwiftInfer
TRT_ROOT=xxx NCCL_ROOT=xxx CUDNN_ROOT=xxx pip install .

🕹 Run Llama example

To run the Llama example, you need to first clone the Hugging Face repository for the meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf model or other Llama-based variants such as lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.3. Then, you can run the following command to build the TensorRT engine. You need to replace <model-dir> with the actual path to the Llama model.

cd examples/llama

python \
--model_dir <model-dir> \
--dtype float16 \
--enable_context_fmha \
--use_gemm_plugin float16 \
--max_input_len 2048 \
--max_output_len 1024 \
--output_dir ./output/7B-streaming-8k-1k-4-2000/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu/ \
--max_batch_size 1

Next, you need to download the MT-Bench data provided by LMSYS-FastChat.

mkdir mt_bench_data
wget -P ./mt_bench_data

Finally, you are ready to run the Llama example with the following command.

❗️❗️❗️ Before that, please note that:

  1. The only_n_first argument is used to control the number of samples to be evaluated. If you want to evaluate all samples, please remove this argument.
python ../ \
--max_input_length 2048 \
--max_output_len 1024 \
--tokenizer_dir <model-dir> \
--engine_dir ./output/7B-streaming-8k-1k-4-2000/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu/ \
--input_file ./mt_bench_data/question.jsonl \
--streaming_llm_start_size 4 \
--only_n_first 5

You should expect to see the generation out as follows:

generation output

⚖️ Benchmark

We have benchmarked our implementations of Streaming-LLM with the original PyTorch version. The benchmark command for our implementation is given in the Run Llama Example section while that for the original PyTorch implementation is given in the torch_streamingllm folder. The hardware used is listed below:

  • GPU: Nvidia H800 (80GB)
  • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8468
  • RAM: 2TB

The results (20 rounds of conversations) are:


We are still working on further performance improvement and adapting to the TensorRT V0.7.1 APIs. We also notice that TensorRT-LLM has integrated StreamingLLM in their example but it seems it is more suitable for single text generation instead of multi-round conversations.

🗺 Roadmap

  • Streaming-LLM attention implementation based on TRT-LLM APIs
  • KV cache adaptation
  • Early stop adaptation
  • Contiguous tensor fix
  • Llama example for multi-round conversation

📃 Acknowledgement

This work is inspired by Streaming-LLM to make it usable for production. Throughout development, we have referenced the following materials and we wish to acknowledge their efforts and contribution to the open-source community and academia.

📝 Citation

If you find StreamingLLM and our TensorRT implementation useful, please kindly cite our repository and the original work proposed by Xiao et al. from MIT Han Lab.

# our repository
# NOTE: the listed authors have equal contribution
  title = {SwiftInfer},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},

# Xiao's original paper
        title={Efficient Streaming Language Models with Attention Sinks},
        author={Xiao, Guangxuan and Tian, Yuandong and Chen, Beidi and Han, Song and Lewis, Mike},

# TensorRT-LLM repo
# as TensorRT-LLM team does not provide a bibtex
# please let us know if there is any change needed
  title = {TensorRT-LLM},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},