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frcroth committed Jun 15, 2020
2 parents 570d9f2 + 9b023d0 commit 9a76c6b
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Showing 33 changed files with 145 additions and 36 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ keyStroke: aKeyboardEvent
(self isCtrlA: aKeyboardEvent)
ifTrue: [self selectAll].
self model precedingStructuresChanged.
self model updateFooter.
^ returnValue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ mouseDown: anEvent
returnValue := super mouseDown: anEvent.
self model precedingStructuresChanged.
self model ifNotNil: #unbufferStructures.
self model updateFooter.
^ returnValue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
"crWithIndent:" : "lh 7/24/2019 22:30",
"getParagraphCharacter" : "LM 5/26/2019 22:52",
"isCtrlA:" : "lh 7/24/2019 16:59",
"keyStroke:" : "JEH 6/14/2020 09:53",
"mouseDown:" : "JEH 6/14/2020 10:07",
"returnValue" : "ls 6/19/2019 19:14",
"isNewCharacter:" : "tok 6/13/2020 12:03",
"isSpecialCharacter:" : "OS 6/12/2020 12:03",
"isStructureShortcut:" : "OS 6/12/2020 12:09",
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ buildFooterWith: aBuilder
model: self;
frame: (0 @ 0.9 corner: 1 @ 1);
readOnly: true;
getText: #footerText;
minimumHeight: 20;
indicateUnacceptedChanges: false;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ buildWith: aBuilder
result := aBuilder build: windowSpec.
self textView: (aBuilder widgetAt: 'textView').
self footer: (aBuilder widgetAt: 'footer').
self updateFooter.
self editor model: self.

^ result
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
document information

^ self positionInTextAtIndex: self selectionStart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

^ self editor paragraph lines
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
document information

| footerString|
| footerString currentPositionInText|
footerString := 'You are using SquidWord · '.
footerString := (footerString, self bufferDocument wordcount), ' words · '.
footerString := footerString, self documentTimeText.
footerString := (footerString, self bufferDocument wordcount), ' words ·'.

currentPositionInText := self currentPositionInText.
footerString := (footerString, ' Line '), currentPositionInText y.
footerString := (footerString, ' Col '), currentPositionInText x.
footerString := footerString, ' · ' , self documentTimeText.

^ footerString
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
document information
positionInTextAtIndex: anIndex

| lineCounter currentLine positionInLine |

lineCounter := 0.
currentLine := self displayedLines
[: each | lineCounter := lineCounter + 1.
each first <= (anIndex + 1) and: [each last >= (anIndex + 1)]]
ifNone: [self displayedLines last].
positionInLine := anIndex - currentLine first + 2.

^ positionInLine @ lineCounter
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"bufferDocument:" : "ls 7/24/2019 20:57",
"bufferedStructures" : "ls 6/19/2019 17:30",
"bufferedStructures:" : "ls 6/26/2019 17:46",
"buildFooterWith:" : "frc 5/25/2020 15:02",
"buildFooterWith:" : "JEH 6/14/2020 11:33",
"buildHelpButtonWith:" : "kh 6/1/2020 14:21",
"buildInfoButtonWith:" : "kh 6/1/2020 14:21",
"buildInspectDocumentButtonWith:" : "ls 6/26/2019 18:57",
Expand All @@ -30,21 +30,23 @@
"buildStructureListWith:" : "OS 6/3/2020 23:50",
"buildTextFieldWith:" : "tok 5/31/2020 20:20",
"buildUndoButtonWith:" : "MB 5/22/2019 21:03",
"buildWith:" : "kh 5/25/2020 16:36",
"buildWith:" : "JEH 6/14/2020 11:32",
"chosenDocument" : "AG 7/25/2019 13:13",
"createNewStructure:" : "ls 7/24/2019 15:11",
"currentPositionInText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 11:15",
"currentSaveName" : "ls 6/26/2019 17:58",
"currentSaveName:" : "ls 6/26/2019 17:58",
"currentStructures" : "OS 6/1/2020 00:02",
"debufferedStructures" : "OS 5/31/2020 13:08",
"debufferedStructures:" : "OS 5/31/2020 13:08",
"displayedLines" : "JEH 6/14/2020 09:57",
"documentClass" : "ls 7/10/2019 15:53",
"documentTimeText" : "OS 6/14/2020 18:22",
"editor" : "lh 7/24/2019 17:17",
"fitParagraphs" : "lh 7/24/2019 22:44",
"footer" : "frc 5/25/2020 15:40",
"footer:" : "frc 5/25/2020 15:22",
"footerText" : "OS 6/14/2020 18:23",
"footerText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 11:16",
"getStructureSelectionAt:" : "OS 6/3/2020 23:53",
"hasStructure:" : "AG 7/25/2019 13:13",
"hasStructure:between:to:" : "6/1/2020 14:03:21",
Expand All @@ -64,6 +66,7 @@
"okToChange" : "ls 6/12/2019 22:15",
"openNewEditor" : "ls 6/12/2019 18:10",
"openStructureEditor" : "ls 7/24/2019 16:53",
"positionInTextAtIndex:" : "JEH 6/14/2020 18:14",
"precedingStructures" : "OS 5/31/2020 23:22",
"precedingStructures:" : "OS 5/31/2020 23:22",
"precedingStructuresChanged" : "OS 6/1/2020 00:04",
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

^ self regExFoundInFooter: 'Col [0-9]+'

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

^ self regExFoundInFooter: 'Line [0-9]+'

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
regExFoundInFooter: aRegEx

| currentFooterText |

currentFooterText := self editorModel footer textMorph text.
^ (RxMatcher forString: aRegEx) search: currentFooterText

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ testUS04loadedTextIsInsertedIntoEditor
self editorModel setText: self anotherText.
self loadDocumentFromSaver.

self assert: self text equals: self editorModel text
self assert: self editorModel text equals: self text
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

self assert: self footerContainsColNumber

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

self assert: self footerContainsLineNumber

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"document" : "ls 7/24/2019 17:23",
"editorSavesIncludeKey:" : "MB 5/22/2019 18:01",
"enterSaveNameInDialog:" : "MB 7/24/2019 22:49",
"footerContainsColNumber" : "JEH 6/14/2020 12:43",
"footerContainsLineNumber" : "JEH 6/14/2020 12:43",
"helpButtonLabel" : "kh 5/25/2020 22:42",
"instance:equals:" : "lh 7/24/2019 18:46",
"loadDocumentFromSaver" : "ls 7/3/2019 21:46",
Expand All @@ -19,6 +21,7 @@
"paragraphCharacter" : "lh 7/24/2019 20:02",
"pressEnter" : "MB 5/15/2019 20:55",
"pressShiftEnter" : "MB 5/15/2019 20:54",
"regExFoundInFooter:" : "JEH 6/14/2020 12:43",
"registeredOpenCommandsOfWorldMenuIncludes:" : "MB 5/15/2019 21:27",
"removeStructure" : "ls 7/24/2019 17:24",
"richTextEditorOpenCommand" : "ls 6/22/2019 10:49",
Expand All @@ -27,7 +30,7 @@
"simulateKeyboardEventWithButtons:andKeyValue:" : "lh 7/24/2019 18:30",
"testInspectDocument" : "frc 6/13/2020 11:08",
"testUS04loadButtonExists" : "AG 5/22/2019 18:38",
"testUS04loadedTextIsInsertedIntoEditor" : "lh 7/24/2019 18:35",
"testUS04loadedTextIsInsertedIntoEditor" : "JEH 6/14/2020 18:13",
"testUS04saveAsButtonExists" : "SR 5/22/2019 21:07",
"testUS04saveAsButtonLetsChooseNameAndSavesInImage" : "SR 5/22/2019 21:08",
"testUS04saveButtonExists" : "AG 5/22/2019 18:39",
Expand All @@ -51,6 +54,8 @@
"testUS47WhenStructureIsRemovedTheTriangleShows" : "ls 7/25/2019 13:20",
"testUS60disableAutocompletion" : "kh 6/15/2020 13:47",
"testUS60enableAutocompletion" : "kh 6/15/2020 13:47",
"testUS62ColNumberIsShownInFooter" : "JEH 6/14/2020 12:36",
"testUS62LineNumberIsShownInFooter" : "JEH 6/14/2020 12:40",
"testUS63InfoButtonExists" : "6/1/2020 14:03:20",
"testUS67HelpBrowserIsOpended" : "kh 5/25/2020 22:44",
"testUS67HelpButtonExists" : "kh 5/25/2020 22:35",
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ headingIsAddedToWrittenText
^ self editorModel bufferDocument
hasStructure: #heading1
forText: self editorText
from: self caretPosition
to: self otherText size - 1
from: self caretPosition + 1
to: (self caretPosition + self otherText size - 2)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

self moveCaretMulipleTimesRight: 5.
self moveCaretMulipleTimesLeft: 3
self moveCaretMultipleTimesRight: 5.
self moveCaretMultipleTimesLeft: 3

This file was deleted.

This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
moveCaretMultipleTimesLeft: aNumber

self enterCharacter: self leftArrowKey times: aNumber
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
moveCaretMultipleTimesRight: aNumber

self enterCharacter: self rightArrowKey times: aNumber
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,5 +2,4 @@ utilities

moveCaretMulipleTimesLeft: self otherText size;
caretPosition: self caretPosition - self otherText size
moveCaretMultipleTimesLeft: self otherText size
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ utilities

moveCaretMulipleTimesLeft: self editorText size;
moveCaretMultipleTimesLeft: self editorText size;
caretPosition: 1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ utilities

moveCaretMulipleTimesRight: self editorText size;
moveCaretMultipleTimesRight: self editorText size;
caretPosition: self editorText size.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ moveCaretToMidOfText

moveCaretMulipleTimesRight: self middleTextOffset;
moveCaretMultipleTimesRight: self middleTextOffset;
caretPosition: self middleTextOffset.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

^ 'This is a text
that crosses
multiple lines

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

^ Character arrowRight
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

enterStringOntoTextField: self multipleLineText;
moveCaretMultipleTimesRight: (self standardText size + 22);
assert: (self editorModel currentPositionInText) = (7@3)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

enterStringOntoTextField: self multipleLineText;
assert: (self editorModel currentPositionInText) = (2@7)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

enterStringOntoTextField: self multipleLineText;
assert: (self editorModel currentPositionInText) = (1@1)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,27 +14,32 @@
"enterSaveNameInDialog:" : "MB 7/24/2019 23:45",
"extendableBoldSet" : "lh 6/5/2019 22:06",
"extendableBoldTextStructure" : "tok 6/8/2020 12:06",
"headingIsAddedToWrittenText" : "MB 7/24/2019 18:21",
"headingIsAddedToWrittenText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 14:00",
"headingTextStructureIndex" : "ls 6/26/2019 22:25",
"leftArrowKey" : "MB 6/19/2019 18:08",
"middleTextOffset" : "MB 6/19/2019 18:06",
"moveCaret" : "MB 7/25/2019 11:44",
"moveCaretMulipleTimesLeft:" : "ls 6/21/2019 16:36",
"moveCaretMulipleTimesRight:" : "ls 6/21/2019 16:36",
"moveCaretToBeginningOfOtherText" : "ls 6/21/2019 17:20",
"moveCaretToBeginningOfText" : "ls 6/21/2019 17:20",
"moveCaretToEndOfText" : "ls 6/21/2019 17:17",
"moveCaretToMidOfText" : "ls 6/21/2019 17:17",
"moveCaret" : "JEH 6/14/2020 14:04",
"moveCaretMultipleTimesLeft:" : "JEH 6/14/2020 14:04",
"moveCaretMultipleTimesRight:" : "JEH 6/14/2020 14:04",
"moveCaretToBeginningOfOtherText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 14:04",
"moveCaretToBeginningOfText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 14:04",
"moveCaretToEndOfText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 14:04",
"moveCaretToMidOfText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 14:04",
"multipleLineText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 18:12",
"otherText" : "ls 6/21/2019 17:14",
"rightArrowKey" : "JEH 6/14/2020 13:07",
"setUp" : "MB 7/25/2019 12:15",
"standardText" : "ls 6/21/2019 17:14",
"testCorrectLineColNumberAtArbitraryPositionInText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 18:12",
"testCorrectLineColNumberAtEndOfText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 18:11",
"testCorrectLineColNumberAtStartOfText" : "JEH 6/14/2020 18:11",
"testUS23TriangleDisappearsAfterSuccesfulSave" : "ls 7/25/2019 13:20",
"testUS23TriangleIsStillVisibleWhenSaveDialogIsCancelled" : "AG 6/21/2019 14:16",
"testUS23TriangleReappearsWhenEditing" : "AG 6/21/2019 14:33",
"testUS23WhenTriangleIsVisibleCtrlSCanBePressedForSaveDialog" : "lh 7/24/2019 16:19",
"testUS36StructureIsNotExtendable" : "lh 6/5/2019 22:03",
"testUS49ApplySelectedStructureWithoutASelectionToNextTextBeginning" : "MB 7/25/2019 10:33",
"testUS49ApplySelectedStructureWithoutASelectionToNextTextEnd" : "MB 7/25/2019 10:33",
"testUS49ApplySelectedStructureWithoutASelectionToNextTextBeginning" : "JEH 6/14/2020 14:00",
"testUS49ApplySelectedStructureWithoutASelectionToNextTextEnd" : "JEH 6/14/2020 13:56",
"testUS49ApplySelectedStructureWithoutASelectionToNextTextMiddle" : "MB 7/25/2019 10:33",
"testUS49NoStructureApplyWhenCaretMovedBeginning" : "MB 7/25/2019 10:32",
"testUS49NoStructureApplyWhenCaretMovedEnd" : "MB 7/25/2019 10:32",
Expand Down

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